Well if you havnt basically this is it: President Obama restored the original name of america's tallest mountain.
What? your waiting for the unamerican part? well that was is, that was the entire story. Cant you see how unamerican that is?
Ok maybe the longer version will help. America's tallest mountain was called Mt McKinley, after our former president, and now will instead be known as Denali....granted if your like me you havnt given a fuck about it, no matter its name, since you learned this bit of useless trivia (that its the US' tallest mountain) in 2nd grade.
But still assuming you give a fuck, the mountain is now being renamed. Which apprently is an OUTRAGE according to the GOP...specifically those from McKinley's home state of Ohio.
Or as 1 US Congressman from Ohio, Mike Turner put it
"The Ohio delegation certainly didn't hear about this from the president, I’m certain he didn’t notify President McKinley’s descendants, who find this outrageous. Clearly this is a president who is not concerned with the deliberative process."
Now unlike Turner I am actually POSITIVE Obama didnt notify McKinley's descendants.........because he doesnt have any, Both of President McKinley's daughters died before they reached the age of 4.
Now if you think fucking up the direct descendants of the guy your trying to defend suggests some stupidity on the defenders....well your catching on to how this is going to go.
So lets move on this time to a Senator Rob Portman (of Ohio) who tweeted this in a series of tweets about the renaming:
"Pres McKinley was a proud Ohioan, and the mountain was named after him, as a way to remember his rich legacy after his assassination"
Which sounds good, if not for a couple of small problems: Geography and Facts.
First, it might be a little weird to name something in Alaska after some guy to show how proud he is of being from Ohio....which at the closest point is 2700 miles away from Alaska. Except McKinley is actually from the east side of Ohio (niles) and the Mountain is near the center of Alaska, so they are actually about 4000 miles apart.
This would be like having a Monument to how proud George Carlin was to being from New York City in FUCKING ROME
Second, Mt. Denali was renamed McKinley in 1896 by a gold prospector as a show of support for then presidential candidate William McKinley. Which means, by the time McKinley was assassinated in 1901 the mountain had been named after him for about 5 years. OOPS.
Aint history fun? I hope so cause the GOP is going to try again, this time in the form of Speaker of the House John Boehner,
There is a reason President McKinley’s name has served atop the highest peak in North America for more than 100 years, and that is because it is a testament to his great legacy. McKinley served our country with distinction during the Civil War as a member of the Army. He made a difference for his constituents and his state as a member of the House of Representatives and as Governor of the great state of Ohio. And he led this nation to prosperity and victory in the Spanish-American War as the 25th President of the United States. I’m deeply disappointed in this decision.
Boehner gets partial credit here, McKinley DID serve in the civil war....but I'm not aware of any unusual distinction he showed. Which to be fair isnt uncommon for those in the lower ranks at that time, Generals tend to get all the credit and McKinley only ever made Brevet (temporary) Major (Regular Captain). Now taking nothing away from majors, consider this, in the movie gettysburg one of the main characters is the Unions Joshua Chamberlain, who is the guy who saves little roundtop. He was a Colonel, two ranks about Major. And all he had under his command was 100 men, McKinley wouldnt have even had that.
So you know, kinda up played the civil war thing there....but thats actually NOT the historical problem. Again Mt McKinley was so named in 1896....the Spanish American war (the legacy for which the mountain is named after according to the Speaker) starts in 1898.
God damn facts and their liberal biases.
So we switch tacks,and anyone whos followed republicans for the last few years likely knows whats next.....consistutional overreach:
we start with yet another Ohio US Congressman, this time Bob Gibbs:
“I hope my colleagues will join with me in stopping this constitutional overreach, President Obama has decided to ignore an Act of Congress in unilaterally renaming Mount McKinley in order to promote his job-killing war on energy. This political stunt is insulting to all Ohioans.”
then Former Rep, Ralph Regula who said this:
"The law is it’s Mt. McKinley and he can’t change a law by a flick of the pen,”
or Senator Portman who tweeted this (as another in that aeforementioned series of tweets):
"The naming of the mountain has been a topic of discussion in Congress for many years. This decision by the Administration is yet another example of the President going around Congress,"
Or presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich, who tweeted this:
As POTUS once again oversteps his bounds, Ohio knows every carnation is a monument to our own William McKinley.
And to be honest, this line of thought even got some play outside of Ohio, as another presidential candidate, former Arkansas gov Mike Huckabee chimed in as well:
"One, that the president thinks he can do whatever he wants, even renaming a national landmark,[...]
But here's the second thing that riles me: Where the heck is the Republican Congress that's supposed to be a check and balance? I'd like to see them stand up and tell him he can't do it."
I have a hunch Gov Huckster isnt paying attention here, given that I just gave a ton of comments from members of the republican congress saying just that. None of which changes one small simple problem....all of these guys are in fact WRONG.
But before I lay out how, let me drop a couple of hints of what might be up here, starting with, of all people Sarah Palin, and her resignation speech as "Half Gov" of Alaska:
And getting up here I say it is the best road trip in America soaring through nature's finest show. Denali, the great one, soaring under the midnight sun.
But but but, Denali is unamerican, what is Mrs. American doing saying it some 6 years before evil socialist man?
Well turns out Denali has been the official state recognized name for the Mountain in Alaska since 1975.....
4 months ago pretty much every single republican senator voted for something called "SA 838", which was a bill to return ALL national parks to the states...a move that would default the name of the Mountain back to the official name recognized by Alaska, Denali.
By the way, SA 838 was the brainchild of Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski...of Alaska, who by the way is totally in favor of the name change, praising Obama's action.
So once again, it turns out Republicans are for something....until a black man is in favor of it.
This time courtesy of Senator Rob Portman and his already twice mentioned tweets on the subject. This time around though this is the relevant tweet.
"I now urge the Administration to work with me to find alternative ways to preserve McKinley's legacy somewhere else in the national park that once bore his name."
now you may have noted that up till now we have only discussed the name of the Mountain, and not the national park it resides it. And maybe, you assumed "change one, change the other by default" not so actually, as Senator Portman knows. The name of Mt McKinley National Park was changed to Mt, Denali National Park back in 1980.
In fact the only place the name wasnt changed was the "Federal Board on Geographic Names", who happen to be in charge of making maps, hence why the name McKinley kept showing up on the map. Also should be noted the FBGN is an executive branch sub agency (inside the interior dept), so actually yes, Obama can tell them to do whatever the hell he pleases as long as its not illegal, with no need to consult congress ever. And in this case as it turns out, all he's asking them to do is follow the law from 30 years ago.
So yea, got to say this is a winning issue for republicans. So far they have managed to show they know nothing about a president they claim to honor, or what the laws are, or what their own opinions are, all in defending the name of a place that nobody gives a shit about, except the locals, who ALL (republican and democrat) favor changing the name to the point they already did it 40 years ago.
Yea, got to say this *totally* sounds like a winning issue for the GOP for sure.
But hey, I guess it was bound to happen eventually, even the GOP has actually run out of things they can get outraged about and are now reduced to begging for little mini unwanted outrage scraps like this.
Oh how the mighty are falling......
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