Sunday, December 9, 2012

Slapaho and the Violence Against Women Act

So I know not many people know this about me (even my parents dont), but I'm actually part Native American. Specifically I'm a member of the Slapaho tribe. Which is why on behalf of my fellow Hoslappers I'm thrilled we have a congressman like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

See every so often congress passes this bill called the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which basically says I cant lay down the law, even in my own home when the bitch is a few minutes late bringing me my meals. I mean if I cant use my belt to teach her a lesson, how the fuck is she gonna learn 5 o'clock means 5 o'fucking clock, not 5:01? (Well assuming I had a wife.....for some odd reason no woman wants to marry me)

Luckily for me, this time around the VAWA hasnt been renewed since September of last year. Why? Well God's Own Party, or as they are also called, the republicans, are taking a heroic stand to protect my right to smack that bitch. AND as a bonus they are taking a stand on good ole transitional values, the same values I plan on bringing my son up with someday, at least once I can figure out how to "illegitimately rape" a woman so she gets preggers.

See the GOP objections to the bill as proposed this time is that is it strengthened protections for furener's, Injuns, carpet munchers, fags, and other abominations in the eyes of the lord. Sadly for the future of this country the evil commie-nazis over in the senate passed a version of the bill that did protect all those inferior types.

Which means even though the House of Representative's of God's Will on Earth passed the version that protects my family values by allowing me to stick my fist in a dyke, and only protects married straight real american women, or as I like to think of it, God's chosen  it wasnt good enough. Now they actually have to compromise.....which we all know is code for sell out to the Muslim Kenyan illegally occupying the White House.

Sadly for God and the future of the country, the GOP already caved on protecting the faeries and illegals who took my job. But they is standing strong on the god given right to slap a redwoman.

In fact according to some reports squaw smacking is about the only thing the RINO's who took over my republican party are willing to stand strong on. So on behalf on my native brothers in the slapaho tribe we all thank Eric Cantor for standing firm on our rights, even if he is selling our country out to the gay agenda otherwise.

I wish other republicans would do the same, but sadly they have all been cowed by the lamestream media into offering more compromises so as to not be called "racist", which as we all know is just a lefty buzzword for conservative. See RINO sellouts like Darell Issa and the tax traitor Tom Cole have already offered an amendment that would allow Native Women to choose to have the federal government protections for their given case, instead of letting the local tribal law apply (as is the case now without VAWA). Which they claim is a compromise from giving natives the assumed protection of federal laws as the VAWA does, because it actually thinks bitches are created equal to us men folk.

But that aint no compromise, cause we all know what that means, I mean women are nothing but slaves to the left wing, and we know they love their government gifts and free handouts like contraception, so they will of course always choose to be slaves to the government so that they can have slut-sex with anyone they want, instead of how god intended, Sex whenever their Husband wants. So to get her slut pills every native woman will of course opt for the government to "protect" her.

But luckily for us, Leader Cantor has already rejected the traitors bill and will fight to defend real american liberty, the kind that says I can beat my native american wife as god intended. Three cheers for the savior of the Slapaho people. Hip Hip Horray!!!!!!

Stand Strong Leader Cantor, Stand Strong.

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