Sunday, February 10, 2013

The GOP is literally pissing your money away.

So I dont know if you've heard, but according to the Republican party we have a massive catastrophic apocalyptic society destroying spending crisis on our hands.

In fact if we dont balance the budget in the next 15 minutes we are all going to die.

In short EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Now of course this Fiscapocalyse is cause 100% by 1 thing and 1 thing only, unnecessary and wasteful public spending. Most of which we know is totally because we have a "society of takers" (to quote the most recent losing vice presidential candidate.

Which brings us to the new republican idea to save money/stop spending wastefully: Drug test the "takers" if you want welfare you have to prove your not using drugs, and are instead using the money for its intended purpose, paying for blowjobs from hookers after coming home from the local bar.

But seriously, lets look at the assumption here: in order for this to save money of any real noticeable amount the overwhelming amount of people on social security, medicaid, food stamps, unemployment, ect have to be on drugs.

And as a side note, if that many people were on drugs, it would probibly be time to just surrender in the war on drugs since that would mean its [an even bigger] failure [then we all already know it is]

But anyways where was I? Oh yea, so yea so basically yea, state legislators in Kansas, Ohio and Virginia have decided that before they will give you a red cent of money....even if it money you already paid into (like social security and unemployment) you gotta piss in a cup.

They figure between the people who pop positive and those too afraid to pee in the cup, they will quickly get their states out of debt though thousands of dollars saved by not paying welfare.

And I mean I suppose at a time when their are still 3 applicants for every 1 job (meaning a shit ton of people are on unemployment)  if the majority of them, and therefore the population as a whole, were drug users you would save some money, so I guess since I'm feeling generous I'll file this under the "sounds good in theory...if you dont think to hard category"

But luckily for us, its not just a theory.

See Florida already did this last year. In fact they spent a shit ton of money on the project (over a million dollars) and they discovered that......pretty much no welfare recipients are on drugs.

Ok yea, its not quite 0, it's 2.6% of welfare recipients in Florida are on drugs.

Which is kinda a problem, given that stopping 2.6% of welfare payments doesnt really come close to a million dollars in savings. Basically they lost MORE money doing this then they would have if they didnt.

And there is no particular reason to think Florida has an atypically low drug using population. So we can likely assume something close to that 2.6% will hold out in every state.

Which means Virginia is about to propose a bill to require you to piss in a cup and pass a drug test to get your social security check.

now the cost of the cups (and the lab work) will run the state of Virginia about $1.5 million according to the bills sponsor.

Now if we shave off  2.6% of Virginia's welfare payments that they wont be paying to the drug addicts, they will save $229,000.

In other word's Virginia's net savings will be -$1,271,000.

And my guess is the math is equally as bad for Kansas and Ohio, they just havnt yet said how much implementing the programs will cost.

Still as anyone who listened to Mitt Romney's economic plan knows, Republicans are never ones to let a little thing like "math" slow them down.

So despite having already tired, and proven this will lose money in the long run, the GOP is going full steam ahead.

Because in order to prove that 47% or 60% (depending on if you believe Romney or Ryan) of the country are the worthless moochers who spend tax dollars on drugs that the GOP believes them to be, the GOP is ready to literally piss away a bunch of money........

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