You didnt? Well that probably means you dont live in Iowa.
It also means your right, cause it didnt happen.
So why do Iowa voters think it happened?
Well many of them got an email that looked a little something like this just before heading to the polls:
"Dear ___,
Breaking News. The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week.
Please inform any Carson caucus goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Cruz."
Now as you may have gathered from the last sentence, this email was sent by the campaign of Joe McCarthy Ted Cruz.
![]() |
McCarthy and Cruz.....not really sure which is which..... |
And while it doesnt explictly say Carson is dropping out, its very clearly implying it.....and they did following up with this tweet from Cruz's national campaign Co-Chair Rep Steve King of Iowa:
"Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope"
Oh and then there was this auto text send out to anyone signed up to recivce them from the Cruz Campaign

Now of course the Canadian Cruz Missile claims this isnt his fault. Yes his campaign sent ALL of it but:
"The news story said that Ben Carson was not continuing on from Iowa to New Hampshire; he was not continuing to South Carolina, He was going home to Florida. That was a news story CNN had posted. And our political team passed it on to our supporters. It was breaking news that was relevant. Now, subsequently the Carson campaign put out another statement saying that he was not, in fact, suspending his campaign. And I apologized to Ben for our team not passing on their subsequent clarification."
The claim here being the false implication Carson was quitting was actually CNN's fault, and really the worst you can accuse Cruz of is neglecting to inform people the information wasnt accurate.....AFTER he told him about it.
Which is a really odd defense when you think about it. Cruz is basically saying that he didnt intentionally lie when he implied carson was dropping out........instead he only lied by omission after discovering he'd inadvertently lied before.
Now alot of Ted Cruz apologists are pointing out that by skipping NH and SC Ben Carson is likely committing campaign suicide and that is a very very very very stupid move (or a series of stupid moves) especially given that the last time Carson took some time off (a month to do his book tour) is right about the time his numbers started to crash. |
Now all of that is true....and I agree, Carsons campaign is effectively over......but the same could be said for Bush, Fiorina, Gilmore, Christie and Kasich.....all of whom are going worse than Carson.
Cause effectively over isnt the same as out of the race, or to put it another way:
Course maybe Cruz never saw the movie so the distinction escapes him?

Now of course the Canadian Cruz Missile claims this isnt his fault. Yes his campaign sent ALL of it but:
"The news story said that Ben Carson was not continuing on from Iowa to New Hampshire; he was not continuing to South Carolina, He was going home to Florida. That was a news story CNN had posted. And our political team passed it on to our supporters. It was breaking news that was relevant. Now, subsequently the Carson campaign put out another statement saying that he was not, in fact, suspending his campaign. And I apologized to Ben for our team not passing on their subsequent clarification."
The claim here being the false implication Carson was quitting was actually CNN's fault, and really the worst you can accuse Cruz of is neglecting to inform people the information wasnt accurate.....AFTER he told him about it.
Which is a really odd defense when you think about it. Cruz is basically saying that he didnt intentionally lie when he implied carson was dropping out........instead he only lied by omission after discovering he'd inadvertently lied before.
But then of course, as it turns out.....well his "I lied later not at first" defense is itself NOT accurate:
So here's the original report as aired by CNN:
Jake Tapper: Thanks, Wolf. Well, CNN has learned some news about the man who, at least according to polls, is in fourth place here in Iowa. Now, Dana, a week from tomorrow, we’re all going to be doing this again for the New Hampshire primary. So almost every single candidate is going to be going directly from here to New Hampshire to campaign–except for the man in fourth place, who a few months ago was in first place here, Dr. Ben Carson. What have we learned?
Dana Bash: That’s right. We should say that our Chris Moody is breaking this news, that Ben Carson is going to go back to Florida, to his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s going to go there for several days. And then afterwards, he’s not going to go to South Carolina. He’s not going to go to New Hampshire. He’s going to come to Washington, D.C., and he’s going to do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday. And people who have been following Ben Carson’s career know that that’s really where he got himself on the political map, attending that prayer breakfast, and really giving it to President Obama at the time. And he became kind of a hero among conservatives, among evangelicals especially.
Tapper: But it’s very unusual–
Bash: Very unusual.
Tapper: –to be announcing that you’re going to go home to rest for a few days, not going on to the next site. Plus, he’s already announced that he’s going to be coming out and speaking at 9:15 local and 10:15 Eastern, no matter whether or not we know the results, because he wants to get home and get ahead of the storm.
Bash: Look, if you want to be President of the United States, you don’t go home to Florida. I mean, that’s bottom line. That’s the end of the story. If you want to signal to your supporters that you want it, that you’re hungry for it, that you want them to get out and and campaign, you’ve got to be out there doing it too. And he’s not doing it. it’s very unusual.
Tapper: Very unusual news that CNN has just learned. CNN’s Chris Moody breaking the story. Wolf, back to you in Washington.
Wolf Blitzer: Very significant news indeed, guys, thanks very much.
