Now that said, there are two contenders (out of many I had left from last week) this week who actually are from last week, but hey its MY blog so I can break my own rules :P
First up of our two "seasoned" entries, Senate Minority leader, Mitch McConnell. Last week he (or more likely his office to be fair, but his name is on it) wrote to Elizabeth King, the congressional liaison over at the pentagon, about the following
“I am writing on behalf of a constituent who has contacted me regarding Guantanamo Bay prisoners receiving Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits,”
now just stop and think about that for 3 seconds. How likely does it seem that that is remotely true, that Gitmo detainees get government benifits? I mean would anyone actually bother to even confirm this?
Oh and it gets worse, the constituent letter McConnell's office is referring to was also released. And the letter contains a URL to an article and a stated reference to a web site called the Duffel Blog.
Now most of the media is laughing at McConnell's office for having never heard of the Duffel Blog, but to be fair I never heard of it either, so I'm guessing not everyone has. Well let me just give you a quote from the article referenced in the letter, and I think you can figure out what kind of website it is:
"DoD Spokesman Wesley Manheim said that it was all a matter of fairness.
“The DoD has been doing everything it can to prevent torture from being used against detainees at GTMO. By allowing the detainees to use the Department of Veterans Affairs, we hope to completely crush their souls with bureaucracy, which to be noted, is completely different from torture. I mean hell, the VA does that to our veterans on a daily basis.”
When pressed as to how the detainees would be able to use the money, Manheim stated, “Mostly through online courses. Probably Phoenix College. Don’t worry, it’s not like they’ll be able to get a REAL degree.”"
Yea, its basically a parody website like the Onion. Now look I get that occasionally our government, and others (North Korea most famously) do fall for articles published on parody websites, but honestly to actually be handed the URL for said parody website, AND read the article and still not get its a joke and send a letter up the chain of command.....that takes a special kind of stupid.
Now "seasoned" entry number #2, GOP senator Orin Hatch of Utah, who in an interview with his local paper said
""I'm for sequestration," Hatch said, if Congress can't cut spending. "We’ve got to face the music now, or it will be much tougher later."
With across-the-board spending cuts set to kick in next week, Hatch said sequestration would lead to an economic disaster in Utah as two-thirds of civilians working at Hill Air Force Base would be furloughed. He said it would be "devastating to our nation’s readiness."
So it's going to be devastating AND your for it? O.....k.....a.....y, good luck with your reelection bid senator, some how I dont think "I support fucking the country over" is a winning slogan but I could be wrong.
Now to be fair, it is possible the paper was using an older quote in one of those two quotes, which would only put you in the same boat as John "I got 98% of what I wanted [in the deal that created the sequester]" Boehner (and most of the rest of the GOP), where only now that the Sequester is here can you no longer claim its awesome and bad. Which I kinda hope is the case.....otherwise it kind of looks like even you dont listen to the words coming out of your mouth.
Now on to the fresh and newly opened stupid:
First up Sheriff Joe Arpaio. If you read my blog regularly you know I think Arpaio is an idiot who's much more into personal fame and glory then pretty much anything else, doing everything from embracing Birtherism to hiring a sex offender to patrol kids schools. So this is just another drop in the bucket.
So as part of the sequester, immigration released a number of non violent illegal immigrants to a home release program. Joe Arpaio's reaction: he's offered to house the 300 from Arizona in a tent city he will run in order to keep them detained at no cost to the federal government.....but its the reason WHY his tent city is needed that got him on this list.
"We’re going to have these people report back to a court’ — do you think they’re going to come back? No. They’re heading south or to another state,”
See thats the thing, these people who are waiting in jail to be deported, cant be released and must be given to Sheriff Joe because otherwise they might actually you know, leave the country. Also know as exactly what was going to happen to them anyways....just faster
I think there is a word for that:
Ah yes, thank you Mitt, thats the word I was looking for: Self-Deportation. Apparently Mitt was right that it exists, but at least according to Sheriff Joe its a bad thing. Instead we should keep them here for a while longer......for no good reason.
And next of the March of a Million Mental Midgets: Dennis Rodman.
