Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This week (so far) in stupid.

Generally I tend to avoid doing these until near the end of the week, but if the rest of this week is anything like the first couple days I'm gonna wind up writing a novel. So I'm gonna go ahead and cut my loses do a week in stupid now, and if needed one later this week too.

First off a double nomination to FOX news and FOX Business, for their comments on President Obama's proposal on universal kindergarten.

First FOX new talking moron Stuart Varney who said

"Look what the president is doing here, it’s a repeat performance of his campaign, which is you raise taxes on the rich and you offer all kinds of free stuff to people who will vote for you in the future. Free preschool education for 4-year-olds, it’s free, here it is. Hand out the goodies."

Right because you know, 4 elections from now, when those 4 year olds can vote Barack Obama is going to be on the ticket.

Or lets take the other possible interpretation, he meant the parents of the 4 year olds who no longer have to pay for Kindergarten will be the ones who vote for Barack Obama next time.

Course both of these have the same problem, its called the 22nd amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits the a person from being President more then twice.

Although I suppose its possible Varney is one of those who thinks Obama's bungling of the oath the first time around meant he wasnt actually president....in which case I supposed Obama could run again.....

Anyways on to the other paid network of real life Ron Burgundy teleprompter monkeys, FOX Business and their swing and miss on the issue.

See according to host Gerri Willis (yea I never heard of her either, shes one of the interchangeable wonder-blondes over there)

"I have to tell you, I think it’s immoral to make all of these promises, when you know you can’t afford it, we can’t afford it. Preschool for everyone, are you kidding me? We don’t have the money for that! … This is just crazy talk and I think it’s immoral to put this across as something that’s actually doable, when it’s not."

1) Immoral? really......umm Inigo do you mind handling this one?

Thank you. Just saying suggesting a way to improve education doesnt really fit the idea of immoral, even if you dont agree.

2) Yea my guess is it would be pretty doable. I mean we know it works thanks to Oklahoma and Georgia cause they are already doing it.

And while I grant Georgia may be flipping blue very very soon, their really isnt any state reder then Oklahoma. So if those super conservatives could figure out how to pay for it, I dont think we will have any trouble......especially since they paid for it by ending a failed education program and moving the costs over, which as I remember is the alleged Republican position on "no child left behind" Problem solved. your welcome. :P

Next up former Democratic Representative and 1 of 16 candidates for Representative to fill Jesse Jackson Jr's seat Debbie Halvortson.

See as a former Rep Mrs. Halvortson, should be the front runner and even the presumptive winner in a race against 16 nobody's, but shes not, because it turns out Mrs. Halvortson has a little problem; Her NRA rating, which is an "A".

And it turns out the NRA aint too popular these days where shes running. A point picked up on in a new ad highlighting that rating run on behalf of one of her competitors who as it happens has an "F" rating from the NRA and is proud of it.

All of which sent Mrs. Halvorson to right wing media (surprisingly) to try to clear all of this up. According to national review who interviewed her (and FOX, but I'm using the NR interview for the quotes)

"Halvorson calls the ads “over the top” and “deplorable,” in part because she has systematically disavowed the positions that earned her that “A” rating."

Flip flopping....that always works well.

But what got Mrs. Halvorson here today was her excuse for flip flopping. "Asked about her change of heart, Halvorson offers a curious explanation. Because of redistricting, she says, she now represents a different constituency. “It’s kind of ironic that they’re trying to take my stance from my old district and do what they’re doing,”

So basically, she told the last people what they wanted to hear, not necessarily what she believes, and now shes telling you what you want to hear which still may or may not be what she believes.

So your flip flopping AND claiming you lie to everyone about your position. Yea this is a winning technique here....

Now for someone, who if you read this blog regularly you'll notice is getting more and more attention for slowly losing his mind, Senator Lindsey Graham.

Ok so to sum up in a sentence, the big issue with the sequester is Democrats want it to go away, and Republicans only want the defense cuts to go away and want the social program cuts to be doubled. Which has created an impasse in Washington.

