Friday, December 14, 2012

Welcome to Michigan where democracy is dead and insanity rules with an iron fist.

There's a good chance that if you've heard anything about Michigan lately it was about the right to work bill they passed without a committee hearing and under 24 hours, after the governor expressly said he didnt support the idea....then 180'ed right after the election. But heres the thing, thats not the only bill to get ramrodded through in that fashion.

Now since it is the most well known I will start with some of the issues with the Right-to-Work bill. First you have the hypocrisy problem, and I dont mean the Governors overnight 180. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the basic tenant of  conservatism individual accountability? I mean they are always against government handout and any thing for free right?

Well see heres the thing, the Michigan Right to Work bill violates that principal. See lets say you choose not to join the union at your, and therefore dont pay any money for it, and the Union later negotiates a pay raise for its members or more sick days. Well logically since you chose not to join, you shouldnt get those new benefits right? You wanted to save some money, and now you have to deal with the negative consequences right? that's the conservative line. But that's NOT what the Right to Work bill does. no see according to that bill, you the non union member, are still entitled to that raise and more sick days. Because according to the law the Union still has to represent you, even though you dont want to be a member, and arnt paying for the benefits.  

In other words your freeloading. You know the very thing Republicans and Conservatives are supposed to be against.

But you see, since everyone would rationally choose to freeload (I mean why pay when you can get it for free?) the unions will quickly shut down. And unions tend to support the Democrats the same way corporations tend to support Republicans

And really what are principals and morals when given the chance to hurt the other side right?

Now on to some of the lesser publicized bills that have been passed in pretty much the same way (no discussion, no amendments, voted on in hours)

We have the "Anti Sharia Law" bill, which is now the "anti foreign laws bill" after a court tossed an earlier version for singling out one religion. Basically the law says "courts can not try you under or base decisions on,any law that isnt an american law". Because you know that happens all the time. Kinda like how I make a million dollars a day.......

But hey just because something has never once happened and is already banned by the US Constitution is no reason we cant legislate against it.

And then we have the anti abortion bill that does several interesting things. Chief among them, it forces you to purchase an additional "rider" (addition) for abortion insurance even if your plan already covers abortions.

Thats right, you went out and found a plan that already covers your abortion....too bad. You still have to purchase an additional coverage for abortion, at additional cost, if you actually intend on using your plan.     

Because hey, you can freeload on unions, but you gotta pay twice for an abortion. Thats logical right?

Oh and heres the really insane part, they passed that law 4 times in the same day (SB 613, SB 614, HB1213 and HB 1214). Because you know why the fuck not?

They also passed a bill allowing for any employee at any grocery store to refuse to accept food stamps if they have "moral objections" or see accepting food stamps as payment for food is a "matter of conscience."

Because you know letting people eat is immoral.

And of course said employee cant be fired or punished in any way by the employer for acting on a "moral issue"

Because again, Starvation is totally better then immorally allowing people to eat.

And then we get to the other big one, and one that got the word Dictatorship put in the title of this: The emergency manger act.

Basically the way it works is this: if the governor of the state decides your town is financially unstable (which is totally up to his discretion) he can appoint an emergency manager for your town, who has total administrative control over the town, replacing the elected mayor, town council what have you. And the Emergency manager has totally unchecked powers, he can sell off town property, or even dissolve the town itself if he so deems it.

Think about that, the Gov of Michigan can now basically at will remove the elected government of any place he wants and appoint someone who can dissolve the town you live in because he feels like it.

Oh and if that wasnt dictatorial enough, that law was on the books for the last two years in Michigan, and was implements and several towns were basically pillaged and/or dissolved by emergency managers who sold all the towns assets to themselves. So the bill was put up for referendum after something like 100 times the number of signature needed to put it up for referendum were delivered.

And not surprisingly it went down hard in the election 3 weeks ago.

And now the GOP in Michigan just put it back in place. AND they reportedly added an appropriations amendment to it (as well as all the other bills I've listed, and the one yet to come) because according to state law any bill that has an appropriation in it is not eligible for referendum.

Cause you know fuck what the people want. They vote something down,  ignore them, they are just 99%'ers

And now finally the last one. This AFTERNOON the governor of Michigan signed a bill allowing people to carry concealed weapons in "schools, day care centers, stadiums and churches."

Let me repeat that THIS AFTERNOON the Governor of Michigan decided to make it legal to carry a weapon into SCHOOLS and DAYCARE CENTERS

Can anyone think of anything that might have happened, oh I dont know THIS MORNING, that would make that seem like a very very very very bad idea?


I mean damn, talk about tone motherfucking deaf.....

So yea, welcome to Michigan, Fuck the poor, fuck women, fuck union, fuck what the public wants. And try to survive the experience.......

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