Thursday, January 10, 2013

In defense of old white men

So I dont know if your seen this or not, but it appears President Obama has a diversity problem. 

At least thats what the media would have you believe in his new cabinet appointments so far. Seriously there have been days of articles and television over the lack of diversity in the "new Obama cabinet appointments  and how that could prove the Democrats have a diversity problem, ect ect. There have even been protests by Democratic congresspeople about the new and total lack of diversity.

See so far Obama has nominated  John Kerry Chuck Hagel and Jack Lew (or is expected to) to fill spots at the State, Defense, and Treasury departments. And a lot of people are having fits because of what thes nominee's look like.

John Kerry

Chuck Hagel
Jack Lew

As you may notice they are all white men. And thats the problem. Because that makes the cabinet a lot less diverse then the people they are replacing.

Hilary Clinton
Leon Panetta
Tim Geithner

Cant you see how much less diverse the cabinet just got? I mean cant you see going from 3 white people to white people is clearly a national problem and a major story? 

I mean yea ok I get it, John Kerry has a penis as Hilary Clinton doesnt. But really is that enough to make a national story out of?

I mean I realize its been a long time since we had a white man as Secretary of state, since Warren Christopher resigned on January 17th 1997, but I'm pretty sure white men can actually be competent secretaries of state.  I'm just saying, Kerry may be an affirmative action hire, but I'm pretty sure he can do it.

And by the way to the media and all the Dem's bitching about how Obama will only be surrounded by white men who arnt representative of america, or the ones making jokes that maybe he should borrow Mitt Romney's binders full of women

I mean look how white and male the rest of the Cabinet is......
Veterans Affairs
Eric Shinseki
Health and Human Services
Kathleen Sebelius
Energy Secretary
Steven Chu 
Attorney General
Eric Holder
Commerce Secretary
Rebecca Blank
Homeland Security
Janet Napalitano 

(apologies for the crookedness of the above 3 rows. In my window its a nice 3 by 3, but for whatever reason when I publish it turns into this and I dont care anymore.) 

Cant you see the white maleness? I mean look at that total lack of diversity. Ok to be fair I didnt picture Secretaries of the Interior Ken Salazar, Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, Transportations Ray LaHood, or Educations Arnie Duncan, who are all white men, and like the 6 pictured are all going to keep their jobs

Still though we are not talking about a massive change here. The only real change so far is one qualified white woman switched out for a qualified white man. Thats not a crisis or anything that need to be examined by anyone as a "lack of diversity" or as a message about diversity, ect ect. That is just what happens on occasion.

Yes the other two white men who left are being replaced by other white men, that can also happen too. White men are occasionally qualified. Now I know the left and the media are putting massive pressure on President Obama to replace Labor Secretary Hilda Solis who resigned today (and is a latina) with a minority woman, and thats part of the reason they are pushing this story.

But thats basically all it is, lies and BS politics because they got to fill 24 hour of news.

The way I see it is this, if the most qualified person to run Labor is an old white man, appoint him. If the most qualified person is a bisexual half asian half black female midget, appoint her.

I mean if people want true equality in this country, there is a time out that NO minorities have been hired, and thats fair. But there is also a time to recognize that when  an institution appears to be race and gender blind (which I'd claim this cabinet clearly is) that that may lead to an increase of old white guys (by 1) when it turns out said out white guy IS the most qualified.

Thats just the way life works sometimes. So to anyone who thinks theirs a diversity problem in the cabinet I have a suggestion....go do your job and find a REAL news story.

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