Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hillary's health proves the media is terminally ill.

If you’ve been paying any attention at all to politics recently you’ve probably heard that Hillary Clinton is about to drop dead and how this totally disqualifies her from being president. You may have even heard the Democrats are scrambling to replace her on the ballot cause they totally have to forfeit the election and take a 10 yard penalty before starting the next one.

Now what you might not know is that this is total bullshit.

Now yes its true Hillary Clinton had/has a case of pneumonia, but it turns out that the only people close to death in this story are the mainstream media.

Ok so in the last few years, the media has lost all track of its objectivity and its job, and has instead decided its real job is complete and utter neutrality in all things at all times no matter facts.

For example, if someone says the sky is blue, and another person says the sky is plaid, the media spends days digging up people they call “experts” to discuss how reasonable both sides of the debate are, and how both sides have a message that people need to hear and decide on.

At no point does the media think it might be a good idea to stick their heads out a window and look up and see for themselves what fucking color the sky is.

Because doing that would mean they would have to say one side is wrong……and that can NEVER EVER EVER EVER Happen. That is a violation of the media prime directive.

Now perhaps you’re not yet convinced so here are some real world examples:

The media tells you “Climate change isn’t a settled science” Science tells you 99% of scientists say it exists. But someone once said it wasn’t so we have to assume it’s a valid and factually based belief.

The media tells you “Planned Parenthood might be selling baby body parts.” The tapes themselves…..even the highly edited versions, say actually the place they are filming is National Abortion League and not Planned Parenthood. But hey, someone once said it was Planned Parenthood so we have to assume it’s a valid and factually based belief.

The media tells you “its possible Barack Obama might be a Muslim, we cant be sure of his faith.” The Media also tells you “Barack Obama’s Christian pastor, Rev. Wright is a raging lunatic”.

That’s right, its gotten so bad the media wont even tell you one side is provable wrong…..even when reporting on a story that one side is provable wrong. (If Obama was a muslim….he wouldn’t have a pastor…..just in case someone needs me to spell it out for them)

So when Donald Trump’s campaign started suggesting weeks ago that Hillary Clinton had suffered a major brain injury, was possible covering up a stroke, an aneurism, Parkinson’s or even had a battery installed into her brain, and she was basically days away from dying, the media treated it as a totally valid idea, despite the complete lack of evidence to support it.

Yes eventually a tape emerged that allegedly showed Clinton having a weird twitch and convulsion that appeared to look like a stroke…..and then almost as quickly the full version of that tape emerged showing the whole twitch was part of a joke Clinton was making and that the edited version had been slowed down to make the fake symptoms look more severe.

So despite being almost instantly disproving, this edited tape made the rounds on the mainstream media for days, proving that Clinton had a brain injury. No one ever bothered to mention the tape wasn’t real. Because you know that would involve taking sides.

So that’s the context, when on September 11th, Hillary Clinton collapsed at an event as a result of her symptoms of what was eventually revealed to be pneumonia.

And how did the mainstream media react? Well no less a person than Tom Brocaw said this meant Hillary Clinton should release scans of her brain to prove there was no way the [already disproven and made up] traumatic brain injury could have affected her.

Cause you know pneumonia is a sign of traumatic brain injury the same way a hang nail is a sign of having been shot in the face.

So yes, this kicked off days of debate in the mainstream media….days in which the media literally ignored EVERYTHING so they could debate the possible consequences of Hillary’s possible traumatic brain injury.

For example they wanted to know, could the Democratic Party force Hillary Clinton to withdraw. They even dug up a former head of the DNC to talk about how the Democratic Party needs to seriously consider this option.

Now by the way, a few weeks ago the media decided to talk about if the Republican Party could force Donald Trump to withdraw, and they discovered, No, by law the nomination cant be withdrawn….but the candidate can choose to withdraw it.

Now of course, if that was the law two/three weeks ago…..its still the law now. But you know mentioning that would require “taking a side” and all opinions are equally as valid fuck the facts.

They went from there to discuss, who would replace Hillary Clinton on the ticket [that she legally cant be removed from]…..cause hey why not speculate widely about shit not based in reality?

If you care by the way, the consensus candidate of the reality unbound was Vice President Joe Biden, who they decided could totally run the country for the next 8 years.

See according to the media the Vice President ALWAYS has the best chance of becoming the next president…cause that’s what the media has decided to think. Now in the reality based world, the VP has only seceded the president TWICE (baring the president dying in office), Martin Van Buren following Andrew Jackson and George H.W. Bush following Reagan……and both of them lost reelection

Anybody want to guess why these facts are never introduced into that discussion?

