This Week in Ashley Judd:
So Kentucky Senator and [Republican] Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is up for reelection this year. And the GOP is pulling out all the stops to keep McConnell in office
In fact maybe you've seen this ad: (if you happen to live in Kentucky anyways)
That's an ad by Karl Rove, you know the guy who used to be Bush's Brain attacking actress and Kentucky Native Ashley Judd.
Which is kind of odd, given that Ashley Judd isnt running for any office, let alone the senate.
Glad to see your not wasting time and money on stupid definitely learned your lesson about not flushing money down the toilet from the 2012 election where you basically lost every race, didnt you Karl?
Next up, this week in pre-taped.
So I dont know if your news station mentioned this or not, but mine did. When Marco Rubio gave the State of the Union, he had just finished taping the Spanish Language version....sans water-break I assume. And while that actually likely does explain the Portland Springs cameo in his speech [dry mouth from giving the speech back to back twice], thats actually not the real problem the Spanish Language version caused.
See if he's giving the Spanish version WHILE the president is still talking that kinda makes it hard for him to, you know LISTEN to the speech he's supposed to be rebutting. Also it locks him into a script as it would look horrible if he gave Spanish speakers a totally different vision of the Republican party then he gave English speakers due to modifications to more directly rebut Obama.
Which is probably the reason behind these unreported awkward comments in the Rubio Speech.
A good two or three minutes of Rubios speech followed this line and built on this argument.
"But President Obama? He believes it’s the cause of our problems. That the economic downturn happened because our government didn’t tax enough, spend enough and control enough. And, therefore, as you heard tonight, his solution to virtually every problem we face is for Washington to tax more, borrow more and spend more.
This idea – that our problems were caused by a government that was too small – it’s just not true. In fact, a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies."
And for the next 12 Paragraphs he proceeded to lay out that case.
Which is a bit awkward when the President himself said in the speech
"The American people don’t expect government to solve every problem. They don’t expect those of us in this chamber to agree on every issue....It’s not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth."
It's not much of a retort when you AGREE with the guy your supposed to be refuting. But sadly for Marco Rubio its not the most awkward part of his speech, as their was one line that made it clear, even before he gave the Spanish version he wasnt listening.
"Republicans have offered a detailed and credible plan that helps save Medicare without hurting today’s retirees. Instead of playing politics with Medicare, when is the President going to offer his plan to save it? Tonight would have been a good time for him to do it."
Turns out, the President had kinda preemptively answered Marco Rubio's challenge.
the second subject the President touched on in his speech, well in the first 45 minutes, was entitlements, and the 16 paragraph of his speech is as follows
"On Medicare, I’m prepared to enact reforms that will achieve the same amount of health care savings by the beginning of the next decade as the reforms proposed by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission. Already, the Affordable Care Act is helping to slow the growth of health care costs. The reforms I’m proposing go even further. We’ll reduce taxpayer subsidies to prescription drug companies and ask more from the wealthiest seniors. We’ll bring down costs by changing the way our government pays for Medicare, because our medical bills shouldn’t be based on the number of tests ordered or days spent in the hospital – they should be based on the quality of care that our seniors receive. And I am open to additional reforms from both parties, so long as they don’t violate the guarantee of a secure retirement. Our government shouldn’t make promises we cannot keep – but we must keep the promises we’ve already made."
I admit its not much of a plan, but by "speech standards" its a plan and a vision.
Just saying Senator Rubio, its a bit awkward to challenge someone to do something they just did.....
And this does even cover the fact that you just put your house on the know the one you referenced in your speech as proof your determined to be one of the "common man".
Just saying dude, maybe the "Drink seen round the world" was the best thing to happen to you since it stopped anyone from noticing the rest....
And now this week in "who saw that coming? *sarcasm*
So a few months ago in response to the NRA's call to put armed guards in every school, America's toughest Sheriff and professional crack pot Joe Arpaio took them up on the offer, and grabbed a whole bunch of smucks off the street, deputized them, and put them in schools. The only real requirement seemed to be you need to provide your own gun.
Now stories quickly circulated that a couple of the guys had felony arrests. But you know Sheiff Joe assured us that was just a fluke and that they were only drug arrests (which was true)
Well it turns out, it kinda wasnt. In addition to the two previously mentioned people, it now turns out at least one of the posse members has a history of domestic abuse.
then there was the guy who was arrested BY THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE ITSELF, for pulling a gun on, and threating a man, after a minor traffic accident.
Like I said, they literally just grabbed guys off the freaking street in a rush to kiss the NRA's ass, and "prove putting people with guns in schools works"
Oh by the way, what does Sheriff Joe have to say about that that, and the fact that the people he's supposedly protection are complaining about it?
"It doesn't matter whether they like it or don't, I'm still going to do it. I can't imagine criticism coming when they're given free protection."
Like I said, this was never about protection it was about kissing NRA ass and public display of guns in schools.
And of course when you grab dudes at random off the street your going to get some criminals. I mean really who didnt see that coming?
Actually you know what, I almost forgot one, and sadly the one who seems to be the easiest to see coming when you just give random shucks on the street police powers.
Dominic Boulter was a member of the Sheriffs posse. I say was because he's about to be DEPORTED. Because you know, turns out this fine upstanding citizen empowered to enforce american laws, wasnt a citizen at all. BUT thats not the part a background check would have caught,
No see the part Sheriff Joe should have seen coming when he started giving a badge to anyone with a gun, is why Mr. Boulter is being deported.
He was found guilty of MULTIPLE counts of sexual exploitation of minors, this by the way was before he joined the posse
yep that's right, in his rush to look like the NRA golden boy and grab the spot light, Sheriff Joe gave a badge to a pedophile and send him, with a gun, to a school to "protect" children.
You know what, I had more "this week in's" but honestly nothing is going to make to more impact then that, so I'm done for today. I'm gonna go home, think of Sheriff Joe and throw up.
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