Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The GOP's quest to prove some people are just too damn stupid to own a gun

I know I know, another gun blog. Its not that I want to keep writing these, its that I have a general problem with felony stupid, and these days all the felony stupid people seem to be talking about guns.

Take Dick Army, former House Majority leader and former head of the financial arm of the Tea Party, and his claim that basically guns dont kill people, cars do.

"If in fact he had not been capable of acquiring the guns, he might just as well taken a car and driven it into a school bus, You can’t focus on the object by which a destruction was committed — be it a hammer, a gun, a truck, a car. Focus on the aberrance in the individuals that do this.”

Lets play a little game, its called Gun or Car, I will give you sentence, you tell me if I'm talking about a gun or a car:

Need to pass a proficiency test to use. Gun/Car?

Need to regularly renew your license. Gun/Car?

Have to pay an annual fee for mandatory insurance. Gun/Car?

Some kinds are restricted from being sold, or being taken to some places. Gun/Car?

Illegal to use while intoxicated, and cop fully within power to check. Gun/Car?

Mandatory safety regulations that must be followed or item will be taken away. Gun/Car?

All sales must be documented. Gun/Car?

Has a federal agency devoted specifically to increasing safety. Gun/Car?

Never once been used as the murder weapon in a mass murder. Gun/Car?

Oddly enough the answer to all of the above is Car.
I wonder if dick army would be in favor then of applying all those restrictions to guns. I mean if there really is no difference between the two, then why not right?Now I admit I'm proving nothing, not even correlation let alone causation. But at the same time, I'm not sure I would single cars out as my proof that regulation isnt needed. Just that last bit (no mass murders with a car) itself is bad enough. But given that cars ARE highly regulated and your using cars as your proof regulation objects doesn't work, that takes a special kind of stupid.

And now we move on the felony stupid person #2. (or persons to be fair) Former Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese, and every other right wing moron saying Obama will be/can be impeached for issuing an executive order against guns.
I single Mr. Meese out for a reason though, the two pieces of Gun legislation Obama has passed so far, allowing guns in national parks and on amtrak undid rules Mr. Messes boss enacted. So Mr. Meese may have a personal grudge here resulting in his inability to do math. The rest of the republicans are just stupid.

See while its true that the house does have [in theory] enough to impeach the president, its honestly not likely, given that a good number of republicans have said they support [again in theory] the Obama position.

Plus to be honest, congress CAN overrule any Executive Order they choose, (hence why Gitmo is still open) , the fact that they arnt even attempting that speaks volumes about how much support they actually think they have (not enough)

But even if it happens you need 66 senators to convict, and again assuming everyone votes on party lines their are only 45 republicans. I dont see them picking up 21 defectors, nor honestly do I even see them getting the whole party, because once again a few senators on the GOP side have also said they in theory back gun control.

(and we wont even discuss how badly impeaching the last Dem president went for them or what the message of impeaching every dem president in 30 years would send)

So its not going to happen, and its a simple matter of math to figure it out. Not that that stops the felony stupid people on the right from pretending fantasy is reality.

And now finally our third and final felony stupid gun control moment. Republican state Representative Bob Lynn is introducing a bill to protect gun rights and allow teachers to carry guns in schools.

Specifically what the law does is specify that while guns will be banned for everyone else, teachers and other staff could, upon completing a training course, carry any gun they wished in the school with the permission of the school administrator.

Now remember for the next part, this bill openly states part of its objective is to loosen gun restrictions by arming teachers.

Now maybe in the other 49 states that might be true......but their is a small problem in Alaska. Under Alaska law anyone (including teachers) without a felony record can already carry a gun in school with the permission of the school administrator.

In other words,  the law that Lynn wants to pass to expand gun rights actually restricts gun rights in his state.

Yea I think when you accidentally restrict what you want to expand cause your too lazy to read the current law, that is felony stupid.


  1. It's very possible to have insurance that will protect everyone injured by shootings and have the insurers discourage lost and stolen guns. Require manufacturers to have insurance that only gives up responsibility when another insurer takes over and so on. No need to register guns with the government. Would be much cheaper than car insurance because cars cause 2.5 Million injuries per year v. 75,000 for guns.

  2. Im not against mandatory "gun insurance" especially with similar liabilities to what you mentioned.

    In fact thats a good idea. And if i gave the impression I was again it, chalk it up to bad writing/being sick at the moment. My point was actually more that if you want to compare cars to guns your making the case you just made (for insurance, which is still regulation even if not governmental) and not no regulation.

    I think we could do a great deal on responsible and safe gun usage by following the examples of cars to be honest. (IE manditory license and certification before you can own, but once you have that you can buy whatever. Although clearly I would see we might want a "hand guns only license, a long guns licence ect)

    And as alwasy thank you for the comment :D
