Case and point Rick Perry, who I think believes he is still running for President in 2012. Otherwise I really cant explain this
Perry claims Obama has a"“lack of engagement to stop ISIS.” [and the president] “has a hard time connecting the dots from time to time, of understanding, [because of a] lack of executive experience”
2 problems, the less well known one first: the US is actually leading an international coalition and has already killed more than 10,000 ISIS members Or as Rick Perry puts it "nothing".
Problem number 2 should be obvious to everyone. The leader of the free-world, about to leave office due to term limits, and the highest level executive in his country, has no executive experience.....
Right because logic.
Also, even if somehow magically we could get our heads far enough up our asses to not have 2 terms count.....why would you blast a guy NOT running in the next election as unqualified to be elected again? HES ALREADY NOT RUNNING.
Although I suppose much like that 3 agency of government, Rick Perry may have just forgotten which year he's running in.
Speaking of being in the wrong year, we come to a man who already failed his life's goal of being nominated as George Wallace's running mate, Mike Huckabee.
Recently the Huckster was asked about the shooting in South Carolina, specifically as it tied into the Confederate Flag still being displayed at the State Capitol. His response:
“I still think it’s not an issue for a person running for president, Everyone’s being baited with this question as if somehow that has anything to do whatsoever with running for president.
I don’t think [the American people] want us to weigh in on every little issue in all 50 states that might be an important issue to the people of that state but not on the desk of the president,”
To be fair, the man DOES have a point. There is no way a Flag, especially this one could ever be a big enough deal to make it to the presidents desk.
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Right guys?. |
The Huckster continued:
“The question underlying all of this is, that we’re asking, is South Carolina a racist state because of the flag that flies on their capitol grounds? I don’t think you could say that the presence of one lunatic racist, who everybody in this country feels contempt for, and no one is defending, is somehow evidence of the people of South Carolina,””
“The question underlying all of this is, that we’re asking, is South Carolina a racist state because of the flag that flies on their capitol grounds? I don’t think you could say that the presence of one lunatic racist, who everybody in this country feels contempt for, and no one is defending, is somehow evidence of the people of South Carolina,””
And actually you know what, again he's got a point, South Carolina is not a racist state because of that flag or one person.
They are a racist state cause of the whole secession thing (which they started), followed by the whole firing on Ft. Sumter thing, which turned into the civil war, followed by the whole Jim Crow thing, followed by being the stronghold of the First Klan, to being the site of one of the most recent race based lynchings (in 2006) finally failing to lower or remove the Confederate Flag to half staff EVEN when the American Flag WAS lowered after the shooting
But you know, other that American History disagreeing Huckabee has a good point (good in the sense of he pronounced all his words correctly)
Next up we actually cross the aisle to the Democratic Side, where one of their presidential candidates finds himself waging his own war on Stupidity. Enter Bernie Sanders.
Sanders was being interviewed by NPR's Diane Rehm when the following exchange occurred:
Rehm: Senator, you have dual citizenship with Israel
Sanders: "Well, no I do not have dual citizenship with Israel, I'm an American. I don't know where that question came from. I am an American citizen, and I have visited Israel on a couple of occasions. I'm an American citizen, period.""
Rehm: I understand from a list we have gotten that you were on that list.
Sanders: No.
Rehm: Forgive me if that is—
Sanders: That's some of the nonsense that goes on in the internet. But that is absolutely not true.
Rehm: Interesting. Are there members of Congress who do have dual citizenship or is that part of the fable?
So is Bernie Sanders yet another foreign national illegally trying to become president (you know, like the current guy)? Or is he, as he claims, as american as Barack Obama or anyone else?
Believe it or not......He's AMERICAN!
So what the fuck was Diane Rehm talking about? well as she herself put it the next day when she was forced to apologize:
"On yesterday’s show, I raised the issue of dual citizenship with Senator and Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. This is an issue that has come up over the years in American politics. One of our listeners suggested via our Facebook page that I ask Senator Sanders about Internet speculation that he has dual citizenship with Israel.
