Thursday, January 10, 2013

"America's Toughest Sheriff" proves the NRA is full of shit.

Ok so I dont know how many of you have heard of self proclaimed "America's Toughest Sheriff" Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

IF you havnt let me help you out. Sheriff Joe has been in the news recently for being slapped with so many racial profiling lawsuits and abuse of latino's he has actually had his ability to arrest suspected illegal immigrants revoked. And that doesnt even talk about the 100+ accusations of sexual abuse of latino children that he refused to investigate, or the latino he framed for trying to assassinate him (a plot that he invented to arrest the guy)

Sheriff Joe has also been in the news because he used tax payer money to send one of his deputies to hawaii for the last year find the "real birth certificate" of President Obama, and has held multiple press conferences to announce his [lack of] finding.

But it turns out FINALLY Sheriff Joe is doing something useful. He's proving that the latest idea by the NRA  to reduce school shootings is a fraud and a scam.

Now how is he doing that? Simple he's implementing the NRA's idea and putting armed guards in every school in the country.

See according to Sheriff Joe "I support arming cops in the schools If you have a cop that's armed you don't need a teacher that's armed."

Well except not really. See when I say guard/cop, what I really mean is a 3,000 person Sheriff's posse of untrained civilians. Some of whom have criminal records.

And by the way correct me if I'm wrong about this, but it seems to me if we believe Wayne LaPierre, that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun", why exactly do we now have a system where to cops are arming the criminals under the guise of making them surrogate cops?

I mean if the "good guys" start arming the "bad guys" I think your argument is irrelevant, but maybe thats just me.  

Anyways where was I? Oh yea, when I say armed, I mean with any guy they so desire, not just a pistol or police issue weaposn. The  Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) isnt providing weapons you bring your own. full auto weapon? thats cool. Shotgun? hey whatever.

Nothing to worry about, I mean they may be untrained uneducated (in terms of guns anyways) criminals “But if our lives were threatened or a child's life was threatened, a teacher’s life was threatened and we see that while on patrol, we would be prepared to take some kind of action.”

Speaking of "action" this might be the time to point out the MCSO is covering one Both for the armed posse member and anything that might result from his actions. And of course the MCSO is tax payer funded.

Which means lets say one of the members of the posse has bad aim and accidentally shoots your child when trying to stop a school shooting. Well your taxpayer dollars will go to the legal defense fund to get him off/charges reduced to accidental homicide. 

So I have to congratulate Mr. Arpiao on his ingenuity. He devised a system where an untrained criminal can take his gun to school, shoot a few people "by accident" and have the victims family pay for his defense.

Now I know what your thinking, "yea but how does any of that prove the NRA is full of shit"?

Well simple, Sheriff Joe is saying directly this is his implementing the NRA suggestion without having to wait for the slow legal process.

Now let me ask this; I have plenty of friends who own guns, several who are NRA members, (and who knows about non friends who are reading this), do any of you, even those who support putting armed POLICE officers in schools, actually think sending untrained civilians into schools is a good idea? ANY BODY? bueller?  Anyone?

I'm guessing not to many of you said yes. In fact I'd guess its next to zero.

And I'd also assume if I slapped your name on it and said "I'm implementing the Jack Daniels (or whatever your name is) school saftery plan"  Jack/you would come right out and go "Yea no. fuck no. I'm not cool with sending untrained criminals into my kids schools in the role of a cop with a gun"

Seriously who wouldnt be like "dont even fucking associate this thing with my name"?

I'm pretty sure we all would. Well except for the NRA.

See Sheriff Joe announced this brain fart last Thursday. They started implementation of the plan this Monday, and when into "full rollout" yesterday morning. And the NRA hasnt said a peep.

Not even a "yea when we said we wanted more guns in schools we assumed it would be real we suggested in our speech. And this is NOT what we want, because we do think trained police in schools will keep kids safe, not random shumks with a gun"

And its not like they dont know. If I, a 26 year old man with a bit of free time know, a multi million dollar lobbying group devoted to just this issue know.  And its not like the NRA is super popular, a poll released today shows that for the first time ever they have a net negative approval rating. So clearly they should really want to avoid bad press.

They have just clearly chosen not to give a fuck. See its possible some of those new posse members didnt have a gun and might need to buy one. Who gives a fuck that they are criminals an/or have no freaking idea to use the thing. I mean if one of them shoots a kid that just gives the NRA another excuse to call for more guns, which means more people will buy a gun (or a second gun) so its great for sales.

Because hey, really if they gave a damn about gun safety in the slightest (even if you dont agree with how they want to ensure it) you'd think they'd be a bit worried about untrained people and guns around children making them look even worse next time.

But if they care about profit and profit alone well then it all makes sense.

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