Sunday, June 7, 2015

And we are off to the [republican] races.......(part 3)

As you know if you've read all my pieces so far we only have 3 republicans left to look at. And as ti turns out I've actually got some bad news for my readers if they are expecting embarrassing moments and brutal takedowns.......this section (or at least the first part) may not have that.

So yea, heres the thing, of the three candidates left, two of them are here because so far they have managed to avoid saying or doing much of anything stupid.  That's not to say they are flawless however.

First up we have John Kasich. Now years ago it looked like Kasich was basically doomed to failure, he attempted to pass the same law that got Scott Walker so much trouble in Wisconsin....only to see if repealed by voter referendum. He also sent up a group called JobsOhio, which was basically an attempt to privatize alot of the publicly funded part of Ohio, and from what I can tell was considered a massive failure the last time anyone mentioned it back in 2013.

The part of this that might really dog Kasich is where the state's liquor license was supposed to be given over to a private company as part of the JobsOhio program.....a private company headed by Kasich. So yea basically Kasich was trying to set up a system where every time you bought/sold or transported booze he made a profit.  And historically speaking americans dont like people fucking with their booze.

But honestly other than those things, Kasich has done a good job of keeping his head down since early in his first term. That said he was also the one of [if not the first] republican governors to accept the Medicaid expansion money from Obamacare, and also has massively increased education funding....two things that I think will earn him the kiss of death in the GOP primary.  (should he actually declare, which he has not yet)

Speaking of those about to get the kiss of death....George Pataki the former Governor of New York. He is a pro choice, pro gay rights, environmentalist, health care reformer, signed the New York Smoking ban, and wants to cut the size of the military. Basically he's this cycle's Jon Huntsman....he's way to liberal to have a chance in hell of getting any traction in the primary even if he could possibly win the general.

BUT NOW WITH THE BORING OUT OF THE WAY.....we get to the fun part of this section.

Because  I said I had 3 candidates left, Kasich, Pataki's.....lets see Kasich Pataki and....

Oh YEA that was the third one.....

Anyways, as it turns out, Rick Perry is back and this time he'd like to know hes actually ready and has actually been preparing for the job, unlike 2012 when Perry himself  claims he was neither ready or prepared....because he claims there was so much else going on at the time. Also as Perry himself put it “I knew that after our unsuccessful attempt in 2011, 2012 I was a bit naive about what it required to run for the presidency of the United States,” going on to specifically mention economic and foreign policy

Yea, starting off your campaign by saying "well the reason i fucked up last time is because I couldnt mulitask, probably isnt the best way to convince people you should have one of the most mulitask focused jobs on the planet.

Doesnt help when you also made the same claim last time (that you were prepared) and now claim you were an idiot

Now if this was Perry's only stupid comment so far, he might be fine, but turns out one of the ways he was preparing for 2016 was by writing a book (Fed Up) laying out his platform....and well it's pretty much like you expected.

A lot of it is bolierplate Republican, ALA Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Obamacare, and the Children's Health Insurance Progam are all unconstitutional.......

Actually now that I think about it, I dont think that last one is normally mentioned.....most politicians understand taking about taking away children's health insurance is about as popular as being in favor of mandatory amputation of fingers if you get a paper cut.

Speaking of screwing (but not in a Duggar way) your children Rick Perry has also come out against NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp, which is probibly not a supreme court case most have heard of. Heres the short version...its the case that provides the constitutional justification for preventing child labor.

Oh and it also is used as the justification for the 40 hour work week, overtime pay, weekends, and well pretty much any employee right you can thing of.

So yea, got to hand it Perry, at least his equal opportunity fucking over your family.

Oh and on a different note I cant really segue too he's also against the 17th amendment.

That would be this one for those who dont have the amendments memorized

"The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.[...]" 

Basically what that amendment does is actually gives you the right to vote for your Senators and not to have them appointed by whoever you state deems can do the appointing.

So yea, what Rick Perry is advocating is making your government less Representative of YOU, and setting up a roadblock in terms of directly affecting your government.

Because hey, if you dont like your government.....fuck you. Why should you be able to change it? I mean hell under Rick Perry's plan you could still change 1/2 of 1/3 of the government by direct elections...albeit a half in which the party in power doesnt actually have to win the popular vote due to gerrymandering, so good chance you really cant change it at all.....isnt that enough democracy for you?

Oh, and I almost forgot, there is one last MAJOR issue for Rick Perry.....he's been indicted. Specifically for what amounts to attempting to bribe/threaten a public official in Texas because she wouldnt resign and let him replace her with a republican (the pol in question being a Democrat). When she refused the bribe/threat was supposedly cutting the funding for her office....which ironically happens to be the agency responsible for finding government corruption in Texas,

Now to be fair and Indictment IS NOT a conviction. Could be Perry wins the case and really didnt do anything wrong. But it does make him the ONLY candidate in history to attempt to win the White House, while also having to worry about being elected to the big house.....

But hey, if you want an anti-child anit-worker anti-representative government, potential criminal, and self admitted reformed idiot as president....good news you just found your candidate.

Now you might think that, given that I covered every candidate on my list, that this overview of the republican candidates is over and done.

But you'd be wrong. See turns out that even over the last two days I've been writing this, many of the candidates I've mentioned have actually found new and improved ways to disqualify themselves from contention as "serious" to the point that I have enough material for at least one more entry. So yea stay turned for the redux edition coming soon...... 

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