But instead of asking it as a question I stated it as fact. That was wrong. He does NOT have dual citizenship and Senator Sanders immediately corrected me. I should have explained to him and to you why I felt this was a relevant question and something he might like to address. I apologize to Senator Sanders and to you for having made an erroneous statement. However, I am glad to play a role in putting this rumor to rest."
So lets see her excuse is "hey a listener asked me about it being possible on Facebook....and everyone on Facebook is clearly an expert on journalism (unlike me) so I not only assumed the rumors existed but that they were in fact FACTS...because you know....why actually do my job?"
By the way, I actually WOULD like to hear her explanation as to why she considers any sort of facebook rumor, especially one that is easily disprovable, relevant to anything ever.
So yea, we're waiting.....
But as it turns out Mrs. Rehm's is NOT the only person to get tripped up by social media this month.
Enter Republican Senator John Thune, who ealier this month made a tweet about the then still undecided Obamacare case
"Six million people risk losing their health care subsidies, yet @POTUS continues to deny that Obamacare is bad for the American people."
Translation: "You see how bad Obamacare is? its so bad that tons of people will be negatively impacted if MY party succeeds in taking it away from them.
But should that happen, you should totally blame the president for not admitting for fucked you would be when MY party took this great thing away from you.....
How dare the Democratic President do something to make it easier for Republicans to fuck you over.....which is why next time you should cut out the middle man and vote Republican"
Good luck with that one.......
By the way speaking of Obamacare, it also provides this months winner for Dumb fuck of the month, in the form of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (also Thomas and Alito who joined in the dissent, but Scalia gets the nod here because he wrote it)
I already ripped Scalia for his dissent in the Gay Marriage case a couple of blogs ago, but I actually missed the significantly more stupid argument he used in the Obamacare case namely:
"The Court holds that when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act says 'Exchange established by the State' it means 'Exchange established by the State or the Federal Government.' That is of course quite absurd, and the Court's 21 pages of explanation make it no less so."
He also has a more pithy version thats flying around the right wing right now:
"Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is 'established by the State.'"
So clearly Justice Scalia's point here is that words have meanings and those meanings should be followed.
By the way, you know what the meaning of the word "State" is? Well according to the dictionary its got several, specifically:
"made, maintained, or chartered by or under the authority of one of the commonwealths that make up a federal union"
This is the defintion Scalia seems to be familiar with.....this would suggest a state is something like the State of Virginia, or the State of New York ect.
BUT theres a problem here as state can also mean
"a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation."
Thats right, state can also mean NATION or NATIONAL. hence why the "State sponsor of terror list" happens to include North Korea and Iran, even though neither is actually part of the United States."
Which means when considering the meaning of the word "established by the state" either definition could be considered valid (which is in a nutshell the supreme courts ruling)
Of course I doubt this is new information to any one, as I assume all of my readers successfully passed 5th grade civics.
Of course if by some odd happenstance you didnt pass 5th grade civics...CONGRATULATIONS even you can grow up to be a Supreme Court Justice.
And Congratulations to you as well Justice Scalia, not only are you dumber than a 5th grader, you are actually the dumbest person in the world this month.
Thats right, state can also mean NATION or NATIONAL. hence why the "State sponsor of terror list" happens to include North Korea and Iran, even though neither is actually part of the United States."
Which means when considering the meaning of the word "established by the state" either definition could be considered valid (which is in a nutshell the supreme courts ruling)
Of course I doubt this is new information to any one, as I assume all of my readers successfully passed 5th grade civics.
Of course if by some odd happenstance you didnt pass 5th grade civics...CONGRATULATIONS even you can grow up to be a Supreme Court Justice.
And Congratulations to you as well Justice Scalia, not only are you dumber than a 5th grader, you are actually the dumbest person in the world this month.