Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Right Wing reality break refuses to allow them to admit that they got played.

So if you read my blog over the last couple of weeks, you probably saw my blog on why Defense Secritary Nominee Chuck Hagel was blocked.

If you didnt all you need to know is one of the big reasons for the block was about alleged unreported anti Israel speeches and payments for said speeches given to Hagel by what was first called "north korean or Iranian groups" as Senator Joe McCarthy Ted Cruz called it them on the Senate floor.

This appears to have been based on a story published by called "SECRET HAGEL DONOR?: WHITE HOUSE SPOX DUCKS QUESTION ON 'FRIENDS OF HAMAS'"

By the way, if the name Breitbart sounds familiar, this is the same group who faked the ACORN scandal by doctoring tapes, faked the Shirley Sherrod incident by editing her words, and at the time of the untimely death of the sites founder and namesake last year were working on a huge story, which they released, that they claim was a top secret never seen tape the white house never wanted released in which President Obama as a college student was shown hugging a known terrorist.......well except the known terrorist turned out to be a college professor and the tape came from a PBS documentary that had run in 2009 that Obama had given them the footage for.

In otherwords slightly less credible then The Onion as a fact the group "Friends of Hamas" was found, shockingly not to actually exist less then a day after the story was posted. Which was sadly a waste of journalism, cause really what front group for a terrorist organization would actually be stupid enough to include the groups name in theirs? it defeats the point. (in fact according to slates Dave Weigel it took him all of 20 minutes to call the FBI and the Treasury department to confirm neither of them had ever heard of or were watching the finances of a group called friends of Hamas)

Not that that stopped it from spreading, I mean Cruz had started it on the Senate floor, so soon everyone was running with it.

CNN contributor Erick Ericson posted it on his website,

The online version of the well known conservative newsletter National Review ran the story.

FOX news ran the story.

And one of their hosts, former govenor and presidential contender Mike Huckabee got into the act as well, saying on tour in Israel that "If it proves true the rumors of Chuck Hagel's having received funds from Friends of Hamas, if that's true than on its face that would disqualify him,"

The Washington Times even ran a piece, that capitalized on the name "friends of hamas" in the headline, however only referred to "friends of a terrorist organization" in the article.

Senator Rand Paul chimed in on the Hugh Hewitt radio show saying specifically in regards to Friends of Hamas:

"You know, I saw that information today, also, and that is more and more concerning. With each day, there are new things coming out. So part of me wonders if the nomination continues to go on, and we’ll see how that goes. There are also either some organizations or corporations he’s been involved with that people, Ted Cruz in particular, has been asking are there any foreign contributors. And I think that is important. If you’re going to be in that high level a position in our government, we need to know if you have foreign sponsors, or have had foreign contributors. And I think that is pretty important, because people, that’s something that needs to be known."
Now remember the group doesnt actually exist. And just in case their was doubt, take the word of the man who accidentally named the fictional group, Daily News Reporter Dan Friedman.

See he saw Ted Cruz's totally off the wall baseless accusations but figured he would actually do his job and look into the story anyways, just on the off chance he was on to something. So he called a Republican congressional staffer. Mr. Friedman relates the story in the daily news as follows

"I called a Republican aide on Capitol Hill with a question: Did Hagel’s Senate critics know of controversial groups that he had addressed?

Hagel was in hot water for alleged hostility to Israel. So, I asked my source, had Hagel given a speech to, say, the “Junior League of Hezbollah, in France”? And: What about “Friends of Hamas”?

The names were so over-the-top, so linked to terrorism in the Middle East, that it was clear I was talking hypothetically and hyperbolically. No one could take seriously the idea that organizations with those names existed — let alone that a former senator would speak to them.

Or so I thought.

The aide promised to get back to me. I followed up with an e-mail, as a reminder: “Did he get $25K speaking fee from Friends of Hamas?” I asked.

The source never responded, and I moved on."

The next day is when Breitbart ran the story about Friends of Hamas.

By the way, how did Breitbart react to news that they had [once again] run a totally fictionally story?

Same as they always do, by denying its fiction, quoting the statement from their editor

"Since the original “Friends of Hamas” story was written, the media has downplayed or ignored the myriad of borderline anti-Semitic Hagel comments regarding Iran and the State of Israel, as well as the “Jewish lobby.” They have deliberately obstructed news coverage of Hagel’s well-documented supported base among friends of Hamas. Instead of asking Hagel to release the requested documents, the media has attacked Breitbart News."

Republicans want to know why your party is out of touch with Americans, generally disliked, and cant win what should have been a "gimmie" election. This is why. First it was the Un-skewed polls, showing Romney would win in a landslide, now this. This is how deep the so called rabbit hole goes. You hear anything that sounds like a story you might like and you go full out all guns blasting and never actually bother to do any real work. Your rather trash Obama then be accurate, and then when confronting with that fact, claim no you KNOW the lie is real damn it, because you like how it sounds.

Although honestly I'm wasting my breath, none of you will ever come out of the bubble enough to read this....


  1. It is apparent the Socialist-Fascist Obama-Nation bubble has surrounded you; luckily Obama will rapidly ascend your little bubble to the qur'anic paradise of 72 virgins, the perfect place for every freedom hating, totalitarian follower.
    It is your mindless rants that will give Obama the power to enslave, exploit and torture every man, woman and child, it is now truly an OBAMA-NATION!!!

    1. Well I must say I'm thrilled someone who disagrees with me read enough of my stuff to figure all that out about me.

      I was worried only people who agreed with me actually read my stuff.

    2. Wait, the first comment wasn't a joke?

    3. I honestly have no idea...figured I'd play along either way.

      (Which I guess means if you'd like to shed some light on this Bandano please)
