Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Birthers, proof the zombie Apocalypse has already happened?

Thats right the conspiracy theory that will not die is back again.

Yesterday Barack Obama was officially elected the next President of the United States.

Yes I know, the election was last month right? yep. but your vote doesnt really count. In fact you didnt vote for the president at all. What you did was tell your state who they should send to the electoral college. Your districts votes for Obama on the ballot, they pick the a guy (read minor politician  who has pledged to support Obama and send him to the electoral college. Replace with Romney that if your district went for Romney.

And the college convinced yesterday to elect the person who will be the next president. And of course Obama won as expected. In fact since we always know the electoral vote well ahead of time, its not especially newsworthy most years. Yes we occasionally get a single elector who bucks the rules and votes the way he wants, not the way he was supposed to (notably in the 1820 election, James Monroe failed to get 100% of the electoral votes for that reason).

And then we have this election. And we have the state of Arizona. Now all the delegates in AZ cast their votes for Mitt Romney, as they are supposed to, based on the outcome of the popular vote. And because what you have is a red state casting all its votes for the republican candidate, this should be the most boring thing in the freaking world. And then this happened:

"I'm not satisfied with what I've seen, I think for somebody in the president's position to not have produced a document that looks more legitimate, I have a problem with that,"

Thats head the Arizona state GOP and electoral delegate Tom Morrissey, responding the a routine question during the meeting.

Oh but here's the thing, Mr. Morrissey would like you to know, he's not a birther, at least that's his claim on a local radio show. Because see he thinks Obama was born here. He just doesn't believe thats the real birth certificate. He just doesn't believe that "the document that i've seen as his birth certificate is valid."

And he's not the only one of the Airizona electors who believes this. Two more present and former country chairmen were appointed as well. And they both agree with Mr. Morrissey. On both points.

Don Ariscoli, one of the other two said very much the same thing to another interviewer claiming (quoting the interviewer since they didnt give the direct quote) "He’s not a birther. He just thinks the longform birth certificate released by Obama in 2011 is a fraud and wants to see the real one." He added in a different radio interview his other justification ”The majority of the people had no dream that Bill Clinton did what he did until a young lady had a blue dress and proved he did, “And he had to come out and apologize to the world because he lied to you and me.”

The last man John D. Rhodes isnt saying much. Which isnt shocking given the intellectual heavyweights he's working with.

I mean look we all know the seasonal maxim: "every time a bell rings an angel gets it wings". Well there is another lesser known maxium that apparently is good enough to make a national jackass of yourself out of "everytime a white guy lies about fellatio, we lose the birth certificate of a black guy named O"

Either that, or he never actually lost it and basically made up a fake copy just to fuck with people. Because hey why not?

I guess we should be trilled they at least all agree he was born here. Thats better then what their Secretary of State was claiming before the election, when he tried to get Obama tossed off the state ballot for not being born here.

But then again the leader of it this time around is the HEAD of the GOP in the state. And Arizona wonders why the rest of us think they are crazy.......this is the zombie idea that will never die....just get dumber and dumber and dumber......

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