Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And the winner for pathetic news story of the week: Fox "News"

So on the Fox Fiction Network....err the Fox News Network yesterday there was a very interesting and unique interview. See it only lasted 90 seconds. (thats it above, and I suggest you watch it, introduction has been cut off but otherwise thats the whole video).

Now clearly the guest here (Tom Rich) was NOT here to be friendly to FOX. But what makes this especially interesting is not actually what happened on camera, but what happened afterwords.

Michael Clemente, executive vp, & news editorial at FNC, is claiming that after the interview Mr Rich Applogized. He says: “When Mr. Ricks ignored the anchor’s question, it became clear that his goal was to bring attention to himself -- and his book, He apologized in our offices afterward but doesn’t have the strength of character to do that publicly."

Rich for his part is denying the apology claiming "Clemente is making it up, and it is sloppy of Hollywood Reporter [who broke Clemente's comments]to not ask him for specifics — what exactly am I alleged to have said? — and also to seek a response from me. Why are they [FOX] doing this? Because their MO is that when the facts aren’t on their side, they attack the person.”

Which is kinda funny since you know Rich DIDNT ignore the question, either question that he was asked.
Question was, Why do you think McCain is backing down on his objection to Susan Rice as Sec of State over Libya, Rich said in short " because the story is mostly hype by your network " followed by "how to you call it hype"? replied with "well how many people have died in this much more serious problem?...the fact you dont know proves my point"

But hey, lets be honest, Mr. Rice went on FOX and told the truth as he sees it and not as the network wants it to be seen, and that's an unpardonable sin.

And clearly the best thing to do when a guest has a the balls to argue with the corporate line is to lie and say he apologized.

But even this misses the larger problem here on FOX news....how do you book a guest for a show and actually not know what he's going to talk about/what his opinion is on the question your gonna ask him? that's just sloppy work......well unless you believe Mr. Rich (which I do) who claims FOX news knew the comment was coming the whole time. See again quoting Mr Rich, "I had told the producer before I went on that I thought the Benghazi story had been hyped. So it should have been no surprise when I said it and the anchor pushed back that I defended my view,” He also mentioned that after the fact “One staff person said she thought I had been rude. My feeling was that they asked my opinion and I gave it.”

So FOX actually should have known the question was coming, still had the guy on the air and then threw a hissy fit about the guy actually saying what he told them he would say. And then apparently their employees are offended the guy actually had the balls to speak his opinion, and apparently they are so offended and shocked that they felt the need to fake an apology for the guy.

So yea, welcome to FOX news, where we are so thinned skinned and so worried our viewers might hear opposing opinions to our own we will claim you apologized for not agreeing with us, so as to not pop the bubble our viewers live in.

On the upside, if they feel the need to be this petty and this freaked out about a different opinion, I think we can all agree they cant be considered a news station anymore (since you know that occasionally involved showing different opinions) and at least now even they are willing to admit it.

That and well as a liberal, I find fox acting this pathetic fucking hilarious.

And actually lets be honest, the whole damn story is hilarious. either FOX doesnt have competent producers to check their guests out, or the producers cant communicate with the rest of the organization. And in either case their failure at one or the other, OR fox's absolute insistence in not hearing any fact or opinion they dont like has now caused a days worth of news stories.

Which I guess means I'm gonna have to declare this whole post interview sequence of events the most pathetic story of the week.

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