Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The rich Democratic Sugar Daddy of the GOP.

Ok I gotta be honest, this is probably the most surprising story I've read in a while. Turns out the man who basically bank rolled the last presidential election for the republicans is an idiot who has no idea what the party actually stands for.

Sheldon Adelson was BY FAR the largest individual donor to the GOP in the last election, as he spent over $150 million on republican candidates (by and large all of whom lost) and has already pledged to double that support in 2016.

So clearly Mr. Adelson is a strict conservative right? no not really.

"Look, I’m basically a social liberal, I know nobody will believe that, “Number one, I’m supporting stem-cell research,” Adelson told the Wall Street Journal.

Ok look to be fair Stem Cell Research may be important in the long run, but a major election issue or even social issue it isnt. So I guess supporting the anti stem cell party makes sense since he agrees with every thing else right?

"I’m pro-Dream Act, I’m pro the Dream Act. My parents were immigrants to this country,” he said. “What are we going to do ? Listen, I’m sure a lot of my parents generation …..snuck onto the ship and they came into the country....So – people will do anything to leave massacres and to leave the economic conditions – they can’t put food on their own table....There has been in our history a lot of illegal immigration. Do I approve of it? No, but it’s here.

 It would be inhumane to send those people back , to send 12 million people out of this country to disrupt a whole potpourri of family issues  over what happens to the children. I mean it’s all ridiculous. So we’ve got to find a way, find a route for those people to get legal citizenship,”

Ok well again to be fair, himself being the child of possible illegals (based on context, I dont know) and definitely a First Generation American thats not too surprising. And if their is one social issue the GOP looks ready to give ground on its the Dream Act/Immigration I guess thats an understandable position too for a Republican donor.. But thats it right?

“You can take your own religious beliefs …and live your life with your own beliefs. But to make it a portion of the government’s policies?” 

Well again in Mr. Adelson's defense, not all republicans are religious nuts and as a Jew its not surprising he wouldnt want the stereotypical christian republican beliefs forced down peoples throats. Still I guess I'm not seeing any real MAJOR policy disagreements.....

“I’m pro choice,...Abortion shouldn’t be brought up as a political issue,”

Dafuq? sir are you SURE your a republican? I mean they have passed more anti abortion laws since 2010 then they have every other year since Roe v Wade was decided combined. In fact I'm pretty sure the last guy who came out as pro choice got kicked out of the party for being a RINO (republican in name only)

“And by the way I’m in favor of a socialized-like health care.”

Yet you gave 150 Million and are pledging 300 million to the party who SOLE issue over the last couple elections has been repealing and doing away with a health care system they think is socialist and more to the point never insisting a system even remotely like a socialist system.

Are you SURE you know what your doing sir?

"Look, nobody agrees with 100 % of their planks” is what he told the WSJ when they basically asked him the same question.

Thing is though, you appear to agree with none of them. Just saying so far down the list you have been somewhere between left and hard left on every issue/

So whats the real reason Mr. Adelson is bankrolling the GOP? 

Well for that, you gotta go back to a previous interview with Politico in which Adleson said his primary reason for supporting the GOP was that he believed that a second Obama term would bring " vilification of people that were against him. [Obama]” and that he already believed he himself was on the top of Obama's list 

What was he talking about? lifting directly for the aforementioned article "Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands Corp. is being scrutinized by federal investigators looking into possible money-laundering in Vegas, and possible violation of bribery laws by the company’s ventures in China, including four casinos in the gambling mecca of Macau."

And what does Mr. Adelson say about it? (from same interview) “When I see what’s happening to me and this company, about accusations that are unfounded, that kind of behavior … has to stop"

I should point out the investigation into Adelson began after an EX employee went whistle blower in 2009, long before he gave a dime to the republicans. So hes got his process backwards. He wasnt picked on for donating against Obama....he did that after the government came after him.

Now maybe its just me, but big multi billion dollar companies like Adelson's usually make mince meat out of people who file false claims against them, as I understand it its a common occurrence because people are greedy and out to make an easy buck. 

And usually Adelson does the same thing, he releases the "hounds" (lawyers) and rips the guy to pieces. But for whatever reason O:) not this time. 

No this time he apparently believes it necessary to sell out all the positions he actually agrees with to elect a political candidate whos gonna owe him big time as President of the United States. And lets be honest these investigations are gonna take a while, they always do. And he's decided that it likely wont conclude until after the next election so he's willing to go "double or nothing". 

Unless you can think of another reason you spend what will be $450,000,000 on a party you dont agree with on anything.

I'm not saying Adelson did it, or that the GOP is corrupt or anything like that. What I am saying though is it says alot about both Adelson and the GOP that Adelson is willing to give them that kind of money on the belief mistaken or not they will help all his personal legal issues go away.

I mean maybe he's wrong (and I hope he is, just for the sake of good governance even if he's innocent I want to see it proved) but if I were the GOP I'd a bit embarrassed about my top donor right now. Disagrees on everything, figures your "for sale" and will make his legal troubles vanish. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

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