WELP they are making up for lost time. Seriously, I hit the the number of stupid comments I could make fun of, and have a decent length blog like 4 days ago, I've just been too busy to sit down and write it. Which is a shame for me cause the stupid kept flowing and now I'm gonna need multiple blogs to carry the weight of all this brain excrement.
First up, Ted Cruz with a rare double nomination
He started off unveiling his new conspiracy theory about the pending criminal indictment of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who also happened to be a supporter of the infamous Netayahu speech
“The timing is curious, It raises a suggestion to other Democrats that if you dare part from the Obama White House, that criminal prosecutions will be used potentially as a political weapon as well, That’s a serious concern.”
And you know, to be honest, Cruz seems right. I mean announcing a criminal investigation into someone a week or so after they defied you looks bad right?
"This investigation has been going on for over a year and yet the very week they announce a pending indictment comes within hours after Sen. Menendez showing courage to speak out against President Obama’s dangerous foreign policy that is risking the national security of this country.”
Wait, the investigation started last YEAR, for an "offense" committed last WEEK.
you know what this means right? THE WHITE HOUSE CAN SEE THE FUTURE.......
Although, they clearly arnt very good at it. Otherwise they could look into the future, see where they found dirt on the guy, and find it overnight......they shouldnt need a year prep time.
Plus you'd think they would have foreseen Cruz discovering they can see into the future. And they've had years to arrange an unfortunate accident for him before he figured it out. Oh well. I guess assassinations from the future is just one more failure of this White House. Thanks Obama.
Not that the week got much better for the Senator from Texas. as he took to twitter and tweeted this:
"Federal govt has no business sticking its nose in education. We need to repeal every word of Common Core! #nhpolitics #MakeDCListen"
Now, once again to show why Cruz is a moron, we turn to time travel.....but this time we look not to the future but to the past....................where we quickly discover that their is not common core legislation at the federal level.......Because its not a federal program.......its state run and managed.
So yea.....looks like Senator Cruz has his work cut out for him, because first he has to PASS Common Core at the federal level just to be able to attempt his goal of repealing it.
But hey, you got to give him credit. If the senate wont pass any bills, seems like the next logical step is to repeal the bills they wont pass......
Next up, we turn our attention to the fallout of the [not really] Treason Letter issued by the "#47Traitors" (to use their twitter tag) in the senate.
First off we turn to the National Review, who when trying to explain why the letter wasnt treason, offer up this gem:
"The Cotton/GOP letter regarding Tehran’s atom-bomb talks with Obama was not sent to the ayatollahs. Had Cotton & Co. actually delivered their communiqué to Iran’s mullahs — perhaps via a Swiss diplomatic pouch or something even more cloak and dagger — their critics would be on less swampy ground in calling them “traitors,” as the New York Daily News screamed.[...]“Because it was an open letter, it was not sent to Tehran but rather posted on Senator Cotton’s website and social-media accounts,” Caroline Rabbitt, Senator Cotton’s communications director, explained to me last week. Cotton & Co. never even dropped an envelope in the mail.[...]Agree or disagree with that point, here is the inescapable truth: Tom Cotton and his Senate colleagues never contacted anyone in Iran. That fact alone should turn the Left’s fluttering “GOP = Treason” banner into a wet rag."
Now, as you might have guessed from how I introduced it, I dont disagree that the letter isnt treason.
But the defense of "if we didnt mail it, it doesnt count"? Seriously? you've never heard of E-mail?
More to the point, the idea seems to be that if it was posted on a website, no one [in iran] could read it. Which is bad news for you, dear reader, as it seems your just a figment of my imagination. As apparently is the national review, since, if you follow the link (assuming you were real) you would find I took this story from their webpage.
So yea, claiming, on your website, that no one can read a website, kinda begs the question "Do you have any idea what the fuck you are doing....just you know, in general?"
Next up, we turn to the leader of the 47, the man who authored the open letter, Senator Tom Cotton, who was asked to explain (as all the 47 have been) what the fuck he was thinking. Now like the rest of the 47, he failed....however he failed spectacularly:
"Moreover we have to stand up to Iran’s attempts to drive for regional dominance. They already control Tehran increasingly they control Damascus and Beirut and Baghdad and now Sana’a as well. They do all that without a nuclear weapon. imagine what they would do with a nuclear weapon."
Now heres the thing. I want the government of Iran controlling Tehran........which is only as radical a statement as saying I want the government of the United States controlling Washington DC, and the government of Britain controlling London (and Westminster).
Cause yea, Tehran is kinda the capital of Iran.....so if they Iranian government isnt controlling it, I'd say we have a pretty big problem on our hands.
Fun fact by the way, Tehran became the capital in 1796....4 years before DC became our Capital. Just saying, its not like Tom Cotton hasnt had plenty of time to look at a map.....
And next we move from current Senators to a former Senator.....Senator Rick Santorum (dont google him), who apprently is under the impression he's running for president and people actually give a shit. Anyways at a recent "campaign stop" he said this:
“Why are Bibles no longer in public schools? Don’t give me the Supreme Court. The reason Bibles are no longer in the public schools is because we let them take them out of the public schools. You say, ‘Well, we can’t get them back in?' Yes we can! Yes we can!"
"How much are you willing to sacrifice? One person got the Bibles out of the schools. We have more than one person here! But you’ve got to have the same passion in preserving our country as they do to transform it."
Yea see heres the problem.....I dont know who Rick Santorum is talking about with his "one person".
Because the reason bibles were banned from schools is because of the Supreme Court.....who apparently I'm not allowed to mention......ruled on it. Oh, and here's the thing. It was an 8 to 1 ruling.
So I cant exactly figure out which 1 judge was the one who swung the vote......unless Santorum thinks the "1" in 8-1 was ruling in favor, with 8 against....and doesnt understand which number is bigger.
Now to be honest, I had first figured that the "One Person" might have been the person who brought the case....but 2 problems emerged.
1) the case had 2 plantiff's....I dont know which one would be the one
2) As the Supreme Court doesnt exist in Santorumland, it seems doubtful their cases could....so it really couldnt be either plantiff anyways.
So yea.....just going to assume this "one" is named Obama......
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Or maybe this guy? |
Lastly we head back to the House....and full circle back to Bibi Netanyahu this time in the form of Rep Steve King, who is trying to explain the boycott by Democrats of Netanyahu's speech to congress:
“Well, there were some 50 or so Democrats that decided they would boycott the president’s speech. One thing that’s happened is — just look at the polling, that means — here is what thing that I don’t understand, I don’t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their president,[...]I’m amazed to see this happen. It’s a phenomenon that I did not expect to see in post-World War II, the revulsion of what I saw. But anti-Semitism is a component of this and just plain liberalism is another component."
So yea, according to Steve King all Jews should think and act the exact same by virtue of being Jewish....and liberals are anti Semitic. Me thinkth the Congressman might need to look up the definition of Irony.
However I see Steve King's point. It is unthinkable to go against your religion's home country. So with that in mind, as a loyal American, using Steve King's logic, I now present this countries National Anthem.
Anywho, that wraps up this half of this week in stupid. next time will be all the stupid people who arnt elected members of our government (and one exception). So until next time, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.
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