Monday, March 11, 2013

What the fuck is in the drinking water? Iowa edition

Well its time for a new, and I hope never reoccurring post, "What the fuck is in the drinking water in _____"

This weeks state is Iowa, which is currently proposing all kinds of insane laws. Sadly I should point out my "prequel" of sorts to this bit "I'm too sexy for a job" was also about Iowa.

The first comes thanks to State Rep. Pat Grassley, grandson of US Senator Chuck Grassley.

Grassley's new bill removes the funding for teaching “voting statutes and procedures, voter registration requirements, the use of paper ballots and voting systems in the election process, and the method of acquiring and casting an absentee ballot.”

Which is good, since as we all know 100% of young people vote, and everyone knows exactly where and how to register.

Doubly ironic, the stated purpose of the bill according to Grassley is teaching and funding "tenets of American citizenship” and “the principles of American citizenship.” In fact it does increase social studies funding.....just not for teaching how to vote.

Because voting is not really a part of being a citizen. Just ask the 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and 26th amendments.......

Second up, the more "fun" of the WTF stories today. Iowa Republican Todd Gassbag.......err wait sorry Todd Gassman, wants to ban no fault divorce for any parent with a child under 18.

Why? well as Rep Gassman tells it:

"This basically is an attempt on my part to keep fathers in the home, I sincerely believe that the family is the foundation of this nation and this nation will go the direction of our families. If our families break up, so will this nation."

"You know, in my opinion, it's time to look out for the children, instead of constantly worrying about the adults. If my daughter and son-in-law would've had some time to work this out, we would have a much different situation today.  And there's a 16-year-old girl in this whole mix now -- guess what? What are the possibilities of her being more promiscuous? What are the possibilities of all these other things surrounding her life that a 16-year-old girl with hormones raging can get herself into?"

Got that parents: if you break up your daughter will become a slut. (Son's on the other hand we all know have an irresistible attraction to pussy, so really they are a lost cause anyways, right?)

So yes, think of your marriage like your daughters legs, you want to keep it together.

Because after all, we all know no 16 year old girl with two happily married.....or in this case unhappily married parents has ever fucked anyone. Right guys? *sees no agreement from any dude*

Also can I just say I love the first bit. I mean look if you really cant get divorced, why bother getting married? I mean what exactly would happen if say some guy knocked a girl up and didnt marry her? He could still leave right?

Oh wait sorry I get it now, that was a stupid question. After all all the women who get pregnant outside of marriage are sluts because their parents broke up. So if the parents cant break up their will be no more sluts. and if their are no more sluts then there will be no more premarital sex. And then happy days will be here again and we will all hold hands (non sexually of course), and their will be peace on earth, and all gays will be straight, and we will cure aids. And then Jesus will lead an epic Conga line

Or I assume thats the logic......because like most things in Iowa apparently  its not based in reality.

Seriously though WTF is going on in that state? fired for being too hot (see link), trying to make it illegal to divorce and not teaching people they can vote.....just WTF?

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