Wednesday, November 28, 2012

And the winner of the craziest excuse of the week is......

....Stuart Stevens, chief strategist for Romney's campaign, trying to explain why Romney lost and why he was actually a great candidate. He wrote an op-ed piece this week, that tries to explain why Romney lost (in theory at least thats the idea)....and proves the real reason Romney lost is divorce from reality.

For starters "Over the years, one of the more troubling characteristics of the Democratic Party and the left in general has been a shortage of loyalty and an abundance of self-loathing. It would be a shame if we Republicans took a narrow presidential loss as a signal that those are traits we should emulate."

Yes, the Democratic voters have been so disloyal the Dem's have only won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.

"I appreciate that Mitt Romney was never a favorite of D.C.’s green-room crowd or, frankly, of many politicians. That’s why, a year ago, so few of those people thought that he would win the Republican nomination. But that was indicative not of any failing of Romney’s but of how out of touch so many were in Washington and in the professional political class. Nobody liked Romney except voters. "

Yep remember when all the DC insiders thought Ron Paul and Rick Santorum had legitimate shots at becoming president? or Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann? Yea me either. I do remember them thinking though that those guys might win the nomination.......which they also thought about Donald Trump. But the reason they though those guys would win wasnt that they liked them more, its that your candidate couldnt seem to connect with voters.

It fact the voters liked him so much, he lost the presidential race getting only 47% of the vote....and actually the least popular candidate either party has run since we started polling on that.....

"What began in a small field in New Hampshire grew into a national movement. It wasn’t our campaign, it was Romney."

Cause you know, that whole running for president in 2008 thing doesnt cout. And that whole being governor of a state thing? never happened right? To be fair I dont disagree that it was Romney and not your campaign that fueled your limited success....mostly cause your campaign was incompetent.

"He bested the competition in debates, and though he was behind almost every candidate in the GOP primary at one time or the other, he won the nomination and came very close to winning the presidency. In doing so, he raised more money for the Republican Party than the party did."

Wait so, Mitt Romney isnt a republican? cause that seems to be what your statement is implying. Either that or you mean Romney raised more money for his campaign then the RNC raised for his campaign. Which you know is kinda THE WAY THAT ALWAYS WORKS OUT for both sides in presidential elections. But then again, thanks for the example of how clearly you and the campaign staff are incompetent idiots.

"He trounced Barack Obama in debate."

Note the sentence here "debate" singular. not "debates" yea apparently we just had the one. Then again if my candidate got fact checked on live TV and humiliated I wouldn't want to bring it up either. And I'll even concede the 3rd "debate" wasnt a debate, it was Barack Obama explaining his foreign policy and Mitt Romney telling us how much he liked it and I think you have to have differences to have a debate.

"He defended the free-enterprise system and, more than any figure in recent history, drew attention to the moral case for free enterprise and conservative economics."

And he lost. Which I guess means people didnt like the moral case for conservative economics.....

"When much of what passes for a political intelligentsia these days predicted that the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan meant certain death on the third rail of Medicare and Social Security, Romney brought the fight to the Democrats and made the rational, persuasive case for entitlement reform that conservatives have so desperately needed. "

And he lost. Specifically on Medicare/Social Security he lost by 8% according to exit polls. Or in other words the "political intelligentsia" was right.
"The nation listened, thought about it — and on Election Day, Romney carried seniors by a wide margin. It’s safe to say that the entitlement discussion will never be the same."

White senors. He lost Black 93 to 6% and Latino Senors 65-35%....but I guess those are just 47%er's who dont count right?

"On Nov. 6, Romney carried the majority of every economic group except those with less than $50,000 a year in household income. That means he carried the majority of middle-class voters."

Damn it, if it wasnt for the 47% of moochers in this country we could have president Romeny (although I must admit the point is in fact true. However since people making 50,000+ a year is also 60% of the electorate, it was pretty narrow wins)

"While John McCain lost white voters younger than 30 by 10 points, Romney won those voters by seven points, a 17-point shift."

However Romney lost minority voters and white women by much more then McCain. But hey congrats on getting a whiter male party. GO DIVERSITY!!!! By the way, I should also mention that this time Whites were only 29% of the electorate, as opposed to McCain when it was 31%.... won even though you won a higher % of them, there are actually less of them.

"Obama received 4½million fewer voters in 2012 than 2008, and Romney got more votes than McCain."

