Sunday, December 2, 2012

The other sick part about the GOP Benghazi attack lines

So it turns out, not surprisingly, the GOP attacks over the Benghazi attacks serves a double purpose (beyond getting Susan Rice DQ'ed for Sec of State in order to get Scott Brown reelected) and that is to again go back to the myth that republicans are better on national security, which they invented after 9/11 happened when they were in charge of national security. Although to be fair I dont blame any one party for that, and I mention it only because I believe it explains the extreme defensiveness of the GOP on the issue....many of them I believe DO blame their own party and are terrified the American People will (unfairly) as well if the GOP doesnt "make up for it" at all time.

Which is why you have people like Senator Lindsey Graham and others (although I'm picking on Graham here cause he's gotten a comparative pass on my other two rants on the issue) saying things like this:

"If we don't change our strategy from a foreign policy point of view...change this light footprint approach to the war on terror, there are gonna be more Benghazis,"

In otherwords if we dont John Wayne this bitch and go hard go harder and go hardest all the time more people are going to die.

Well see here's the problem: The last major terrorist attack against a US embassy was in 2010 when two embassy staff were killed (as were a few other civilians in the area) as part of a larger wave of attacks (that had nothing to do with us directly).

Now Ok, thats on Obama's watch, so i guess that doesnt really help my case....just means he's doubly weak, so how about this: (and for the record I'm not skipping 2011 or 2009....nothing happened those years)

September 17th 2008, 6 people (not counting civilians) were killed in an Al-Qaeda attack on our embassy in Yeman. Now I'm pretty sure Obama wasnt president back then, and we were doing the John Wayne style politics Lindsey Graham said would keep us safe.

July 9th 2008, AKA just 2 months before the above attack. 3 People were killed in an attack on the american embassy in Istanbul.

18 March 2008, A rocket was fired at the embassy in Yeman....yes that would be the same embassy from two paragraphs up, that would come under attack AGAIN 6 months later. This time no embassy workers were killed but only because the rocket missed and blew up a school next to the embassy instead.

That's 3 attacks, 2 ON THE SAME PLACE, in under a year, with a body count of Embassy personal more then twice that on Benghazi. Oddly their was no outrage from any Republican

By the way, you know where senator Lindsey Graham was in 2008? he was wrapping up a stint on the Senate Select committee for other words he was one of the people who "should have seen those attacks coming" (assuming such a thing was possible, but thats the charge he is currently leveling at others now in that position so)

Nor was their any outrage, durring the September 12th 2006 attack in Syria, December 6, 2004 attack in Saudi Arabia, June 30th 2004 attack in Uzbekistan, the February 28th 2003 attack in Pakistan, the October 12th attack in Indonesia, the June 14th 2002 attacks in Pakistan or the January 22nd 2002 attacks in India.

Literally all of those were unavoidable tragedies to the GOP  (correctly). no criticisms there at all, no calling the attacks the biggest cover up since watergate or the needing a special congressional committee to get to the bottom of. Nope those were cool.

And to be fair I'm not picking on Bush, cause heres the thing, every single president since at least 1970 (as far back as i cared to look) has seen embassies attacked during his term(s) and people killed. In fact the highest death toll of all embassy attacks was under president clinton in the
1998 United States embassy bombings that killed 223 people. And that I should point out was long before the John Wayne style Foreign policy Graham claims we need to stay safe. So clearly foreign policy plays very little roll in any of thise.

Oh and were was Senator Graham during those attacks? he was in the House then and on the 
United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, AKA the committee actual responsible for embassy safety.....Way to go Lindsey.

And actually to be honest, not much has changed either. Today Senator Graham sits on the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the United States Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, both of which are supposed to identify threats to the United States before they act......kinda like what DIDNT happen in Benghazi.

Look the fact that the ONLY reason the Benghazi attacks are currently getting so much attention is because Republicans are trying to gin up a non existent scandal is pretty disturbing, given what they are basically doing is exploiting a few deaths of their advantage (although given how hard they used 9/11 I'm not shocked)

The fact that the only reason that this attack got any real attention at all was both a mix of when it happened, (election year) and that one of the people killed this time happened to be an ambassador, which makes him much more important then the other smucks who were killed in the other attacks according to the media is sad.

But the fact that Lindsey Graham, the ONE guy in congress who's been dealing with this tragic part of american policy for years is now pretending that this is something like an "unprecedented" situation and pretending foreign policy has anything to do with this at all is just sick.

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