Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cruzing towards 2016. Ted Cruz for President.

So guess what? the 2016 presidential election has officially begun, as yesterday Republican Senator Ted Cruz has announced he is officially running for president. This annoucement was met with the expected cheers and roars of support from the Democratic Party.

And no, that's not a typo. Because you see, Ted Cruz is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time.  Basically it works out like this, the better Ted Cruz seems to be doing, the more likely the Democrats will win the presidency.

Ok so the last 2, and upcoming election all have one thing in common: In all 3, there appears to be a defacto Democratic Nominee, making the only real race be on the GOP side, and in some respects therefore the GOP's race to lose (now yes I'm aware Obama upset Clinton in 2008, but the feeling in 2007 was that it was Clinton who would be inevitable, and it was that belief that molded the race, just like this time).

Now in both 2008 and 2012 you had a mix of joke candidates (as in no one actually thought they had a chance in hell of winning) and people you might actually consider serious candidates.

In 2008 the joke candidates were Tom Tancrado, Alen Keyes and Fred Thompson, with Mitt Romney. Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain as the serious candidates.

In 2012 the joke candidates were Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingirch. Where as the serious candidates were Mitt Romney, Buddy Roemer, Jon Huntsman, and at least at first Rick Perry.

Now if you think back to who you actually remember running from those races, you might notice something. You likely never heard of the joke candidates in 2008, but never heard of the serious candidates in 2012.....mostly because of how much the GOP managed to fuck itself over in the 4 years in the middle and lose control of their party to crazy people.

So now we get to 2016, and Ted Cruz, the "first official" candidate (actually the 3rd republican candidate to declare, but no one seems to be taking Jack Fellure (formally of the Prohibition (as in anti booze) Party) and Mark Everson (Bush's IRS head) seriously for some reason).

Heres the thing though, Ted Cruz is clearly in the joke category (as I'll prove in a minute). So he's basically the benchmark here for 2016...the more attention he gets the more 2016 looks like a repeat of the Republicans collapsing under their own stupidity, the less attention he gets the more things look like 2008 where, if not for the economic collapse (a "random" action), and a single bad decision (picking palin) the GOP looked like they might actually have won.

So yea, more attention means making things look like 2012 again....which Democrats want republicans probably dont.

Now, since I know there are some Ted Cruz supporters.....and some who will support any Republican candidate out of party loyalty, let me explain why Ted Cruz is a joke:

1) He's actually an idiot
2) He's actually great at advancing every policy he doesnt support.

Now I know, that seems like normal political sniping.....luckily for me I can prove it.

Alright, so one of the earliest things Ted Cruz was known for was leading one of the only Filibusters of a Defense Secretary (or any Cabinet Secretary) based on the "fact" that Chuck Hagel took $200,000 donations from a group called "Friends of Hamas" Now of course this story was a total work of fiction.....not surprisingly given the massive amount of stupid that needs to exist for you to believe it. For starters, what terrorist group in its right mind would openly try to bribe someone with a group that uses their name? And secondly....$200,000? thats it? seriously? thats all they got? And lastly Cruz claims the donations started AFTER Hagel retired from the senator....and it must be asked what terrorist group would be stupid enough to bribe a retried senator with no power instead of a sitting senator? just saying....

And its not like he's gotten smarter with time, as most recently he tweeted just ahead of his announcing he was running for president, that he would repeal the federal laws about common core......which would be cool and all, if those actually. you know, existed.....

So yea, when your political career so far is bookended by believing in shit that doesnt exist....you might be a moron.

Furthermore, Ted Cruz is already being hammered by some, including Donald Trump, for not being eligible to run for president cause he wasnt born here, he was born in Calgary.

Now while he is in fact eligable, one need only look at how much this has dogged President Obama (who was actually born here) to see how this could be a major nagging problem for Cruz in the base of his own party.....a base he needs if he wants to win.

Now why do I bring this up in a discussion of Cruz's intelligence (or lack of)?  Because, as anyone who clicked the preceding link found out....Cruz is the one who blew the whistle on this story for no apparent reason.  In other words if it wasnt for Ted Cruz, its possible no one would have noticed....especially since, as noted, there is no question he is eligible, so its not a story in and of itself.

So yea, basically Ted Cruz, for no reason, decided to shine light on a "story" that would trip him up when he ran for president. And really a presidential candidate who creates their own road blocks? doesnt scream intelligent to me....

And now we get to the second part of my claim....that Cruz is great at advancing the polices he opposes. And for this we need look no farther than the Government Shutdown a couple years back.

A shutdown that most people claim was engineered by Ted Cruz. First he talked the Republican House into pretending like they wanted to shut down the government before stabbing them in the back and refusing to support his own idea to stave off the shutdown. And what did the Republicans gain from the shutdown? well per the deal to reopen the government, they got more Obamacare even faster than it was supposed to happen.

Which is a major win for the anti obmacare party, the same way Hiroshima was a major win for Japan........

And then we get to his filibuster of the clean debt ceiling increase....which resulted in nothing for the GOP...except making them appear to "cave" by doing what they wanted to do in the first place. SO yea way to support your own party there Ted.

And then there was  another filibuster....this time to stop president Obama's immigration actions. Which didnt exactly work....but did accomplish getting 23 Obama appointee's confirmed that wouldnt have been confirmed if the Senate hadnt had to stay in session extra days due to the filibuster.

Oh and did I mention half of those nominee's were judges, all serving lifetime appointments? Thank Cruz for the dozen liberal judges........a great thing for a so called conservative to be responsible for.

And then, tying back into the lack of intelligence as well, this story broke today:

Ted Cruz just voluntarily choose to enroll in Obamacare. Now this wasnt some deep digging journalist investigation that turned this up, nor was this a long held secret.

This appears to have been the very first thing Cruz chose to do after announcing he's running for president.
Now the article I linked to gives the explanation, that his wife basically quit her job to help (in an unspecified way) his campaign and he'd been on her insurance but it doesnt really matter. Cause yea, this was clearly a side effect of her quitting he knew about before hand. He's not surprised by this, so he cant claim ignorance (ironically) 

Which means that, a man, known in part for his opposition to Obamacare, and repeatedly touting the fact he was "lucky enough" to not have to use it, decided to switch over from his private healthcare to the "inferior" Obamacare....right before what is likely the most arduous, stressful and strenuous undertaking of his life, while also pretty much ensuring he would never be anywhere near his local doctor (due to campaigning)....you know basically the time you would want the best health care you could get?

So yea, when he needs the best healthcare he can get.....apparently he chose to enroll in Obamacare.

Which is now the first major news story of the Ted Cruz for President campaign.  Talk about tripping and falling flat on your face walking out the door......

So to sum up, as a democrat I wish Mr. Cruz the best of luck,,,,hopefully we will get more candidates like you in the GOP primaries.

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