See Rodman went to North Korea this week and meet with new
See heres the thing about North Korea, its kinda hard to be friends with the guy running the country and love the people, just saying. I mean its generally accepted that North Korea is kinda a brutal dictatorship, so I'm not exactly sure how Rodman is able to hold both positions at once......well unless the conspiracy theorists are right and their really is a "new World order" trying to impose communist brainwashing on all of us, and Rodman is part it.
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Just saying, it wouldnt be the first NWO he was in.... |
Next up we return to the political sphere for a little of of EWWW mixed in with a huge helping of dumb.
The Democratic deputy speaker of Connecticut Ernest Hewett was stripped of his leadership post after making an allusion to his dick.
See a 17 year old girl was testifying about a program that helped her get over a fear of snakes to which Rep Hewett said "If you're bashful I got a snake sitting under my desk here."
Now normally a reference to a penis wont land you on my list, it may be creepy as shit, but this is not "creepiest person of the week". What landed him here is his excuse.
See he's claiming he mispoke, he's claiming he meant to say “if you are shy then I have an acre of land in the Everglades.”
Now on the upside, its not a dick joke.
Look if your creepy enough to hit on teenage girls during congress, at least think of a better your both a perv and an idiot.
Now next up another well know favorite here, Republican Representative Louie Gomert.
This time he made the list for well actually taking a pretty decent comparison and shitting all over it.
“Slavery and abortion are the two most horrendous things this country has done but when you think about the immorality of wild, lavish spending on our generation and forcing future generations to do without essentials just so we can live lavishly now, it’s pretty immoral.”
But I think you kinda undercut both arguments about the immorality of slavery and [from your point of view] murder when you compare them to owning someone some money.
I'm just saying, having no free will....not really the same as needing to repay a loan. And Murder? yea well dont get me started. You might want to try a little something called "reasonable comparison" next time....makes you look smarter and more reasonable.
But hey, dont get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy for you to look like a moron, means my side is more likely to win the debt and the abortion argument to boot. So really i guess I should say thanks.
And finally our winner, who is accepting on behalf of many others who have said the same thing as her, GOP Congresswoman Diane Black:
" I want to make sure that we’re looking at this issue intelligently and from all — why Adam Lanza did what he did. Unprecedented levels of violent games, music, so on. None of these things that we’re talking about right now that are the biggest in the message is really going to help what happened in Newtown."
Congresswoman Black, did you know that in 1954, under the premise of protecting children from violence and how it was the leading cause of moral degradation in our country, Comic Books were put on trial in front of the US senate, to see if they could be banned under an exception of the right of free speech? I do. It was my thesis topic.
Did you know as well that they used exactly the same arguments against comics then as you are now against games/music?
And did you know it worked? Comics were forced under strict government censorship for the next 50 years? But oddly just a few years prior they had hit movies under the same charges....and hit them again a few years after 1954? Did you know they also hit TV just a few years ago, again under the same argument?
Yet somehow as many industries as they hit, it never seems to work.....
Oh by the way Congresswoman, did you know they have video games in Canada? did you know they make movies in Britain? and that they have american TV shows in Germany? or the Czech Republic? or Austria, Greece, Greenland, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland ect.
And did you know that somehow none of those countries see mass killings to the levels we do?
But you know what, you seem like a nice lady, so let me help you out. You want to know why Adam Lanza did what he did? well he was probably nuts. I mean even if he was acting out a scene from Black Ops II or Call of Duty in his mind, thats not really a normal thing. MILLIONS of people play those games, none of us kill anyone.
So the problem with Lanza, is that somehow a crazy person got a gun.
Oddly enough, you know what might help that? Universal Background Checks. Maybe you remember those, you came out against them in 2002, and again a few weeks ago.
You know what else might help? gun locks. Maybe you remember opposing those in 2000?
Basically what I'm getting at Mrs. Black, is that YOU are the problem. You either have no grasp of history, or you assume I dont. And you have no grasp of the outside world....or again assume I dont.
And lastly you yourself oppose the very legislation to fix, or at least help the problem you claim you want to fix.
For being an idoit/or assuming I am one....and standing in your own way on an issue you claim is important, you and the thousands like you using the same failed arguments, are my stupidest people of the week.
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