Monday, February 4, 2013

Irony Alert: Gun Survivalist Edition

So has anyone heard of The Citadel? And I dont mean the southern military college in South Carolina. I mean the future fortress that's being built by survivalists that is likely going yo be built in Idaho.

If you havnt, heres a small sample from their website as to exactly what they are:

"The Citadel is evolving as a planned community where residents are bound together by: 
  • Patriotism 
  • Pride in American Exceptionalism 
  • Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and 
  • Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes — such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina — or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse."

Thats more or less their mission statement above (they dont call it that, but that does seem to be it function as near as I can tell by its use.)

They then go on to describe the finished idea as

"The model will be similar in many ways to that of Disneyland. It is walled, gated, private property with controlled access. People pay to enter and agree to the rules because they see value in doing so. It is all based on a voluntary agreement between the owners of the property and those who want to come inside. Millions of people visit Disneyland and interact peacefully. It's exceptionally rare to hear of any serious problems. The key is that those people want to be there and understand what is expected of them. Surprisingly similar to what we are doing."

The artist rending of what the Citadel will look like finished. Note the double walls, guard towers, interior defensive walls  and the distinct lack of Micky Mouse.

Now if you keep reading around their website they explain several of the reasons, most of which deal with the fact that land is cheap and readily available in Idaho. But the other reasons well:

"The growing trend of the state of Idaho actively recruiting firearms-related businesses. "
"It is populated with solidly independent and intelligently freedom-oriented people. State and local governments are pre-disposed to Constitutional Liberty and strongly supportive of Second-Amendment Rights."

So basically its a walled compound of second amendment enthusiasts, who fully expect the worlds governments to collapse and wont be there to help you and as they themselves point out, have already ensured their survival (that is the survival of the "members of the government") and the founders of citidel basically only want to be able to do the same

In fact the only requirement to live there (once its built) is an agreement to abide by what they call the "Citadel Patriot Agreement", which reads more or less like the groups Constitution, and consists of 13 clauses, some of which are below (so you get the idea)

"Two: Every able-bodied Patriot aged 13 and older governed by this Agreement shall annually demonstrate proficiency with the rifle of his/her choice by hitting a man-sized steel target at 100 yards with open sights at the Citadel range. Each Resident shall have 10 shots and must hit the target at least 7 times.

Three: Every able-bodied Patriot aged 13 and older governed by this Agreement shall annually demonstrate proficiency with a handgun of choice by hitting a man-sized steel target at 25 yards with open sights at the Citadel range. Each Resident shall have 10 shots and must hit the target at least 7 times.

Four: Every able-bodied Patriot of age within the Citadel will maintain one AR15 variant in 5.56mm NATO, at least 5 magazines and 1,000 rounds of ammunition. The responsibility for maintaining functional arms and ammunition levels for every member of the household shall fall to the head of household. Every able-bodied Patriot will be responsible for maintaining a Tactical Go Bag or Muster Kit to satisfy the Minuteman concept. Details TBD and posted elsewhere.

Nine: Each household will provide ONE able-bodied Patriot (aged 13 or older) who shall muster one Saturday per month for Martial/Support Training for neighborhood-level training & musters, as set forth by the Militia Commanders of the Community. No single Patriot shall be required to muster more than once per quarter. In the course of every calendar year every able-bodied Patriot and every full-time resident in each household must participate in at least three musters (one neighborhood-level and two full-scale). Part-time residents must participate, in good faith, to the best of their ability."

And then my personal favorite, which kinda speaks for itself

"Eight: All Patriots, who are of age and are not legally restricted from bearing firearms, shall agree to remain armed with a loaded sidearm whenever visiting the Citadel Town Center. Firearm shall be on-the-person and under the control of the Resident, not merely stored in a vehicle."

Yep. Mandatory requirement that you must always have a gun on you, just in case "they" come for you or something.

Oh and a warning they put up as well, just in case your on the fence and not sure this is for you

"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles,

Basically this is a bunch of  right wing "taking america back to the founders" pro second amendment, government is coming for your guns crazies.

Which brings us to the irony part of this: although the Citadel doesnt yet exist, in fact they havnt even purchased the land for it yet they did get something. According to their website they are the proud new owners of a 07FFL license.

See the citadel is going to be primarily supported by the III Arms company (which as you may notice printed the above map), which is a gun manufacturer. A 07FFL license is the license that allows for the manufacturer and assembly of guns.

And by the way, the 07FFL is issued by the ATF, you know the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, AKA the federal government, AKA the people who are trying to take your guns and liberty away creating the need for the citadel in the first place.

Yea thats right, the the first thing "the people who think the federal government is coming for your guns did" was get a permit to make guns, exactly the type of thing the government wouldnt do if they were coming for your guns, thereby rending their entire premise for existing totally and completely void.

Which means except for Wayne LaPierre and the NRA, its unanimous, even the crazy survivalist wack jobs, who feel the need to build fortresses in the middle of some of less populated american states in case the government is out to get you, acknowledge, as the rest of us do the government isnt actually coming for your guns, they are totally fine with you having them, in fact they even want you to make more.

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