Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rick Santorum's new job.

So everyone remembers Senator Rick Santorum right?

If you dont let me help you out: hates gays, ran for president and came in second in the GOP primary in 2012 after basing part of his campaign on a "War on Porn", hates gays, wears a sweater vest ALL the time, hates gays, while in the senate passed legislation to classify a medical procedure called IDX as a partial birth abortion and therefore illegal....but only after an IDX procedure saved the life of his wife, hates gays, victim of the most epic internet prank of all times (google his name, look until you find the link to the website "spreading santorum" these days its number 5 or 6, but for more then a decade it was the top result for his name) and did I mention hates gays?

Well it turns out he's got a new job. He's now a columnist at WorldNetDaily A.K.A. WND.com.

Now I know what your thinking, yea so? whats WND? Ever heard of the birthers? You want to guess who dreamed that story up? that would be WorldNetDaily. Or actually to put that theory, that they are still pushing, into its current form:

You know that site that discovered that the President was secretly fathered by Frank Marshall Davis (if you havnt heard of him, he's a black journalist who married a white woman.....and also american born, but dont worry if you didnt know him since being made into a random scary boogyman by the far right is his biggest "accomplishment") but his [american born] Mother had to lie and claim that the boy's real father was the Kenyan Barack Obama Sr. for unspecified reasons, so she went to Kenya to secretly have her baby [with its TWO american parents, just saying], but not before planting fake birth announcements, before bringing the baby back here before running off with her new husband to simultaneously raise him in Singapore and Indonesia where she could secretly bring him up Islamic before sending him back to the states to go to college, which of course he only got into because he was a black Indosingpayan [and really how many of those do you know?] and where he met his gay lover turned secret gay husband who he had murdered so that he could marry Michelle Obama, which of course was secretly arranged by Obama's militant black preacher [and really what good Muslim doesnt have one of those?] Reverend Wright as the finishing steps of the master-plan that had started when Frank Marshall Davis inseminated Obama's mother, all of which as it turns out can be clearly seen if you just decipher the Islamic script on the wedding ring his husband gave him back in college.

[BTW do your self a favor, DO NOT try to make any sense out of or apply logic to ^. I currently have a tissue in both nostrils AND my ears in other to stop the bleeding after I broke my brain trying]

Yea anyways, THAT website, also the same website that is pushing the "3rd Obama term" and "how Romney can still be president" theories I mentioned in an earlier post, that website is where Rick Santorum has decided to go to carry on his legacy.

Oh did I mention that less then a week ago Senator Santorum mentioned he was totally "open" to running for president again in 2016?

Well can i just say I wish you the best of luck Senator, but something tells me that in 4 years you may find that "The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex." (remember the spreading santorum prank? yea thats what I was talking about) is only the SECOND most problematic thing that is going to associated with your name during a Google search.

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