Friday, February 8, 2013

The abridged week in stupid.

So yea weeks go by where not enough people say stupid things for me to bother doing a "this week in stupid" style post. In fact we get some weeks where nothing stupid is said at all.

But in the 3 1/2 months I've been doing this, I've never yet had a week where I had a clear, undisputed winner for stupid comment of at least the week, but cant find any runners up, and it also wasnt complex enough to merit its own post.

Now if I hadnt done the individual post on Marco Rubio not knowing what the Secretary of Defense does, I might have a legitimate second contender. But sadly I already ripped that issue about as much as I can. So that kinda left me in a tough spot. Basically what I'm saying is I had the admittedly scrape the bottom of the barrel to get some of the other "contenders" this week.  Hence the "abridged" week, less stupid then normal, still mocking.

Now with that disclaimer out of the way, let the slightly smarter then usual stampede of stupid begin:

First up, North Carolina Congresswomen and professional wack job Virginia Foxx, who while defending for profit colleges said this "They came for the for-profits, and I didn't speak up...".

First let me just say as far as for profit colleges I got no horse in the race. Some do appear to be scams and some do appear to be very helpful to the right people. So I guess honestly I'd have to be kinda on Rep. Foxx's side since I dont think attacking ALL for profit colleges is good.

That said for those who missed the reference, a German once said of those Germans who didnt stand up against the Nazi's

"First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out 
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out 
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out 
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out 
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me"

So yea basically Rep Foxx is comparing saying For profits colleges are scams and should be shut down, to the murder of several hundred thousand people.

She may not win this week in stupid comments, but she will win the award for most grossly overstated metaphor of the week.

Next up in this observation of the obtuse, Senator Roy Blunt (and possibly the US senate).

Here's the thing about politics, any politician wants to be on the popular side of every issue, or at least what they believe it the popular side.

Now of course sometimes when an issue is close a politician might take the less popular side, if they believe they have something to gain, or that the majority of their voters hold a minority opinion.

But when something is pretty clearly unanimous you almost never see someone on the opposite side of the issue.

Enter Senator Blunt, who said this " I’m not sure the Senate can produce any legislation that changes [background checks]. I’m willing to look at it — I have in the past voted for ways to expand background checks at gun shows. I’m not for a law that would mean that two neighbors couldn’t be able to trade shot guns….most of my energy is going on the mental health side."

Now heres the thing, according to gallop 92% of the country approve of universal background checks.

92% of the country cant even agree on how the heck you pronounce Missouri, or that Hitler was evil or that Hawaii is a US State.

yet somehow Senator Blunt at least believes their is something to be gained by opposing this, and maybe the entire senate agrees with him (I doubt, I find it much more likely Sen Blunts status as one of the top recipients of NRA donations is warping his view).

And they wonder why the only thing OTHER then Universal Background Checks that 92% of the public can agree on is that congress is doing a horrible job.

Moving on to number 3, and this actually isnt stupid as much as it nicely transitions into our winner.

So for the last few days Republicans have been, rightly, grilling the hell out of the Obama administration for their newly revealed pratice of targeted killing of american citizens and the standards associated with  said killings.

Now at the same time the Obama administration is getting its second term cabinet confirmed by the Senate. the most recent confirmation hearing was on Obama's nominee to head up the CIA. Now the CIA chief is likely the person who is actually going to carry out most or all of these targeted killings.

And the Obama nominee is a guy named John Brennan who was an early and outspoken critic of the Bush era waterboarding AND drone strike on civilian policies. He's also one of the people who helped come up with the Obama era justification for his drone strikes.

In otherwords he is a ripe target for being hammered on the issue and for hypocrisy.

And then GOP Senator Richard Burr happened. Now Burr is one of the many republicans who is absolutely outraged by the Obama/Bush programs....or well he is now. See this is how he started his line of questioning to Mr. Brennan.

