Saturday, March 9, 2013

This week in bad excuses.

Ok so i admit, this is basically my normal (and these days seeming only, but not for much longer) post about the week in stupid. 

Except that this week, most of the really stupid stuff seems to be coming in the form of excuses

See first up we have failed republican nominee Mitt Romney.

His most recent excuse for losing came out in an interview with Chris Wallace:

ROMNEY: We did very well with the majority population, but not with minority populations, and that was a failing, that was a real mistake.

CHRIS WALLACE: Why do you think that was?

ROMNEY: Well, I think the Obamacare attractiveness and feature was something we underestimated, particularly among lower incomes. And, uh, just didn’t do as good a job in connecting with that audience as we should have.

Now look I'll be the first to admit, that normally would be a totally reasonable statement. In fact if anyone else had made the statement, it wouldnt make this list. But Mitt Romney is different. And to understand why Mitt Romney is different one need look no farther then his official portrait as governor


Now of you notice, other then the office, his portrait contains only two objects other then the back drop of his office. The first understandably is a picture of his wife (bet he got major husband points for that too). The second may be a little hard to see, even with the enhanced detail. but its a folder containing a law. And not just any law see the symbol on the folder is the Caduceus. Which you might recognize more like this:

If it looks familiar, you likely saw it at your doctors office. See in this country the Caduceus is a symbol of medicine.

Basically thats the Romneycare bill, that governor Romney chose to have included in his portrait. Romneycare of course was the basis for Obamacare, and one of the reasons Romneycare worked so well he wanted it included in his portrait is because of its popularity among the middle and lower classes in Massachusetts.

So really Mitt Romney's excuse for loosing the presidential race is that he didnt think what was basically his own plan  would be popular with the poor......even though it already was.

Our next excuse comes from Washington State Senator Michael Baumgartner.

Baumgartner doesnt really like the recent Washington State Supreme Court (WSSC) decision requiring the state to actually fund public education.

So  Baumgartner is now using the case itself as a way to get rid of the WSSC. In fact he just introduced legislation that reads:

“On June 30, 2013, all existing judges of the state supreme court, shall meet in public to cast lots by drawing straws,” the bill says. “Effective July 1,2013, the positions of the four judges casting losing lots by drawing the shortest straws shall be terminated.”

Yep thats right, for ruling against the way he wanted them too, 45% of the WSSC should be fired.

And why? “Every dollar we save by eliminating these four positions would be automatically funneled to K-12 education to help meet the guidelines the Supreme Court laid out in the McCleary decision, [requiring the full funding of education]”

And heres the real kicker and the reason this is really a bad excuse. The case in question was decided 7-2. Which means even if the bill passed and 4 justices were fired the court would still have 3 justices in favor, 2 against, in the best case set up for Conservatives. But its actually much more likely one of the 2 conservatives would get sacked as well, weakening Mr. Baumgartner's own future policy goals.

Yea so not only are you attacking the justice system cause they had the gall to disagree with you.....its likely your own temper tantrum would actually hurt your own side... and then you try to pass blame off by pretending you agree with the decision. Nice Job.

Next up Bill O'Reilly, who after blowing his top as only he can, revealed a very interesting (read: WTF) excuse for his claim President Obama isnt offering any cuts to specific programs:

O’REILLY: There is nothing put forth, nothing. [...]
COLMES: I disagree with what is being said here. He has offered $2.50 in tax cuts for every dollar.
O’REILLY: That’s not–
COLMES: Yes, he has. Cuts in Medicare. Offered cuts to entitlements.
O’REILLY: That’s not specific. He has to say here are the programs that are going to go down. Here is how we are going to reform Medicare and Social Security. and the man refuses to do it. [...]
COLMES: What do you want to yell for?
O’REILLY: Because you are lying. you are lying.
COLMES: Don’t call me a liar. Don’t you sit there and call me a liar. [...] I’m not lying. We can have a disagreement without you calling me a liar. That’s not necessary.
O’REILLY: You are lying here… where is the proof.. give me one program he would cut.
COLMES: He would cut medicare and medicaid offered cuts to those programs.
O’REILLY: That’s not a specific program.

Its that last line that really cracks me up, magically medicare and medicaid arnt actually programs anymore. So I'm not entirely sure what they are in Bill's mind. They did seem to be specific cuts in specific programs back when Mitt Romney was [correctly] pointing out that Obamacare did cut 716 Billion dollars from Medicare (even if he did forget to mention his own plan had the same cuts).

Also fail of the week to Alan Combs for not mentioning the repeatedly offered (and rejected) Chain CPI change that all sides agree would be a cut to social security. its a much easier example.

Unless magically in Bill O'world Social Security is not longer a specific program either.

And last up our winner, GOP Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, the only woman in the House to vote against the Violence Against Women Act.

Now look I gotta be honest, this one might actually be my fault. See a few months back I did a satire piece pretending I was part Native American and asking the republicans to stand up for my rights to Slap-a-ho and/or Beat-a-Bitch.

Well it seems Mrs. Blackburn may have read my piece, and missed the joke. So my apologies.

 See here is Mrs. Blackburns excuse for her vote in favor of me being aloud to Whoop-a-Whore:

"When you start to make this about other things it becomes an “against violence act” and not a targeted focus act… I didn’t like the way it was expanded to include other different groups. What you need is something that is focused specifically to help the shelters and to help out law enforcement, who is trying to work with the crimes that have been committed against women and helping them to stand up."

Yea see, heres the thing, those other groups the VAWA was expanded to help were; Native American Women, lesbian Women and illegal immigrant Women. Or as they are all otherwise known Women, all of whom the title of the law suggests should be covered.

Then again, the Declaration of Independence only says "all men are created equal". SOME women might be created equal to men.....but apparently that only goes so far. See if we over extend to too many women, we might as well have no protection at all.

So to those woman Mrs.Blackburn believes are equal to men, congrats, even if she was willing to throw you all under the bus because of those who arnt. To the rest of you, might I suggest getting me a sandwich before I take my belt off and practice the arts of smacking-a-skank? And dont bitch about it either, its just how you were created, separate and unequal.     

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