Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's CPAC Week, time to send in the clowns.

So for those of you who dont pay attention to crazy right wingers, you may not know this, but just like everyone else, crazy right wingers like to go to conventions. Specifically they like the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) which is currently going on right now.

Now heres the really odd thing. Even as what a CPAC attendee would surely call a rabid communist, socialist fascist, I actually really enjoy CPAC. After all where else can I see such luminaries, as Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Ted Curz and Mitt Romney  giving what are billed as policy speeches  about the future of the republican party?

So with that in mind, here are some of the high lights of what you missed because your just not cool enough to follow CPAC.

First we start with the actual introduction video to CPAC this year

So they say freedom died 15 years ago. By my math that was 1998 so I'm not entirely sure what they are referring to, no new president was elected, and the GOP retained control of congress. In fact as near as I can tell the most notable thing to happen in 1998 was the Clinton impeachment. I guess they finally realized trying to impeach someone for getting his rod spit shined really is a bridge too far.

Either that, or Tea Party Patriots are being ironic. After all their all allegations the TPP is funded by Freedom Works and Dick Armey, Armey by the way because the Senate Majority Leader in 1998. So maybe what they are really saying is that was the birth of seed that became the Tea Party and the tea party kills freedom?

And of course no convention is complete without brochures and boy oh boy did CPAC have some interesting ones

First up the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Prosperity 10 reasons we cant allow gay marriage. In this handout you discover that one of the reasons (number 8 specifically) we cant allow gay marriage is “It Imposes its Acceptance on all Society.”

And lets be honest, acceptance and tolerance are clearly against God's plan. if it wasn't he wouldn't have created bigots.  But hey at least they are honest Bigots.

And another handout from the group "America’s Survival" that the catholic church was complicit with getting Obamacare passed, after the bishops made a deal with a 3rd party, Satan.

Well on the upside, at least they arnt blaming a massive Democratic conspiracy anymore.

Nor were those the only two handouts available, you could also get a hand out on how the UN was just given 25% of american territory, including your house. Puerto Rico's statehood referendum was rigged as part of a plan to increase illegal voting (never mind Puerto Ricans are already citizens), and of course a handout detailing the life of Frank Marshall Davis, the American reporter and poet who was really Barack Obama's father....

And finally, what gathering of right wingers would be complete with out some rabid racism?

First up, former republican presidential frontrunner and professional joke, Donald trump, who said this:

“When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote — you know, you’re gonna have to do what’s right — but the fact is, 11 million people will be voting Democratic,”

and then 90 seconds later follows it up with this:

“Now I say to myself, why aren’t we letting people in from Europe? Nobody wants to say it, but I have many friends from Europe, they want to come in.Tremendous people, hard-working people, They can’t come in. I know people whose sons went to Harvard, top of their class, went to the Wharton School of finance, great, great students. They happen to be a citizen of a foreign country. They learn, they take all of our knowledge, and they can’t work in this country. We throw them out. We educate them, we make them really good, they go home — they can’t stay here — so they work from their country and they work very effectively against this. how stupid is that?”

Now on the one hand I think its ironic the man who is always rallying against the European socialist Obama wants to allow more European socialists into the country.

On the other hand, what exactly is the difference between the stereotypical illegal immigrant and the stereotypical European?
First google image result for Illegal Immigrant.

And the one for European people. Who can spot the difference?

Just saying. But just in case you didnt get it, lets give Rep Steve King a shot on the same subject.

Well kinda, see he didnt actually say Illegal Immigrants. No he called them Illegal Democrats. (really i cant for the life of me figure out why these people wont vote for you guys)

But that was far from the only racism, or hate on display....or well not on display.

See the gay republican group GOProud, who actually want to sponsor the event were told to go the fuck away and not invited because they might get "teh gay" everywhere.

To be fair, the GOP is trying to be more tolerant. In fact they even had a panel at CPAC called:

“Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?”

Except that didnt exactly go according to plan:

In case you cant hear it, I'll provide a write up of the exchange as well (from Business Insider) : 

“It seems to be that you’re reaching out to voters at the expense of young white Southern males,” Terry [White man] said, adding he “came to love my people and culture” who were “being systematically disenfranchised.”

Smith[black man] responded that Douglass forgave his slavemaster.

“For giving him food? And shelter?” Terry said.

At this point the event devolved into a mess of shouting. Organizers calmed things down by asking everyone to “take the debate outside after the presentation.”

Not that it ended there either. According to BI a few minutes later this happened:

"Brown [a black attendee] , who took offense at [a previous] suggestion modern Democrats were descendants of the KKK, tried to ask a question later once things finally calmed down. She was booed and screamed at by audience members.

“Let someone else speak!” one attendee in Revolutionary War garb shouted.

“You’re not welcome!” a white-haired older woman yelled.

Eventually she asked a question. It was about whether Republicans should call out racist ads".

Well I guess she got her answer.......

Now it should be noted, this was not just fringe people at CPAC, I only hit a few of my highlights, but literally anyone who was anyone in the Republican Party was there, including almost all of the 2012 presidential candidates (Bachmann, Perry, Santorum, Gingrich) and both the losing presidential and vice presidential nominees (Romney/Ryan), as well as the potential 2016 nominees (Bush, Rubio, Jindal and Rand Paul, who won the straw poll to be the nominee in 2016). In fact that whole list gave speeches at the event, that frankly I dont have time to pan.

As did Trump, Palin, Ann Coulter, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre and David Keene, GOP house Majority Leader Eric Cantor, GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Governor Scott Walker of WI, Governor want-to-be and current Attorney General of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, Senators Kelly Ayotte, Mike Lee, John Barasso, Ron Johnson, Tim Scott, Pat Toomey, and the Key note speaker for the entire event, Joe McCarthy want-to-be, Ted Cruz, who you may remember (along with all the other senators mentioned, including McConnell, Paul and Rubio) filibustering Chuck hagel for some shit ted cruz made up. 

By the way thats 10 of 45 GOP senators at this event, or basically a bit under 1/4 of the GOP caucus.

One good piece of news for sane Republicans, notably absent and explicitly uninvited, and therefore totally untainted by this mad house, Chris Christie.

And the reason he wasnt invited? well he dared to work with Obama after his state got crushed....and thats the one sin the GOP cant abide.

Just saying if you all want to know why the GOP is broken, and why it cant fix itself, just look up the speeches given by the people I listed. It wont take long to figure out.........


  1. You have got to show us those brochures. Can you find a link to their content?

  2. I have a on-line version of the first handout, but I cant find a picture of it in handout form (but content I believe is the same)

    As to the second one, on the church, obamacare and satan, i cant seem to find an on-copy of that.

    What I could find, from the same group was one of the photos passed around that is supposed to prove Obama is actually Frank Marshall Davis' son
