Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Be Careful what you wish against.....you just might get it.

So as I'm sure you've heard, the Republicans are really really really really against the idea of nationalized medicine. They are also really really really really against the idea of the federal government doing anything the state government could do.

Or at least thats what they claim. But now, thanks almost entirely to republicans we are closer to a nationalized, federally run, medical programs then ever before in history.

See despite what the Republicans would like you do believe, Obamacare, for good or bad, wasnt nationalized medicine. It was actually designed to be run by the states, so they could model all the exchanges to get to best plan for their own states residents much better then the federal government.

Or at least that was the idea. But it turns out due to republican unwillingness to embrace their own idea, first pitched by Orinn Hatch and the Heritage Foundation back in the 90's, the government now has to use plan B, actually making it a national run plan.

Now before you can even finish the thought "the government cant alter the law like that" let me cut you off, they dont have too. See its been in the law all along, quite clear. In fact I warned republicans about this a few months ago. Sadly none of them read my blog which is depressing.

If the states refused to implement the exchanges by a set date, which the Obama Administration moved back already to try to give more states a chance to get set up, the federal government will come in and do it for you....possibly at state expense.

And that new later deadline just came and went. So how many states decided to let the federal government come in and steal some of the states power and possibly their budget? 26.

Thats right, more then half the county will now have its healthcare managed directly by the Federal Government.

This being the same Federal Government that both passed, and now cant figure out how to stop the Sequester, the same Federal Government who just had some of its members block a confirmation hearing because they claimed the nominee took money from an organization that was made up by a website in a fake news report (that the site itself claimed was real)

Yea those guys are now directly responsible for half the country getting cheap and affordable and good health care.

Now how do you know if your one of the Lucky people who now has to rely on the federal government being competent to get healthcare?

Well the best indicator is what party does your governor belong too? If they are a Republican, then I hope your one of the 9% that approves of the job congress is doing, cause they now have direct control of your healthcare.

The only real "out" you have is if your Governor is a republican and you live out in the West, the republican governors of Idaho, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico actually retained state power by setting up their own exchanges, as, to be fair did the governors of Michigan and Iowa.  (Nevada to be fair has a fully Democratic controlled legislature)

Now oddly, since i did say its MOSTLY republicans, the inverse is true if your a Democrat, the Governors of Montana and Missouri didnt make their own exchanges. (Missouri however has full GOP control of the legislature and of the Lt. Gov)

Now even if the 24 states that approved setting up an exchange that the state runs, 7 of them asked to set up a Federal/State partnership, where the federal government will basically help run and manage, and therefore have limited control over the exchange. (the 7 states being Arkansas, Delaware, West Virginia  Illinois, New Hampshire and republican run Iowa and Michigan....also Republican run South Dakota asked to set up the same system even though they did not approve setting up a state exchange) Now granted as of today only 3 of those states (AK IL DE) have been approved for a partnership, but the rest likely will be.

Now what this means is that, only 17 states will actually be fully free and independent of what the federal government wants, with 33 states either fully or partly under the control of DC, which what amounts to a nationalized federally run system.

And of those 33 states under federal control, 26 of them are entirely due to the refusal of the Republican Governors to implement Obamacare, as they decided to take a principled stand on the myth that Obamacare was nationalized medicine.....and as a result have turned Obamacare in to a nationalized medicine program.

So as the title says, Be careful what you wish against.......you just might get it.

Meanwhile hat tip to the states of Idaho, Utah, and New Mexico (and Missouri )for being "States right's" Republican States and being the only ones smart enough to read the bill and figure out how to hold on to states rights. I believe this now makes you the only 3 states with smart republicans, given how things turned out for your 26 fellows.

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