That’s right, cause it would mean someone would be proven wrong.

Or in this case, doubly wrong.

See lets say Hillary Cinton DID decided for no reason at all to leave the ticket……well guess what, we already know who would replace her……and its not Joe Biden. It’s Tim Kaine……you know, her running mate, the guy running for Vice President?

You all remember the Vice President right? That would be that position in the Constitution whos entire purpose is to be able to take over the job of President if the current President cant?

Like there is literally no other reason at all for a vice president to exist…..and the media of course covers the Vice Presidential selection of both major parties. But then, when the question comes up…….well they cant tell you what they reported on and why it happens cause that might mean proving someone wrong…..and that is never allowed.

Which brings up the next point……the whole reason Hillary’s health is important, according to his opponents is cause no one is sure if the country would survive if a president died in office, or even what to do.

Cause that’s never a thing that happened.
William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, and Jack Kennedy all served out their terms. Richard Nixon even got his full 8 years.

So you know the whole “What do we do if the president dies thing” would be totally new and untrodded ground for this country…

But I hear what your saying, maybe they just think you cant be president if youre not 100% physically fit.

Now I have a retort to that as well, but first I need to go tell president FDR to stop break dancing and running around my house.

But hey, I mean if America’s longest serving president being confined to a wheelchair isn’t enough proof, we could also talk about the one who had a cancerous tumor removed (Cleveland) or the one who served his entire term with a terminal illness (Arthur), or the one with a horribly messed up back (Kennedy), or the one who was blind in one eye (Teddy Roosevelt) or the one with a bullet in him (Jackson….also TR). Not to mention whatever it was that Lincoln had….or Washington’s horrible scars and impotence from Smallpox. And oh yea, let us not forget the one with Alzheimer’s (Reagan)… know the one the entire republican party wants every president to be just like?

So as we can all see, physical fitness its just as important to being president as eye color is….maybe even slightly less so.

So yea, despite what the media tells you, Hillary Clinton doesn’t have brain damage, isn’t going to be replaced on the ticket, if she dies we have a backup plan, and we have done fantastic with less than physically fit presidents in the past.

But of course the media cant tell you this…..cause that would mean telling some folks their ideas are fucking stupid.

Luckily though, there is one person who is saving us from the cavalcade of retardation suffered by the mainstream media……Donald J. Trump, the man who started it all.

See, Trump has never met a situation he couldn’t fuck up for himself.

See not long after Hillary had her incident, Trump’s campaign started calling on her to release all of her medical records. Eventually someone had the bright idea to ask Trump’s campaign to release his.

Now this shouldn’t be a problem for Trump….after all a few months back his doctor released a statement proclaiming Trump to be the healthiest person to ever run for the presidency, while also claiming Trump tested positive on every single one of his medical tests.

Now of course back then, no one cared about medical records, so no one bothered to point out if Trump really did test positive for all his tests, that means he has HIV. Also Herpes. Also Scabies. Also Leprosy. And Cholera. And Dysentery. And Parkinson’s. And Cancer.

Cause, yea with medical tests, testing positive is NOT always a good thing.

Anyways, the fact that Trump has all these aliments probably explains why his campaign manager told reporters, that Trump would not release his medical records, and that they are covered by his right to privacy. (that scream your hearing is pro lifers around the country flipping shit at the acknowledgement of this idea)

And well if there is one thing the media likes more than total and abject neutrality in the face of faces to stave off having to do their actual jobs, its someone ELSE’s hypocrisy. So naturally they called him on this immediately.

Which led to Trump’s campaign promising he WOULD release his medical records…..on the Dr. Oz show. But that Doctor Oz wouldn’t be able to ask Trump about anything that Trump didn’t want to discuss.

Except then it turned out, Donald Trump would not be releasing his medical records on Dr. Oz’s show or anywhere else. Instead he would go on Dr. Oz’s show to answer prescreened questions about his health…..and release a summary of a doctor’s opinion of his medical records that he may or may not have seen.

Meanwhile this also takes the heat off of Hillary…and makes it hard for Trump to hit her on an issue he was winning on. Sure as a story its equally as bullshit… but it allows the media to run both a hypocrite story AND claim both sides are equally untrustworthy… they can be super neutral YAY.

Cause really, feeding the media’s sickness is a win for everyone *sarcasm*.

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