For years now the extreme right wing of the GOP has been pushing the idea that President Obama isnt a legitimate president because he wasnt born in this country. Now it turns out the people on the extreme right actually want Senator Ted Cruz to be the next President.
And they really couldnt have picked a better candidate to show they and their birther ilk are totally and completely full of shit and have always known it, and were basically lying for years, and making fools out of 51% of the republican party.
And I dont just mean the obvious "issue" that Ted Cruz was born in Canada. And if you dont believe me, Senator Cruz (for no apparent or obviously beneficial reason) released his birth certificate this morning:
The GOP already did the whole "lets run a candidate against the "foreign" president" thing back in 2008 with the Panamanian born John McCain. So that's nothing new.
No see the similarities between the REAL Ted Cruz and the Birther version of Obama go much farther.
Now before I start, I do want to put out this one disclaimer, Ted Cruz is actually 100% eligible to be president of the United States under the Constitution, and exactly for the reasons Senator Cruz claims, his mother was an American Citizen, and that was the exact same standard that was used to determine that George Romney was eligible to run for president back in the 1960's. So the point of these comparisons is not to undermine Ted Cruz's claim of constitutional eligibility, but only to point out the massive hypocrisy of his own supporters and his own party by not attacking his eligibility.
Now on to the comparisons: Birther Obama Vs Real Ted Cruz
Obama was born in Kenya (again remember this is Birther Obama, not Real Obama) so cant be President
Ted Cruz was born in Canada.
Obama may actually have dual citizenship in Indonesia and therefore is not allowed to be President.
Ted Cruz DOES have dual citizenship in Canada. (not actually unconstitutional for the record)
Barack Obama at one time went by a different first name (Barry) andt therefore is clearly suspicious.
Rafael Cruz currently uses a different first name (Ted).
Obama's father may have had ties to an anti "western" socialist group, the Mau Mau's (real Mau Mau's not socalist, but again this is Birther Obama) and therefore through vaginal osmosis Obama is unamerican.
Ted Cruz's father IS actually from an anti "western" country (Cuba) and is actually connected to a communist group (he fought on the Pro Castro side of the revolution)
Barack Obama is of mixed race, his father was black not born in the US, his mother was white and part Irish and born in the United States. (key point, the birthers dont dispute Obama's mothers birthplace)
Ted Cruz is of mixed race, his father was Hispanic not born in the US, his mother was white and part Irish and born in the United States.
Barack Obama attended an Ivy League Undergraduate School (Columbia). Has not presented any documentation to prove he didnt claim his foreign citizenship to get in.
Ted Cruz attended an Ivy League Undergraduate School (Princeton) Has not presented any documentation to prove he didnt claim his foreign citizenship to get in.
(again, disclaimer, I dont think either of them did claim to be a foreign national/exchange student, I'm just saying it matches up with the Birther conspiracy)
Barack Obama attended Harvard Law school and graduated Manga cum Laude with a law degree.
Ted Cruz attended Harvard Law school and graduated Manga cum Laude with a law degree.
Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review.
Ted Cruz was the editor of the Harvard Law Review.
Before entering politics Barack Obama taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School, a job that left him bereft of "real world experience"
Before entering politics, Ted Cruz taught U.S. Supreme Court Litigation (basically Law) at the University of Texas School of Law.
When he was elected President Barack Obama had only been in the Senate for 3 years, making him way to inexperienced for the job.
If elected President in 2016 Ted Cruz will have served 3 years in the Senate.
President Obama is married with two daughter.
Ted Cruz is married with two daughters.
(ok so that last one doesnt matter worth a shit, but still seemed like a "thing in common")
So everyone caught that right? After 5 years of telling you WHY Barack Obama isnt allowed to be President the GOP's right wing has gone and dug up their own more or less identical version of the fictional Obama they have made up and hated for 5 years.....Well except that guy is apparently perfectly eligible to be President of the United States.
I mean seriously could they have picked a more perfect candidate to prove they are totally and completely full of shit?
Look in all fairness to Ted Cruz, the dude is bat shit crazy and willing to lie his ass off to get attention, but he actually hasnt said any pro Birther comments that I can find, or challenged Obama's eligibility.
Yet that appears to be what his role will be in the 2016 election, to show the hypocrisy of the 51% of his party who believes Obama isnt eligible. Already anyone of the Republican side who is making noise about possibly running for President (as Cruz is believed to be doing) is being asked "So is Ted Cruz eligible?".
We have already seen Donald Trump (who is a birther and now basically exposed as a hypocritical liar) and Rand Paul (who isnt actually a Birther in fairness, just as he said) asked, and this likely is going to be the pattern for all the possible GOP nominees, most of whom HAVE chimed in one way on the other on the Birther issue
Which means Ted Cruz's role in the 2016 elections will be to force the GOP to pick an option
1) Are they going to actually take a principled stand for what they claim the definition of "natural born citizen" actually is, and thereby force Cruz to drop out? (hint: NO)
2) Are they going to simultaneously bash Obama on birther grounds, so as to appeal to the right wing base they need to win to primaries, while also defending Cruz's legitimacy to run so as to not alienate the right wing base they need to win the primaries? (Hint: YES)
And of course one they make that choice, the only real question left to be asked is going to be this, are Republicans:
1) liars who conned most of their party into believing something that wasnt true simply to try to gain political advantage/for votes, and presumably will continue to lie to their own supporters.
2) hypocrites who will say whatever is politically beneficial at the time, and sell out any issue no matter what they think of the actual eligibility of Cruz, and therefore can never be trusted on any issue.
3) both of the above.
So yea, as I said, if there really is a God, He/She is a liberal democrat, because they just gave the GOP exactly the Frankenstein Monster they had created on the other side
And lets be honest, there is no better irony the Democrats could have wished on the GOP than to watch them be torn apart by the Birther issue they created.
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