Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hobby Lobby and its new Dominatrix hobby.....

So between allergies and smashing up my hand (merry Christmas to me) I havnt been able to write as many of these as I want. Hopefully that ends now. So I guess we will kick off my big return ( :p ) with something that SHOULD be a blast from the past, but sadly isnt.

Anyone ever heard of the "Hobby Lobby"? My guess is knowing at least several of my friends read this and all of my friends are nerds and/or geeks (like me) I assume many of you do. If you dont, the name is pretty self explanatory.

Well anyways it turns out the Hobby Lobby has a message for the United States Supreme Court.....go fuck yourself.

Let me explain: Last year the Obama administration passed something called "a contraception mandate" Basically what it says is that the health insurance you get though your job has to cover female contraception.

And not to shockingly many religious people who own companies are complaining that its totally unfair that the government gives you the OPTION of swallowing something (like say a Pill) instead of deep-throating the owners personal religious belief (which has to be the WORST Penis allusion ever, but hey work with me here). And this group of religious owners includes the Hobby Lobby.

So they sued to stop the government from allowing YOU to have affordable contraception, because it violates their religious beliefs. See apparently the 11th commandment states "Thou shalt place in thy mouth only what thy employer wants there". As a side note, I've heard thats the usual rule about quick promotions as well....

Now look heres the thing,  I think most people can figure out my personal stand on this based on the jokes made thus far. But I also respect that Hobby Lobby has the right to sue to try to change the law. So thats not my problem.

But they lost. So they appealed to the Supreme Court. And to be honest, the Supreme Court moves quickly....just like a tortoise. So they asked for an injunction while waiting for the appeal.

An injunction for those who dont speak lawyer, basically means a court action that blocks the law from applying until the legality of the law can be decided. In short, with an injunction the Hobby Lobby wouldnt have to give you a health insurance plan that covers contraception unless/until the SCOTUS (supreme court of the united states) ruled against them later when they heard the appeal.

Now look, I admit something sounds "fishy" about injunctions "the law doesnt apply, unless we say it does later" but I can think of many examples where for non self serving reasons I am in favor of them, so I dont actually have a problem with the request.

BUT (and this I promise is the problem) the SCOTUS DID NOT grant the injunction  So what was the Hobby Lobby's  reply? "Yea well, fuck you, we still wont cover contraception, fuck off"

Now this bothers me on two levels. One is the basic argument in this case specifically. Which basically seems to be "You cant touch my freedom of religion, by forcing me to do something that I believe would make it harder for me to practice my beliefs, but I can totally do it to you" since thats basically what they are saying to their employees

The other level in this. Had Hobby Lobby gotten their injunction they would have quite happily have told the government "yea see I DONT have to give contraception (or anything really, to make this situation neutral) because the SCOTUS said so, so suck on that bitch"

And they rightly would have been furious if the government (or anyone else) said "we see your SCOTUS what? do it our way". I mean think of it like this, what do you think Hobby Lobby's reaction would be if they win the eventual SCOTUS case and the government says "thats nice. we dont care, we are still saying you have to buy contraception"?

Personally I think you would see wall to wall coverage on all television networks of the "poor" hobby lobby spokesmen, speaking out against this unprecedented violation of the rule of know, the same rule of law the Hobby Lobby is currently shitting all over.    

And their is another thing here as well, In deference to the need to explain the situation I "short-handed" the Hobby Lobby's objection as being against paying for contraception, but its actually a bit more complex then that. See they dont object to paying for ALL Contraception, just certain kinds, specifically Plan B.

See they claim that Plan B is an abortion. Its not, but hey who needs facts.

Now look, I'm sure their are some insane religious zealots out there who will make some technical BS argument about how Plan B's stopping ovulation and preventing fertilization is an abortion. But the problem for those people is that is also the exact same description of the birth control pills (which Hobby Lobbby claims they will pay for happily). really the main difference is do you take it preemptively or in a larger emergency dose.

But hey size matters (at least thats what my ex told me....and I assume the that's the Hobby Lobby's point as well). And apparently it matters enough that ALL THING including the rule of law, science and facts all come second to size.

I will say this though, I do reluctantly have the give the Hobby Lobby a tad bit of credit, they have said they will not fight the punishment that will come from refusing to obey the court ruling on the injunction  which looks like it will be about 1.3 million dollars a DAY in fines.

Now look I could be wrong, but I think renting a submissive is a much cheaper way to tell someone what to swallow (or not swallow) and when, but I could be wrong......and to be fair being a Dominatrix is a Hobby, so at least the Lobby is living up to its name.

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