But you still lost. But hey I guess not getting beat as badly as the other guy is a win....the same way being the skinniest kid at fat camp is a win...he's still fat and you still lost.

"The Obama organization ran a great campaign. In my world, the definition of the better campaign is the one that wins."

Actually this is by far the truest statement here. Because again your campaign WAS INCOMPETENT. You nicknamed your own candidate Etch a Sketch, you sent him into that second debate without the actual facts behind his Libya attack, you NEVER actually figured out an answer to his taxes or to economic plan. You have your candidate take a 2 week vacation right after the convention....ect.

"But having been involved in three presidential races, two of which we won closely and one that we lost fairly closely, I know enough to know that we weren’t brilliant because Florida went our way in 2000 or enough Ohioans stuck with us in 2004. Nor are we idiots because we came a little more than 320,000 votes short of winning the electoral college in 2012. Losing is just losing. It’s not a mandate to throw out every idea that the candidate championed, and I would hope it’s not seen as an excuse to show disrespect for a good man who fought hard for values we admire."

I dont feel like running the numbers so I'll assume your right on the electoral vote....that said the electoral vote doesnt actually mean you had majority support if you W or Clinton, neither of them got above 50% at least once.

So it doesnt actually mean your ideas are that close to being accepted by even half the country.

Also how is it when Bush beat Kerry everyone (including you) called it a landslide yet when Obama thumped you by more then that (both in popular and electoral vote) you "lost fairly closely?" Just wondering.

"In the debates and in sweeping rallies across the country, Romney captured the imagination of millions of Americans. He spoke for those who felt disconnected from the Obama vision of America."

True.... unfortunately for you millions more weren't captured. And by the way, Mr. Stevens you do know you lost right? I mean this is the 3rd of 4th time your point can be defeated by "but you lost". I'm starting to get the impressing you wrote this BEFORE the election when you were expecting a win, they made a couple of tweaks after the fact.

"He handled the unequaled pressures of a campaign with a natural grace and good humor that contrasted sharply with the angry bitterness of his critics."

Ok yea I got 3 words for you here: "Forty Seven Percent" I dont really think thats graceful. And actually I got 7 more "I like being able to fire people" I dont think thats good humor....Oh and canceling your staff's campaign credit cards in the middle of his concession speech? that was neither

"There was a time not so long ago when the problems of the Democratic Party revolved around being too liberal and too dependent on minorities. Obama turned those problems into advantages and rode that strategy to victory."

You know, maybe its just me, but since as you yourself point out you totally owned the white vote and still got your ass kicked I dont think being dependent on minorities is a problem. And the same was basically true for McCain, so its not a new thing.

"But he was a charismatic African American president with a billion dollars, no primary and media that often felt morally conflicted about being critical. How easy is that to replicate?"

Oddly enough, your campaign outspend his $1.054 BILLION to $947.7 million. Now admittedly that's really close, but its not at all like he spend you under the table like your implying. So yea EXCUSE FAIL.

"Yes, the Republican Party has problems, but as we go forward, let’s remember that any party that captures the majority of the middle class must be doing something right."

General rule here: Not if your losing, that usually means your doing something wrong. And you lost the presidential race, the senate and got less total votes in the house even if you kept a majority.

"When Mitt Romney stood on stage with President Obama, it wasn’t about television ads or whiz-bang turnout technologies, it was about fundamental Republican ideas vs. fundamental Democratic ideas. It was about lower taxes or higher taxes, less government or more government, more freedom or less freedom. And Republican ideals — Mitt Romney — carried the day."

Carried the day? again YOU LOST! Are you sure you didnt write this before the election?

"On Nov. 6, that wasn’t enough to win. But it was enough to make us proud and to build on for the future."

Wait didnt you just say Romney carried the day? and your saying it wasnt enough? OUCH CONTRADICTIONS GIVE ME HEADACHE. (although I think you've proven my case you totally wrote this before the election.....)

So yea for pointing out that Mitt Romney did exactly what he needed to do, won white and middle class voters, and "carried the day" while apparently totally unable to explain how you can do exactly what you need to do to win and lose.....Stewart Stevens your this weeks winner of craziest statement of the week.....and if you'll just sign on the dotted line we can formalize your divorce with reality.

(and by the way, I'd link to the original article but I quoted every single line of it, in order, just with my interjections so I think that would be redundant)

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