Friday, November 9, 2012

Be careful what you wish for, sometimes you just might get it.

So everyone remembers in the run up to the election there was all the concern over (basically non-existent) in-person voter fraud right? It's this type of alleged voter fraud that is cited as the support for Voter ID's laws, since Voter ID would make it harder to commit (again pretend it actually happens, and ignore the fact Voter ID does jack-sh!t about the kinds of voter fraud that do exist).

Well apparently at least two voters in the last election wanted to "test" the system and see just how easy it is to commit voter fraud. By the way, before I continue, anyone want to place bets on how this ends up?

Anyone? keep 

Ok then, the first person is a register republican who early voted in Nevada and was according to witnesses very unhappy when she wasnt asked to show her ID (cause you know, thats not the law in Nevada) so she voted and then drove to another polling station to attempt to vote again. At which point the poll workers told her she couldn't since she was already in the system having checked in at the first station.

Now for most people this would be where this story ends, you showed up, you asked, they proved the system worked by telling you you voted. Not this woman though, she proceeded to lie and tell the poll workers it wasnt her, going to so far as to give them a false signature to attempt to get a ballot. I do not believe she was given one (cant be sure no source says she was however)And then at some point after the confrontation she was overheard telling someone else how unfair it was because "I signed my name differently, and they did not ask for ID."  So she was arrested for attempted voter fraud.

And then we get to idiot number 2: this one a republican poll watcher in New Mexico. he attempted to get a provisional ballot (provisional meaning it wont count until they can confirm he hadn't already voted and issued therefore as provisional only because they believed he had already voted/wasnt who he said he was in the first place) after being handed the ballot he announced to the poll worker he had already voted and was "testing the system to see if people could get away with voting twice." Keep in mind the provisional ballot in his hand was itself already proof they couldnt, at least not without a fight.

And shockingly he too was arrested for attempted voter fraud and abusing his power as a poll watcher.

But hey on the upside, they both got to find out the system works.......too bad they both failed the basic human intelligence test.

And by the way, if either of you are reading (which I highly doubt but just in case) I have a message from you from Bill Engval "here's your sign".


  1. I have not followed this much, but as I understand it: PA passed such a voter ID with on-the-record quotes about how it would give Romney the state, the law was upheld and (I assume) in effect for the election, and yet Romney seems to have fallen short of taking the state by any measure not based on Republican mathematical principles. Am I correct?

    Seems like the laws are not living up to their backer's promises in so many ways.

  2. Your right about the law passing and about the quote about it making it easier for Romney to win. However while it won it court the law was not in full effect for the election, based on the belief of the court that there wasnt enough time for voters to get id for this elections. However the state could still request a photo ID, but you didnt need to comply in order to vote.

    That said the state did everything they could to make people think there was a photo ID in place, from not taking down billboards that made that claim, or even not changing the websites of various election officals. So I wouldnt be surprised if many in PA didnt realize the law didnt exist.

    But all that said there is a good argument to be said the laws dont live up to the backers promises. VA and NH both passed slightly less restrictive ID laws, as did OH (although they got blocked in court), and similar quotes about how it would let Romney win emerged from NH and OH. And all 3 of those went to Obama.

    However given the number of laws that passed this time, but arnt allowed to go into effect until the next election, this could be a bigger deal from here on out (WI NH RI TX and PA will all have photo ID laws in place for the next election as might MI and AL (currently in court). So we may have to wait 4 years to see if they really don't deliver on their promises
