Thursday, December 6, 2012

That awkward moment when......

We all had them in life. You know what I'm talking about. Those super awkward moments where we all go "Oh man I cant believe I just said/did that". Well it turns out the life of an elected official is no different:

Example one: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell brought a bill to the floor today that he was SURE the democrats would never touch: a bill that would cede all the power for raising the debt limit to the president (and therefore all the blame from the far right every time he did so) and leave congress only with the power to veto the proposal with a 2/3rds vote in both houses. Which is actually a fairly smart solution, it means the president can always basically raise the debt ceiling and Republicans never have to actually vote for it. So they never betray their principals and all the "budget hawks" (by which of course I mean people who love spending and hate paying the bill.....)will blame the president. McConnell even named his plan the "McConnell plan".

Turned out, Sen McConnell had made one slight miscalculation in his plan. See he didnt think the Democrats would go for the plan, after all those same "fiscal hawks" and a fair number of others would be mad about them ceding power to the president. And really who wants the political firestorm. And of course since the Democrats wouldnt pass the bill, when the Debt Ceiling negotiations came up in February and the GOP once again objected to paying their bills to show how "serious" they are about not spending (and yes I know it doesnt make logical sense....) without getting massive concessions from the Dem's, likely undoing all the tax increases and cuts they dont like with the fiscal cliff talks, the Dem's couldnt object. I mean after all it would be the Democrats own fault they were in this position  they hadnt passed the "McConnell plan" to take that power away from the GOP and give it to the president.

But like I said, McConnell miscalculated. Turns out the Democrat's LOVE his plan and couldnt wait to pass it. Which would mean McConnell just gave up the very thing his counterpart in the House Speaker Boehner was calling "his leverage" and therefore the GOP would have no real way to force a re-negotiation on their terms, to cancel out the fiscal cliff negotiations they are going to lose on. Which means for the sake of the GOP the "McConnell plan" could never be allowed to pass.

And it didnt. At the end of the day the "McConnell plan" was filibustered, and the filibuster was lead by one Mitch McConnell......That's awkward.

Example two: Yesterday House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said there would be no adjournment of the house “until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been found." He added that due to "number of outstanding legislative items that we must revolve, members are advised that the House will now be in session the week of December 17.” before once again adding “members are further reminded that the House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been found.”

He was backed on this play by John Boehner, who said he wasnt going anywhere until a deal was reached.

And heres the thing, it sounds great. Especially given that the house hasnt had a 5 day work week in a long time, they work 4 days,then usually adjourn for the next 6 work days (and of course the weekend). So at least for once the house seems serious right?

Well except for one minor problem. Two minutes before Cantors announcement, which again was YESTERDAY, the House of Representatives voted to Adjourn itself for the week. Thats right, it's Wednesday and they are DONE for the week. In fairness though, its not their last day of the session. They WILL be Tuesday.

Because again “members are further reminded that the House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been found.” except for when it does. I mean after all we dont want to work too hard right? we might accidentally fix something or do something.
Again like I said......That's awkward.

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