Up "first" in our final section, Ireland. Yea the entire country of Ireland....or at least its government, who accidentally legalized pretty much every drug ever. So basically what happened was the court of appeals in Ireland ruled a law called the Misuse of Drugs act illegal due to a technicality....which controlled/set the drug penalties.....which kinda got removed by this ruling. OOPS. Of course the government of Ireland tried to undo this as fast as possible....which is 2 days. So yea, for two days it was legal to get all kinds of fucked up in Ireland. Happy St. Patty's day indeed.
Next up, RickPAC, the PAC for Rick Perry's unannounced presidential run, who just hired Jamie Johnson as its senior director. See it turns out Johnson is known for sending emails like
"The question then comes, ‘Is it God’s highest desire, that is, his biblically expressed will, … to have a woman rule the institutions of the family, the church, and the state?”
Yea in other words its God's will that a man be president and a woman get him a damn sammich. That should do wonders for your outreach to women......especially given that this ISNT a new story. It first surfaced in 2012, and the woman in question was presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann. And Johnson was running Rick Santorum's campaign.
Which means RickPAC knew exactly who they were hiring....but apparently somehow thought that taking Santorum's sexist sloppy seconds somehow wouldnt blow up in their faces. Yea...good luck with that.
Next up, I need to cheat a little bit. In that this is actually from this present week, and not last week like the rest of these. Still time waits for no moron, so here it is.
US Congressman Pete Sessions, who said this on the floor of congress yesterday.
“If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million [insured individuals] into $108 billion, we are talking literally every single [Obamacare] recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It’s staggering….$108 billion for 12 million people is immoral. It’s unconscionable. ”
So first off, I'm pretty sure he means division, not multiplication. Still at least he got the simple part right.....problem is (possibly because he was multiplying) thats about all he got right.
See $108 billion divided by 12 million people would be about $9,000 per person.
Or roughly 1/500th of what Pete Session's claimed. But hey, ask any woman....all men exaggerate slightly about how big things are......
But in fairness to Sessions, nine thousand dollars is still a lot of money.....well except it turns out, he got his other numbers wrong too.
According to the CBO, Obamacare would cost 95 Billion....and the number of people on Obamacare is closer to 23 million. meaning the actual cost per person is closer to 4,100 dollars........
Which you know still might be a lot of money to some people. Probably not Pete Sessions though, since thats about what he makes every 10 days.......
Which I agree is totally immoral and unconscionable.....we actually pay morons that much.
Finally our winner.....Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham.
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No....the OTHER Billy Graham....you know, the preacher. |
Anyways, Little Graham was on a right wing radio show the other day and said this:
"[Obama's] mother must have been a Muslim, We don't know that, but she married two Muslim men, so there must have been something there."
That sound you hear in the background is my grandmothers ashes bouncing around in her urn, having just learned she's jewish, and the shrieking of my friends wife having just discovered she actually did become a catholic.......not to mention my future wife realizing she always thought all religion was bullshit.
I guess Graham Cracker has never heard of a interfaith marriage. Which is a bit weird given that his father's a baptist and his mother isnt......at least as far as she knew.
But then again, he mother presumably thought women retain their own beliefs and identities after marriage, which I know is a radical notion.
Furthermore I kinda like the implication, Obama must be a Muslim because his parents were one. Its just funny coming from a guy who doesnt identify as Baptist or Presbyterian (his mother's faith).
I mean, that level of self unwareness exhibited by Baby Graham takes some real talent....I think you have to not only train to be that stupid, but you need to be "blessed" with below average intelligence to begin with,
Anywho, that finally caps off bullshit mountain, and one of the longest (and therefore dumbest) "this week in stupid"'s ever.
I'm really hoping it will be a while before I have to do the next one....but something tells me I wont get my wish.
"[Obama's] mother must have been a Muslim, We don't know that, but she married two Muslim men, so there must have been something there."
That sound you hear in the background is my grandmothers ashes bouncing around in her urn, having just learned she's jewish, and the shrieking of my friends wife having just discovered she actually did become a catholic.......not to mention my future wife realizing she always thought all religion was bullshit.
I guess Graham Cracker has never heard of a interfaith marriage. Which is a bit weird given that his father's a baptist and his mother isnt......at least as far as she knew.
But then again, he mother presumably thought women retain their own beliefs and identities after marriage, which I know is a radical notion.
Furthermore I kinda like the implication, Obama must be a Muslim because his parents were one. Its just funny coming from a guy who doesnt identify as Baptist or Presbyterian (his mother's faith).
I mean, that level of self unwareness exhibited by Baby Graham takes some real talent....I think you have to not only train to be that stupid, but you need to be "blessed" with below average intelligence to begin with,
Anywho, that finally caps off bullshit mountain, and one of the longest (and therefore dumbest) "this week in stupid"'s ever.
I'm really hoping it will be a while before I have to do the next one....but something tells me I wont get my wish.
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Call it a hunch, but I think a mass of stupidity is headed directly for us....... |