Friday, December 14, 2012

Mike Huckabee and Brian Fischer are pieces of shit.

Look I'm a fairly tolerant person when it comes to religion. Do or say whatever it is you want to do/say, just leave me out of it is my usual policy.

And then there are days like today. Days where someone hits one of my pet peeves.

On FOX news (where else?) Mike Huckabee was asked the following question by FOX's Neil Cavuto "You know, inevitably people ask after tragedies like this, how could God let this happen?"

Now look credit to Cavuto, that is a fairly common question and the inability for any religion to answer it satisfactorily is one of the major problems with the usual construction of God, since you know, God just has to always be all good and all powerful.....which is a real bitch when bad shit happens since the contradiction in why an all good all powerful being didnt stop evil is a problem.

And then of course Huckabee gave the rather predictable answer that some asshole who feels like they must say more then "I dont know" or some other more bullshity equivalent (god works in mysterious ways) and move on quickly like most people do. people smart enough to realize there's a time and place for their bullshit but this aint it. But like I said, Huckabee is too much of a self righteous asshole for that. So he said instead:

"Well, you know, it’s an interesting thing. We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we’ve systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage because we’ve made it a place where we don’t want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability? That we’re not just going to have to be accountable to the police, if they catch us. But one day, we will stand before a Holy God in judgment. If we don’t believe that, then we don’t fear that."

Because you know it has to be the victims fault they were shot. not the shooter, the victims. because you know if those kids had just prayed they might still be alive. I assume therefore all the victims were atheists and all the kids who made it out where good Christians right?

Somehow I doubt that. In part because there just arnt enough atheists in this country. But hey dont let something like the murder of young children stand in the way of your telling their families what sinners and unholy little bastards they were, totally deserving of their fates.

And then of course there is the other group of people Huckabee is blaming. Because if we know anything at all about this event its that the gunman is totally not at fault. Because God could have stopped him, but didnt. therefore the people who stopped God from stopping him are at fault.

Or as our other featured piece of shit, American Family Assocation's Brian Fischer put it "God could have protected the victims of this massacre, but didn't because God is not going to go where he is not wanted and so if school administrators really want to protect students, they will start every school day with prayer."

Yep. see its the teachers fault. they failed to protect the students from a lunatic with a gun. And by the way its not just the teachers its all of us. Again back to Huckabee "we’ve systematically removed God from our schools"

See thats the real problem if we ALL just prayed harder these kids would still be alive. And for the record, its not just the godless heathens like me at fault here. Its all of you who faithful who have failed to covert me to pray.

And maybe if you had, then maybe God, who apparently is easily offended, temperamental and basically behaving like moody a 7 year old, and throwing a tantrum trying to "show you" by letting people get killed might have done something.

Like Fischer said "God could have protected the victims of this massacre, but didn't". I assume therefore had you all just tried a bit harder to convert me and my ilk, God would have come down in front of the school, yelled something like "thou shalt not pass" and smited the gunman with a lighting bolt. In fact I image it looking a bit like this

Now that would be funny if it wasnt for the face that as near as I can tell Huckabee and Fischer are serious and actually think that could happen.

I mean seriously that is some sick shit. We as a society are the real villains here, if we had all just bent over and stuck our heads as far up our collective asses as Huckabee and Fisher and just wished really really really really really hard, God would have swooped in like a superhero and done something. But first we have to brown nose him harder, because God is a bigger asshole then Huckabee and Fischer. That seems to be what they honestly believe.

But hey its not like Huckabee and Fischer are wrong, I mean after all back in the day when everyone believed in God and/or we had school prayer, there was no violence.

Crusades. Spanish Inquisition. Witchcraft trials. 30 years war. The Bath School Bombings in Michigan in 1927 that killed 47. University of Texas Massacre in 1966 that killed 16. The Fullerton Massacre (at CA state) in 1976.

But yes it is belief in God that would have saved those children, and it is totally YOUR FAULT for not believing hard enough that they are dead. Not the rampaging lunatic with a gun, YOU.

I guess the only real upshot to this is that for every Mike Huckabee out there, there are at least a million other religious people who understand the simple fact that bad things can and do happen, and that instead of sitting on your high horse and blaming everyone for not listening to you and your stupid beliefs, that we should instead find actual productive solutions to prevent this from happening again.

Or you can be a shit like Huckabee and blame the victims.......

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