Friday, November 30, 2012

Hey Virginia meet your next Governor....and he's bat shit crazy.

Did you know theirs an election in less then 365 days? you didnt. Well if you live in Virginia, listen up, because not only is an election coming but its fairly important. And if your planning on voting republican doubly listen up see, up until a few days ago, two guys were running for that nomination, but one of them, Lt. Gov Bill Bolling just dropped out. Which means that for all you Virginia republicans Ken "The Cooch" Cucctinelli, the state's current Attorney General (AG), most well known for being THE guy who started the Obamacare lawsuit that went to the supreme court, is going to be your nominee, and quite possibly your next governor. But heres the problem....he's bat shit crazy.

Now what do I mean by bat shit crazy? well for once I'm not being [all that] partisan about it. For example did you know the first thing Mr. Cucctinelli did when he got his current office? He tried to change the state flag and did change the state seal of his office. Why the state flag has the state seal on it (as do all state offices) and the state seal looks a little something like this:

Now I'm not sure if you've noticed before, but if you look at the woman standing up, who is the goddess of virtue  you can see a TITTY. And of course to a true family values conservative like "The Cooch" (a nickname his supporters gave him, and by the way The Cooch is the VA AG....make your own joke) boobies are unacceptable. So he introduced this seal for his office (and wanted to replace the one on the state flag too with the same):

Now I realize its a bit low quality, but as you can see the breasts are now totally covered. There is however one small problem. You know how Virginia once tried to secede from the US? well they used a different flag back then and it looked a little something like this:

Yea look familiar? the confederate flag is the same design Cucctinelli choose to show his new moral Virginia. By the way, any one want to guess why he dropped his attempt to make this the offical Virginia flag again? Any one?

Nor is that the only crazy thing about "Coochie" (look mentally I'm five and I'm gonna enjoy his nickname, get over it :P) See he also wants to make a handful of changes to the national laws as well. Specifically the 14th amendment.

First he wants to take the 14th amendment and apply to Fetuses. Which is why he supported House Bill 1 last year, which attempted to do that last year. Now for those unfamiliar with the 14th amendment, thats basically where your citizenship comes from (in this context) and this was basically the Virginia attempt at a personhood amendment.

But that's not the only change Cucctinelli wants to make, see as a state senator (his job before he became AG) he called for an end to birth right citizen ship (which oddly also comes out of the 14th amendment), basically meaning that just because your born here doesnt make you a citizen. (which is his attempt to end the "anchor baby" problem where illegal immigrants have children here so as not to be deported)

Now yes, for those who are asking, there is a kinda a logical contradiction there. Under Cucctinelli's wishes. the minute an egg is fertilized it becomes a full and equal United States citizen.......until it's born, then the child may lose their citizenship.......Just think about that for a minute.....

And actually by the way, thats not the only set of crazy laws "Coochy Coochy Coo" (or should that be Koochy Koochy Koo if that flag thing was any indicator? ) wants to pass.

And since becoming AG he has decided he's going to pass/get parts of his agenda by  by any means necessary, even abusing his office.

Take Michael E. Mann, a researcher at the University of Virginia (at the time this happened). Now Mr. Mann specific area of expertise was climate change, and trying to see its effects. Which was a little bit of a problem for the Coocher since he doesnt believe in climate change.

So he sued him and the university of Virginia for fraud. Yep cause you know, using state funds for science to look into science is totally fraud if Ken "The King" Cucctinelli personally doesnt like it. By the way I should point out Mann sued to make The Cooch go away, and a court ruled in Mann's favor pointing out that Cucctinelli didnt even have Reasonable Suspicion of any real fraud. And the Cooch spend the next two years appealing and loosing all the way up to the Supreme Court costing UVA $600,000 in the process, because you know they actually support science.

Nor is that the only time he's tried to run roughshod over the state colleges. Back in 2010 he sent a letter to all the states colleges and universities informing that they were legally prohibited from having rules that discouraged discrimination towards Homosexuals, because the state of Virginia doesnt have those laws.

In otherwords on paper at least, all colleges in Virginia are required to discriminate against gays.

And its not just colleges either. The state of Virginia passed a law requiring new "health regulations" for abortion clinics (which are designed according to the people who wrote the bill specifically to be impossible to reach and force abortion clinics to close), and the state board of health (who does have the power to do this) decided that due to the US ban on Ex Post Facto (after the fact) laws, any existing abortion clinic was "grandfathered in" to the law (which is a common practice) and didn't have to comply. So the Coochmister went after the board of health and threatened to not defend them or any doctor in Virginia from medical malpractice suits (which is kinda his job) suits unless they reversed course....which they did.

And Cucctinelli's insistence on allowing forcing discrimination and his personal beliefs on every one extends even father as well.  See last year the Virginia Board of Social Services tried to adopt rules that would have protected Virginians seeking to adopt or foster children, and children those children from discrimination by licensed adoption and foster agencies "based on race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, disability and family status". And true to form the Cooch blocked them and forced them to drop the protections.

Which means in Virginia, if you want to adopt and your say a Conservative and the adoption agency is run by a Liberal, who doesnt think Conservatives are good parents tough shit, no baby for you. (or any other political difference)

If your say catholic and the adoption agency is say baptist and dont think Catholics make good parents, tough shit no baby for you. (or any other religious combination)

If say your Polish and you find a beautiful Colombian baby you'd love to adopt, but the guy running the agency has something against "Pollock" tough shit no baby for you.  (or well any other mixed race and ethnic combination)

And those are just the more "subtle" examples you likely didnt catch when you read the original statement

So yea, to recap in Ken Cucctinelli's Virginia, the minute you cum in a women, thats a citizen so she cant get an abortion, not that it matters since their is no where to go. But the minute that woman gives birth...well that baby may or may not be citizen, and lets say she doesnt want the baby so she puts it up for adoption....well what do you think the chances are of that baby growing up with any kind of loving parents if the parents must be of an acceptable race, county of origin, ethnicity, religion and political persuasion?

Oh by the way, I almost forgot, he's also in favor of abstinence only sex education and restricting contraception access so that above situation is likely going to be coming up ALOT in The Cooch's VA....

And by the way, even all of that arnt the two most bat-shit crazy thing about Coochie. He's also a birther. As part of an question and answer exchange he said this:

"Well... that's a good question. Not one I've thought a lot about because it hasn't been part of my campaign. I mean, someone is going to have to come forward with nailed down testimony that he was born in place B, wherever that is. You know, the speculation is Kenya. And that doesn't seem beyond the realm of possibility."

He later tried to walk it back by claiming it was a hypothetical answer to a  hypothetical question, but hey you be the judge.....

And now finally I have saved the best for last. Here is the single most bat-shit crazy thing about presumptive republican nominee for governor. He's considering NOT getting a Social Security Number for his 7th child. Why well I'll let him explain it......   (36 second video, you might as well watch it)

Thats right, the man who could be the next Governor of Virginia thinks the Government is out to get you.

Congratulations to all my Republican Virginian friends (of which I actually have many oddly) might I suggest this is one election y'all might want to consider voting either for the Democrat or 3rd party?

I mean come on, do any of you actually want someone this bat shit crazy to be your governor?   


  1. A one word answer to your question: NO!
    Larry H

    1. I appreicate the anwser but, call it a hunch, but I dont think you'd be voting for him anyways even if he wasnt crazy :P