" I’ll be brief. You’re on your fourth glass of water and I don’t want to be accused of waterboarding you."
Yea a torture joke. Now remember Burr is supposed to be gearing up to attack Brennan on flip flopping on Obama/Bush policies, and the seriousness of them.

And he starts by revealing that while Brennan's new support might well be politically motivated that makes it only as hollow as Senator Burr's now revealed as fake outrage.

Showing that your doing exactly what your about to, but havnt yet, accused the other guy of doing takes a special kind of stupid.

Speaking of a special kind of stupid, we have our winner.

Never one to pass up an opportunity to turn a legitimate major political scandal into a cheap attack at an unrelated group, Bill Reilly said this on his FOX News show

"Remember the outcry about waterboarding  You know, everybody jumping up and down? Uh, NBC News, I thought they were going to, like, melt down over there. You heard anything on NBC about the drones?"
In otherwords: "you can tell that liberals dont actually believe water-boarding was torture and were just political opportunists because NBC wont cover the bad things their guy does, just like they always falsely claim we here at FOX did with bush. But see we mentioned the waterboarding and they wont mention the drones."

Now I should point out, his full comments are even worse (see video below). O'Reilly got his guest to agree NBC wasnt covering the story, and that NO ONE on his staff had seen a thing on NBC about drones. He then spend the next two minutes coming up with reasons why NBC wasnt covering the story, concluding they weren't covering it to protect the president.  

Now look normally this could be dismissed as the normal sniping FOX and NBC do at each other, because the FCC has decided it would be obscene for them to just whip their dicks out, lay them on the anchor table and settle the issue once and for all.

But it this case this migrated to incredibly stupid...and that's the generous interpretation.

See the only reason we know anything at all about the Obama targeted killing program and memo's passed around behind it is because of one guy, the guy who actually found out about the memo. That would be a man by the name of Michael Isikoff.

Or to use his full title National Investigative correspondent for NBC News, Michael Isikoff.

See without Isikoff and NBC their would be no drone story right now. They broke it. The only reason Bill O'Reilly even knew there was a drone story he could attack someone for is because of NBC news. It's their story. No one else had it or apprently knew anything about it. Yes we all knew about the targeted killing for a while, but the memos and needed justifications for said killing are new and only NBC had it.

This is basically the equivalent of accusing Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward of being authoritarian thugs protecting president Nixon because they failed to report on Watergate.

Now of course Bill is going to apologize for being what he would call a "Pin Head" and proving his entire staff is absolutly incompetent or just corrupt, right? nope.

"I put forth that over at NBC News and other media places, they were hysterical over water-boarding but muted over President Obama's drone attacks, at least until yesterday.

"Immediately, the far-left machine cranked up, 'O'Reilly didn't say that NBC News broke the drone memo story. He's a deceiver.' True, I didn't say NBC broke the memo story because we weren't talking about that. Water-boarding versus drone strikes. Well, once again, we have a propaganda campaign designed to make ignorant people on the left, even more ignorant.

"Factor Tip of the Day: don't deal with loons. I have to. You shouldn't have to. And that is it for us tonight."

in other words he ran for the freaking hills, claiming apparently he was both not talking about Drone Strikes and criticizing NBC for not covering the Drone story before they broke the story.

So yea basically NBC is bad, because they cant do preemptive news on future stories that didnt exist at the time and I wasnt talking about them anyways. And anyone who says otherwise is crazy and shouldnt be listened to

So congrats Mr. O'Reilly, not only are you the stupidest person of the week (and again I'm being generous in assuming it was stupidity and not an outright intentional attempt to lie and misinform your viewers so that you could exploit a major and important scandal for your personal gain in a petty feud) you were actually SO bad, that I felt compelled to dig up 3 not really that stupid comments just so that you would have competition to win the award of stupidest person of the week, something I have never had to do for my previous winners.

Which I think makes you my new "stupidest person in the history of my blog". Congratulations on your big win, and I hope you'll understand when I say long may you reign.    

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