Thursday, November 15, 2012

And the nominees for the dumbest excuse of the week are......

....Rep. Paul Ryan, Sen. Marco Rubio and Charlie Webster, head the RNC in Maine.

First Paul Ryan on his losing his hometown in both his congressional and vice presidential elections

"“Well, as you know, Janesville is a very Democratic town, but I’m a Republican, But I’ve always done well here because more people saw me not as a Republican but just as a Janesville guy. When you join the national ticket for a party, you become more seen as a Republican guy than necessarily a Janesville guy. And so, I think my image, or the thought most people had in their mind of me once I joined the Republican ticket was more ‘Paul Ryan, Republican’ than ‘Paul Ryan, Janesville guy.’”

So if I understand Mr. Ryan correctly Janesville is populated by a special kind of idiot. Specifically the kind of idiot that has been voting for this guy for years without knowing what party he was in....and then when they found out being too stupid to realize he's always been part of that party and assuming that must mean he sucks now.

I mean I suppose implying your voters are morons is easier then admitting to yourself your constituents just don't like your positions on issues.

And now our second nominee Charlie Webster on how Obama won Maine:

"In some parts of rural Maine, there were dozens, dozens of black people who came in and voted on Election Day. Everybody has a right to vote, but nobody in town knows anyone who’s black. How did that happen? I don’t know. We’re going to find out." He then added later (after people got annoyed about the racism): “I’m not talking about 15 or 20. I’m talking hundreds. I’m not politically correct and maybe I shouldn’t have said these voters were black, but anyone who suggests I have a bias toward any race or group, frankly, that’s sleazy.”

2 things of note here: according to the secretary of state of Maine (who manages the election and is himself a republican) there have been exactly 0 complaints of "unknown" black people showing up to vote. Second: Obama won Maine with 56% of the vote to Romney's 41% (and 3% independent) thats ALOT of magic black people mysteriously showing up.

That said Mr. Webster you do win the award for outstanding racism.

And now our winner (in my esteemed opinion) Sen. Marco Rubio on why we shouldnt raise taxes on the rich

"The billionaires and millionaires that are going to be impacted by higher rates, they can afford to hire the best lawyers, lobbyists and accountants in America to figure out how not to pay those higher rates, The people that are going to get stuck by that bill are the small businesses, the partnerships, the S Corporations, that cannot hire the lawyers to get them out of it." He then added that the president's proposal would raise only $80 billion per year in new revenue, 7.7 percent of the national deficit which he claimed was not enough to make a significant dent in the debt.

So yea, we cant raise taxes on the rich, because they would still be too rich to pay taxes (that is they could afford to pay people to tell them how to avoid them) and even if we did raise taxes on the rich its not enough to totally fix the problem.

And we all know if you can't 100% fix a problem you shouldnt even try, I mean trying to make the debt slightly smaller totally isnt worth it, its either "fix it all or fuck it". Making this slightly better is just unacceptable right? i mean who wants "improvement"? we insist on "perfection".

And maybe its just me, but it seems to me the snarky answer to Mr. Rubio is to raise taxes on the very rich even higher, see eventually we will hit a point where the rich cant afford lawyers to tell them how to avoid taxes. Sure it will likely be a sliding scale, where we just have to keep taxing each individual until they hit that point. And I'd guess if we did that we would have a lot more then just 80 billion in new revenue, so we might even be able to make a very significant dent in the deficit.

I mean that's clearly the only answer to Mr. Rubio's equally dumb excuse.

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