Monday, February 11, 2013

Ted "suck on my machine gun Obama" Nugent is headed to the State of the Union....this ought to be fun

So maybe you've heard of Ted Nugent.....if you havnt its no real surprise.  He's a washed up rocker from the late 70's who never had a number 1 album release.

If you have heard of him, its probably more because of his outspoken and staunchly socially conservative views and his frequent appearances, on FOX news, where they try to avoid mentioning that one of his most popular songs "Cat Scratch Fever" is about how much fun it is to fuck anything that moves....until you get syphilis. And that most of his other hits follow in the same vein "If You Can't Lick 'Em...Lick 'Em" "The Harder They Come (The Harder I Get)," "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" "Pussywhipped" ect.

But anyways, yea that guy has become a FOX news celebrity for family values conservatism....oh and something else too, and its the something else that got him the spot at the state of the union. Gun Rights. Which isnt too shocking since Nugent is on the board of the NRA (just in case you thought Wayne LaPierre had a monopoly on crazy over there)

But see here's the problem, Nugent is well just a bit crazy. See this is his most famous rant on gun rights

And not too surprisingly as it turns out telling elected officials to stick a gun in various parts of their anatomy, while actually brandishing the weapon in question kinda counts a death threat at least according to the US Secret Service......

nor is that the only "death threat" Nugent has made against the president, he also said this last year:

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year." and added "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," which you know, got him another visit from his friends at the secret service..... apparently admitting at the annual NRA conference (or any event) your intention to kill the president or die trying, doesnt sit well with some people.

Those comments also got him barred from Ft. Knox and pulled from a tour he was doing there.... apparently the army isn't too thrilled with someone threatening to kill their commander-and-chief. But apparently its not enough to stop you from being invited to the state of the union.

At least its not when your invited by Congressman Steve Stockman, who after Newtown introduced articles of impeachment against Obama for gun control legislation he was proposing, despite the fact that at the time, Obama had yet to say anything about the subject...(and that doesnt even consider the fact the president cant propose legislation in the first place).

Stockman by the way has also announced he plans on doing a "live truth check" of the presidents speech, an announcement he made on twitter, with the harsh tag #YouLie. As in this:

Remember that from 2009? helped kick off the "obstructionist GOP/crazy GOP narrative" that's worked out so well for them since.....

Yep the GOP is going to bring NRA member with a history of threatening to shoot the President to the State of the Union as the guest of a man who may reenact the most infamous (and not in a good way) moment at any state of the union. What could possibly go wrong?

To be fair maybe not much, to be fair as I was writing this I came across this interview with Nugent

“I will be there with a deep, abiding respect for the office of the presidency, I’m not here to represent any specific cause other than freedom and independence and ‘we the people.’ ”

“I will go in at least 20 pounds lighter than I normally walk, I will be going in sans the hardware store on my belt. I live a well-armed life, and I’ve got to demilitarize before I go.”

So at least he's got the common sense to leave his guns at home, and not walk into a room filled with cops and secret service after telling the man he's coming to see to suck on said gun. And maybe he will actually show his respect for the office and just listen and enjoy the "honor" of hearing it live (i put honor in quotes simply because I would be bored shitless not because of anything having to do with Nugent or Obama).

Well at least during the speech anyways. See Stockman and other republicans have made it known that Mr. Nugent will have plenty to say immediately following the end of the presidents remarks, and are actively lobbying news reporters to cover him.

But it turns out that's a bit of a problem too.

You see by "tradition", (i'll explain the "" on that tomorrow) immediately following the end of the presidents remarks the opposition party the republicans in this case, give a short counter speech to the president. And this year the retort is set to be given by Fl Senator Marco Rubio, who is considered an early favorite for the Republican nomination in 2016, or well pretty much any time in the future, and is supposed to be helping the GOP with their "pretending we like Latinos" Spanish outreach, is supposed to be delivering the responce in both Spanish and English.

Which of course many people may not see if their networks cut to cover Nugent to see if he's gonna say anything outrageous or stupid instead.

Which means best case for the GOP is they get 24 hours of bad press for inviting someone as crazy as Nugent to the State of the Union (even conservative websites are referencing the machine gun comment as "What he is most known for) AND get to step all over the national roll-out of one of their future presidential candidates and their Latino outreach (fake as it is).

And that all assumes neither Stockman or Nugent do anything stupid......

Ok I admit, this isnt quite as bad PR wise as yeterdays post on trying to hit the Benghazi issue again was, but seriously it can not be this hard to get a decent PR guy and have him say "guys really you might want to rethink this, its a no win situation".  

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