Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When it comes to the Sandy Hook Shooting I got 99 problem and the bitches are all of them

So since blaming the gays and the atheists for the sandy hook shootings didnt work, the Right Wing has a whole new idea:

Blame the women.

No thats right, despite the fact that the Sandy Hook shooter was a man, its all the fault of women. Here let me quote the national review.

"Like most people, I’ve been thinking and thinking about the Sandy Hook massacre. I’ve even pored over a map of the school and its killing sites — and studied a timeline of the incident, which appears to have unfolded over about 20 minutes. I have three observations:

There was not a single adult male on the school premises when the shooting occurred. In this school of 450 students, a sizeable number of whom were undoubtedly 11- and 12-year-old boys (it was a K–6 school), all the personnel — the teachers, the principal, the assistant principal, the school psychologist, the “reading specialist” — were female. There didn’t even seem to be a male janitor to heave his bucket at Adam Lanza’s knees."

Look to be fair bucket heaving is a time honored and very technical male activity. What I'm saying is this, you gotta hit the gym for years before you lift and throw a bucket. Its not like one of those chairs or desks, any jackass could have thrown that, you need real power for bucket throwing.

"Women and small children are sitting ducks for mass-murderers. The principal, Dawn Hochsprung, seemed to have performed bravely. According to reports, she activated the school’s public-address system and also lunged at Lanza, before he shot her to death. Some of the teachers managed to save all or some of their charges by rushing them into closets or bathrooms."

See women suck and are basically targets just asking to get shot (and raped...but thats a different article). So now to prove my point let me show you all the various ways in which they didnt just sit around waiting for some strange man to shoot them all passive like. because cognitive dissidence is AWESOME.

"But in general, a feminized setting is a setting in which helpless passivity is the norm. Male aggression can be a good thing, as in protecting the weak — but it has been forced out of the culture of elementary schools and the education schools that train their personnel. Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza."

Yep I mean everyone knows your standard husky 12 year old looks like this:

(Full disclosure at the time this picture was taken, the guy here, a member of the avengers known as rage was 13, not I mean he is a year older then the writer intended so that may make a difference....) 

But yea see what happens when we take a traditionally male dominated field like teaching and fill it up with dumb broads?. This is why we need to go back to making teaching "man's work" like it was back in in the year 190.......

"People, even unarmed people, need to fight back against criminals — because usually, no one else will. It took the police 20 minutes to arrive at Sandy Hook. By the time they got there, it was over."

Actually I'll be honest THAT is a good idea (given that pretty much every shooter not killed by the cops was taken down by unarmed civilians), with a caveat I'll get to in a second

"Cops and everybody else encourage civilians not to try to defend themselves when they are criminally assaulted. This is stupid advice. There are things you can do. Run is one of them, because most shooters can’t hit a moving target."

Run, that part is correct (and also the caveat, running is the best idea). As to the rest, well its a good thing guns never work on moving targets......

"The other, if you are in a confined space, is throw things at the killer, or try a tackle. Remember United Flight 93 on 9/11. It was a “flight of heroes” because a bunch of guys on that plane did what they could with what they had. "

See kids if you follow our advises you'll still wind up dead, we just wont make fun of you for being pussies. (no disrespect intended to the people on flight 93, that was a clearly a situation in which there was no way out alive, so they did the right thing....but I'm not sure killing yourself early is the best solution in any situation you can get out of alive)

I mean we could have used the examples of Patricia Maisch, Roger Salzgeber and Bill D. Badger, the three unarmed civilians who disarmed the Tuscon Shooter.  But see the problem there is by most accounts it was Mrs Maisch who actually got the fresh magazine away from the shooter stopping the rampage. And we all know women cant do shit. And hell real men go out in a blaze of glory anyways, these two guys lived so they are wimps.

"Parents of sick children need to be realistic about them. I know at least two sets of fine and devoted parents who have had the misfortune to raise sons who were troubled for genetic reasons beyond anyone’s control. Either of those boys could have been an Adam Lanza. You simply can’t give a non-working, non-school-enrolled 20-year-old man free range of your home, much less your cache of weapons. You have to set boundaries. You have to say, “You can’t live here anymore — you’re an adult, and it’s time for you to be a man. We’ll give you all the support you need, but we won’t be enablers.”

In which case that support happens to be food and a dry place to which case fuck off loser. I mean after all blood IS thicking then water, but a 9mm is thicker then blood, so if you have to pick between your family and your son, well you can always have more children, but the government might take your gun away......

So yea to sum up, if it wasnt for bitches not throwing buckets or kids out of their houses, all those kids might still be alive.

(in fairness this is one of 7 pages worth of responses the NR published some of which are reasonable) 

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