Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Donald Trump is back in the USSR.

Anyone with a slight inkling of understanding might expect that any controversies that erupted at the Republican National Convention(like say Melania Trump's plagiarism turned potential campaign finance fraud, steamrolling delegates by breaking the agreed upon convention rules, seeming to openly disrespect the mother of one of the Benghazi victims and the Vice Presidential nominee by doing live unscheduled TV interviews while they were speaking, ect) would involve Republican presidential Nominee Donald Trump.

What you probably wouldn't expect is that the  controversies that erupted at the Democratic National Convention  would also involve  Republican presidential Nominee Donald Trump.

Ok so right before the Democratic Convention was set to begin Wikileaks posted a bunch of information gained by hacker that showed the DNC had intentionally and actively tried to bias the primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton over any of her possible challengers. Now to be fair, this wasnt exactly breaking news.....even the most serious allegation, that the DNC possibly illegally bundled and funneled money for Hillary Clinton had already been a news story in its own right. The Wikileaks posting basically moved the stories out of the realm of "its highly likely the DNC biased the election" to "heres the proof the DNC biased the election". And once the DNC chair resigned, it was likely this story might have died off.

Except of course for trying to find out who hacked the DNC in the first place to get those records......and it turned it it appears to have been the Russian Government.

So yea, it looks like the Russian Government released documents timed specifically to damage one of America's political parties, and by implication help the other one.

This is how Donald Trump gets involved, he's the candidate who benefits from the Russian interference.  

But the question remains, why would Russia help Donald Trump in the presidential election? what possible difference could it make to them who the American President is?

Well I'm glad you asked. See just a day or so before Russia leaked the DNC documents, Donald Trump said he would not defend NATO countries, specifically the Baltic States, if invaded by Russia....unless he could see some finaical reason to do so.

As Trump himself put it recapping the conversation:

"What would happen if Russia or somebody attacks?’ I said: ‘I don’t know; have they paid?’ … ‘Well, they haven’t paid, but we have a treaty.’“I said: ‘Yeah, they have a treaty too – they have to pay.’
So you know, if push comes to shove....lets hope the Baltic States have paid up their protection racket money.

Oh and during the Republican Convention when the party was hammering out its platform (as all partys do everytime during the convention) Trump's people insisted on single change to the platform.....removing the part in which the GOP stood for arming and defending the Ukraine (which was invaded by Russia in 2014 and is still occupied). It was literally the ONLY thing in which the Trump team asked for any input of any kind on.

So yea, its pretty clear why Russia would want Trump...he has two major policy positions that would massively help out Russia in what is generally accepted to be their long term territorial expansion goals.

But of course, Trump wants nothing to with it right?

.................................... Turns out I may have to get back to you on that.

So Democrats were quick to pounce of the fact that Trump's policies help Russia as "proof" this was done by Russia to advantage Trump.

Trump then called a press conference to address these allegations, which he of course dismissed out of hand as unfounded, attacked Russia for meddling in American politics, promised consequences then attacked Democrats for this desperate and insane ploy to try to discredit him and pointed out how sleesy this makes the Democratic Party.

Just kidding.

Thats what a normal, sane, rational person would do (and in fact is pretty much what Trumps running mate Mike Pence did). Donald Trump is none of those things however.

Instead Trump called a press conference and said

“By the way, if [Russia] hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails, I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted. Because you’d see some beauties there.[...] I will tell you this: Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

That would be a candidate for President of the United States of America, hoping the government of the United State's primary antagonist for much of the last 70 years, hacked into American Governmental computers and stole information from officials of the American Government.....and that they will release that information to the world ....while also suggesting if they dont already have the information they should keep trying to hack into the American Government to get it just to help him politically.

Or to quote one of George W. Bush's appointees to the National Security Council, former Senior Director for Strategic Planning and Institutional Reform, William Inboden, Donald Trump's comments are "tantamount to treason."

So yea not surprisingly minutes after Trump made that comment (if not faster) pretty much anyone with an internet connection was diving into his background and the background of literally everyone who's ever been in contact with him to see if it was remotely possible he really was that stupid and/or an agent of the Russian government.

And it turns out......well evidence doesnt look good for Trump. For starters turns out a lot of his top aides, including his campaign manager have strong ties to Russia or even Putin directly.

Then a lawsuit uncovered by the New York Times points to many of Trumps projects in the last few years being financed in part by Russia. In fact he's been doing real estate deals there since 1980...this is all public record.

Now to be fair, literally none of that is illegal or unethical. In fact the financial part is pretty easy to clear up. it would seem to be a pretty easy sell job to say "hey as a successful businessman, its my job to try to make money all over the world. I did a lot of work in Russia, as well as [insert list of other countries here] and I can make as much money for the US as I did for myself. And Ive had tons of practice standing tough with the russians, even when they try underhanded stuff like this"

But again, thats the actions of a reasonable man....and this is Donald Trump.

So Trump took a different approach:

He claimed earlier today that except for a single $95 Million  deal he's never done any business of any kind with Russia ever.

Those pictures are shots of the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant (which is owned by Trump) Moscow Russia.

In otherwords, Trump is lying.....and that literally took me about 90 seconds to find on the internet.

Now again, none of what he did is illegal, or even suggests he's an agent of the Russian Government.....but now he's on record as blatantly and stupidly lied while trying to convince you hes honest about his connections to Russia. Im sure there are many more examples too....but really I only need one.

This one is Donald Trump IN moscow at the event...just in case he claims he didnt know about it

Which is why Democrats are calling for Donald Trump to release his tax returns, to show exactly what his dealing with the Russians are.

His campaign chief (one of the ones who used to lobby for Putin) has already gone on TV and said "Not going to happen"....not because of the Russian connection but because of the IRS audit....which Trump has claimed for months means he cant release them (the IRS disagrees).

Now to be fair, I dont think there is anything in Trumps taxes that would link him to Russia in any ways other than the ones we already know about. There really isnt going to be anything nefarious in there.

So why wont Trump do it? Well that gets to the crux of the huge mess that Trump finds himself in....a mess that may bury him if he cant find a way out...especially given that he keeps digging deeper.

Trump cant release his tax returns because he's a liar.....and his ENTIRE professional and public persona is based on a lie. That lie being that he's worth 10 Billion.

Now keep in mind, Trump literally makes his money by selling his name to people because of how much its worth.....the idea being the "Trump" name implies value. In fact according to Trump, it implies 10 Billion worth of value and success.

The problem is, most outside sources estimate Trump's actual value is somewhere between several hundred million dollars and 2-3 billion. Still a TON of money......but nowhere near the value Trumps been claiming to justify what he charges people to slap his name on everything.  And releasing his taxes would prove once and for all, exactly how much hes worth.....and no matter what its not 10 Billion.

So yea, if the truth gets out....Trump may well  lose a ton of current marketing will turn out his name isnt what the companies thought it was when they paid for it.....and it will be associated with fraud not profit.  And given that Trump has been blacklisted by most major american banks that discovery could outright end him as a professional.

And the dems knew that when they laid this tramp. Trump had to save himself.......but likely at the cost of his election chances (and with the the GOP election chances). I honestly dont expect this to go away anytime soon....espeically since Trump keeps digging (like with the "treason comment" or even claiming he was willing to recognize Ukraine as part of Russia, as he said just a few hours ago, well after this story broke)himself in deeper.

So yea, lets all get ready to go with Donald Trump on a neverending journey back to the USSR. where he really is about to get knocked out by a "Ukraine girl". Dems dont know how lucky they are.


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