Oh and here is the original reporting by Chris Moody (via twitter):
Ben Carson will likely speak at his victory party in Iowa before caucus results are in so he can catch a flight.
Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.
Ben Carson's campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.
Anyone else notice whats missing in there? How about that "big announcement next week" that the Ted Cruz Email mentioned?
Its kinda not appears Ted Cruz just kind of pulled it out of his ass.
And the stop in campaigning mentioned in the auto message? explicitly contradicted by the story.
And then we get to his excuse.......Cruz was telling the truth when he said CNN said Carson wasnt going to NH or SC.....he just then decided to ignore the rest of the story, in which they said EXACTLY where Carson was going (DC) and why.
Then there is the part where "Cruz says Now, subsequently the Carson campaign put out another statement saying that he was not, in fact, suspending his campaign. "
Course if you read the final tweet in the original reporting, Carson's staying in the race was PART of that reporting. And no where does anyone other than Cruz say Carson is dropping out, suspending his campaign, ect. That part appears to have been totally manufactured by Cruz's campaign.
Its kinda not appears Ted Cruz just kind of pulled it out of his ass.
And the stop in campaigning mentioned in the auto message? explicitly contradicted by the story.
And then we get to his excuse.......Cruz was telling the truth when he said CNN said Carson wasnt going to NH or SC.....he just then decided to ignore the rest of the story, in which they said EXACTLY where Carson was going (DC) and why.
Then there is the part where "Cruz says Now, subsequently the Carson campaign put out another statement saying that he was not, in fact, suspending his campaign. "
Course if you read the final tweet in the original reporting, Carson's staying in the race was PART of that reporting. And no where does anyone other than Cruz say Carson is dropping out, suspending his campaign, ect. That part appears to have been totally manufactured by Cruz's campaign.
Now alot of Ted Cruz apologists are pointing out that by skipping NH and SC Ben Carson is likely committing campaign suicide and that is a very very very very stupid move (or a series of stupid moves) especially given that the last time Carson took some time off (a month to do his book tour) is right about the time his numbers started to crash. |
Now all of that is true....and I agree, Carsons campaign is effectively over......but the same could be said for Bush, Fiorina, Gilmore, Christie and Kasich.....all of whom are going worse than Carson.
Cause effectively over isnt the same as out of the race, or to put it another way:
Course maybe Cruz never saw the movie so the distinction escapes him?
Point is, just cause Carson did [something else] dumb doesnt mean hes out......and the one who started that story is in fact Ted Cruz.
But here's where it gets real smarmy: There is no evidence that the votes Cruz picked up from outright lying to people actually made a damn bit of difference. Pretty much everyone seems secure in the fact that even without a single extra vote from this Cruz would have won anyways
So there appears to have no particular reason for Cruz to have done this. Well except that this is just the kind of person Ted Cruz when weeks after being elected he the trolled the Republicans in the US senate into filibustering a Cabinet Secretary, based on something he pulled out of his ass.
Then their was the time he came up with a plan to overturn Obamacare, tricked the GOP controlled House into shutting down the government to do it......and then pulled the rug out from under them.
Then there was the time he tried to make it harder for the GOP to win an upcoming election by screwing them at the last second on something they had all agreed to because why the fuck not?
Then there was the time he decided to fuck over some republicans and let the democrats appoint 12 judges because....well actually I dont know WHY he did this one..
Ted Cruz apprently just takes a perverse enjoyment is lying and fucking people over of its own sake......the consequences of his actions (like say more obamacare faster, something he should oppose but got as the result of his shutdown) dont really ever seem to bother him.....even when he'd clearly be better off having not done so.
He's basically your regular run of the mill drug addict.....except that his drug of choice seems to be lying and fucking people over for no reason....its how he gets his fix.
But here's where it gets real smarmy: There is no evidence that the votes Cruz picked up from outright lying to people actually made a damn bit of difference. Pretty much everyone seems secure in the fact that even without a single extra vote from this Cruz would have won anyways
So there appears to have no particular reason for Cruz to have done this. Well except that this is just the kind of person Ted Cruz when weeks after being elected he the trolled the Republicans in the US senate into filibustering a Cabinet Secretary, based on something he pulled out of his ass.
Then their was the time he came up with a plan to overturn Obamacare, tricked the GOP controlled House into shutting down the government to do it......and then pulled the rug out from under them.
Then there was the time he tried to make it harder for the GOP to win an upcoming election by screwing them at the last second on something they had all agreed to because why the fuck not?
Then there was the time he decided to fuck over some republicans and let the democrats appoint 12 judges because....well actually I dont know WHY he did this one..
Ted Cruz apprently just takes a perverse enjoyment is lying and fucking people over of its own sake......the consequences of his actions (like say more obamacare faster, something he should oppose but got as the result of his shutdown) dont really ever seem to bother him.....even when he'd clearly be better off having not done so.
He's basically your regular run of the mill drug addict.....except that his drug of choice seems to be lying and fucking people over for no reason....its how he gets his fix.
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