Which led Lindsey Graham to propose a brand new solution

"If you want to look at ways to find $1.2 trillion in savings over the next decade, look at Obamacare, don’t destroy the military and cut blindly across the board." 
In otherwords Lindsey Grahams new proposal is basically to do exactly what the GOP wants AND cut Obamacare. Some compromise, I'm almost tempting to let Inigo handle this one too.

But honestly I kinda get the logic behind Grahams proposal.

After all he is up for reelection in 2014 and the right wing of the GOP thinks hes a sell out and want to replace him. And they are too stupid (or he thinks they are) to realize no president is going to repeal his signature legislation and the GOP will never have the votes to override a veto.

And of course their is the other problem with Obamacare, which was that the GOP decided it was a good idea to use that name (instead of the Affordable Care Act) to deride it, only to see it stand and become more popular everyday, and have the Obamacare name just be the general short hand for referring to it, ensuring that is what it will always be called, and should it follow all other entitlement and be massively popular, ensuring they just made Obama into a legendary president on the name of the bill alone, so they absolutly must repeal it.

Which is the other reason Graham is willing to say or do anything, including make the insane accusation that cutting a program that hasnt actually be implemented yet (2014 is the start date) would actually save money.

So yea Senator....which all due respect (which is dropping daily) you fail basic chronology. NEXT!

Next up our runner up in the race to the bottom of the barrel of brainpower,  Missouri state Rep. Mike Leara.

Mr. Leara just proposed a new bill the ENTIRETY of which is below:

“Any member of the general assembly who proposes a piece of legislation that further restricts the right of an individual to bear arms, as set forth under the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, shall be guilty of a class D felony,”

Now their are two problems with Mr. Leara's bill. The first is the obvious one, who exactly gets to make the determination as to what restricts the right of an individual to bear arms? The SCOTUS? the State Courts? the words "Well Regulated" in the second Amendment? Mike Leara? The person proposing the bill?

Basically Mr. Leara has proposed a bill that cant be enforced because there is no standard that can be used to enforce it.

But thats actually NOT why Mr. Leara made it here today, that would be for the second problem in his bill. See it turns out the bill is outright and specifically unconstitutional. Not the US Constitution (although an argument could be made for the federal supremacy clause and the federal government alone being able to interpret and enforce its laws not the states) the Missouri state Constitution. Article III section 19 reads

"Senators and representatives shall, in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the general assembly, and for the fifteen days next before the commencement and after the termination of each session; and they shall not be questioned for any speech or debate in either house in any other place."

In other words you cant pass a law making it illegal to bring up a topic of conversation on any issue.

To be fair Mr. Leara is kinda aware his bill sucks as he told a website (TPM just so I dont get in trouble)

“I filed HB 633 as a matter of principle and as a statement in defense of the Second Amendment rights of all Missourians, I have no illusions about the bill making it through the legislative process, but I want it to be clear that the Missouri House will stand in defense of the people’s Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”

See he knows his bill cant pass, but he did it anyways to make a stand.....and well to make himself look like a dumb ass

All i got to say about that is 
I did try to find a picture of just the banner, but its impossible
AND NOW, Drumroll please......OUR STUPIDEST PERSON OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!!(so far)

In fact this one is so stupid I dont even have to explain the comment, so here it is, Alabama state Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, attempting to defend more restrictions on abortion clinics

"When a physician removes a child from a woman, that is the largest organ in a body, That's a big thing. That's a big surgery. You don't have any other organs in your body that are bigger than that."

I guess we should be grateful actually. I mean for once shes clearly not arguing life begins at conception, so I suppose this is an improvement. That said if anyone knows her old high school (or college, though some how I doubt it) biology teacher, tell him/her they are fired for being bad at their jobs.

Now the question is, how much stupid has yet to emerge this week and will Mrs. McClurkin still be atop brain-dead mountain by the end of the week? If I have to write another one of these this week, probably not, but so far I think shes got a great shot of winning this week.

Until next time, this was This week (so far) in stupid.

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