Its time once again for a GOP DEBATE REVIEW! Now with 100% less Trump.
Now the rules for those just joining us:
The way this works, I'm going to start with the Candidate I think has the bleakest future and move up. However after each number showing the candidates present prospects, I will also list a second number in () after the name, which is the "number" based on the polls going into the debate. So for example #1 Clinton, (8) would mean the candidate (Clinton in this fictional case) who currently looks the best, came in to the debate with the worst support in the polls.
Also like last time there will be a 3rd number following the second, this is where I placed the candidates standing in my evaluation of the last debate. So using Clinton again #1 Clinton (8/6) would mean I think Clinton did the best, came into the debate in 10th, but I had thought should have been entering at 8th in my previous analysis.
A couple of special notes this time around. First Donald Trump WAS ranked first in this debate, even though he didnt show up. So the first set of numbers here are actually going to be between 2 and 8.
Secondly Rand Paul didnt make the last debate, so the second number on his name will be from the 5th debate, which is the last one he was at.
7) Ben Carson (4/3)
Ben Carson's debate performance can be summed up in 3 letter: WTF?
First off, its worth noting that in 2 hours, Ben Carson made a total of 5 statements over 2 hours including his closing statement, so he barely factored into this debate. Secondly, given that he only made 5 statement its amazing how much weird shit he was able to say
For example: "Putin is a one- horse country: oil and energy. And we ought to fight them on that level."
It appears Ben Carson has become the latest victim of the "republicans not being able to count to incredibly small numbers" disease following in the proud footsteps of Rick "oops" Perry, Ted Cruz, and the Bundy wackjob in oregon. Or Putin is riding one of those weird Siamese twin horses.
Second, I could be wrong about this, but Im pretty sure Putin isnt a country unto himself......
Speaking of Putin:
"We have so much natural gas now, and we can liquify it, and we can transfer it across the sea so we can make Europe dependent on us instead of Putin -- put him back in his little box where he belongs."
His little box is what exactly? Russia, the largest country on the planet? not exactly a little box.....
Then we get to his closing which it was pretty clear that despite only having said 4 things before this the poor doctor was tired and at a total and complete loss for words or thoughts.
You see most of the candidates made an appeal to the Iowa voters in the room, seeing as how Iowa votes on Monday, and the debate was in Iowa. But not Dr. Carson, no his closing statement was:
"We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the benefits of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the United States of America."
You can almost hear his brain going "Oh shit, I have to talk again.....but i have no idea what to say....quick whats the first political sounding thing that comes to mind?"
6) Marco Rubio (3/6)
Unlike Carson I need 3 full words to describe Marco Rubio's debate preformance:
ISIS God and Guantanamo.
Basically every single one of Marco Rubio's answers involved him being scared shitless by ISIS, his solution to everything lets stick people in Gitmo and torture them.
This was clearly the "evolution" of the desperation I mentioned last time out where Rubio has basically decided his only chance of winning is to regurgitate neocon talking points ad nausem.
For example, Rubio was brought into a discussion over which candidate is the "heir" to Ron Paul's which he had this to say:
" I believe the world is a safer and a better place when America is the strongest power in the world. And I believe only with a strong America will we defeat this radical group, this apocalyptic group called ISIS.
That's why when I'm president we are going to rebuild our intelligence capabilities. And they're going to tell us where the terrorists are. And a rebuilt U.S. military is going to destroy these terrorists.
And if we capture any of these ISIS killers alive, they are going to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and we're going to find out everything they know, because when I'm president, unlike Barack Obama, we will keep this country safe."
Or when asked if his position on shutting down any place Muslims go for any reason violates the first amendment:
"Look, the threat we face from ISIS is unprecedented. There has never been a jihadist group like this. They have affiliates in over a dozen countries now.
They are the best funded radical jihadist group in the history of the world, and they have shown a sophisticated understanding of the laws of other countries on how to insert fighters into places, and they are actively plotting to attack us here at home and around the world.
We must keep America safe from this threat. And yes, when I am president of the United States, if there is some place in this country where radical jihadists are planning to attack the United States, we will go after them wherever they are, and if we capture them alive, they are going to Guantanamo."
Or he was asked does Ted Cruz's rhetoric match his record:
"Well, again, I mean, obviously, as already has been pointed out, the only budget that Ted has ever voted for is a budget that Rand Paul sponsored that brags about cutting defense spending. And I think that's a bad idea for the following reason.
ISIS is the most dangerous jihadist group in the history of mankind. ISIS is now found in affiliates in over a dozen countries. ISIS is a group that burns people alive in cages; that sells off little girls as brides. ISIS is a group that wants to trigger an apocalyptic showdown in the city of Dabiq -- not the city of Dubuque; I mis-said -- mis-said that wrong once (inaudible) time -- the city of Dabiq in Syria. They want to trigger an apocalyptic Armageddon showdown.
This group needs to be confronted and defeated. They are not going to go away on their own. They're not going to turn into stockbrokers overnight or open up a chain of car washes. They need to be defeated militarily, and that will take overwhelming U.S. force.
Today, we are on pace to have the smallest Army since the end of World War II, the smallest Navy in 100 years, the smallest Air Force in our history. You cannot destroy ISIS with a military that's being diminished. When I'm president, we are rebuilding the U.S. military because the world is a safer and a better place when America is the strongest military in the world."
So everyone caught that right? Apparently ISIS is larger, better funded and a bigger threat then the combined forces of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, hence why we need a World War II sized army to even have a chance against stopping them from triggering Armageddon....
Oh yea, by the way, its not just a world war II sized army we need either, as Rubio threw this out at one point too:
"I think the United States military is operating under rules of engagement that are too strict and that do not allow us to pursue victory. When I'm president, that will change."
I assume the rules hes talking about are the ones where we dont bomb civilians and dont send people to Gitmo to be tortured...but hey I mean its the ISIS, sacrifices have to be made.
Oh and his immigration stance:
"Number one, we're going to keep ISIS out of America. If we don't know who you are, or why you're coming, you will not get into the United States."
To be fair though, he did show occasional pandering to other neocon talking points for example:
On why he would be a good president, mostly he's not Hillary Clinton because you see: "Hillary Clinton stored classified information on her private server. And Hillary Clinton lied to the families of those four brave Americans who lost their life in Benghazi. And anyone who lies to the families of Americans who have died in the service of this country can never be commander-in-chief of the United States."
Of course, except for that first sentence (which applies to all politicans btw) NONE of that is true as the longest congressional investigation in history, itself the 8th, has proven. But its a neocon talking point and Rubio really doesnt want to lose.....
Or on if he regrets calling Chris Christie a flip flopper:
"I think if you do not understand that our Judeo-Christian values are one of the reasons why America is such a special country, you don't understand our history. You see, why are we one of the most generous people in the world -- no, the most generous people in the world? Why do Americans contribute millions of dollars to charity?
It is not because of the tax writeoff. It is because in this nation, we are influenced by Judeo-Christian values that teach us to care for the less fortunate, to reach out to the needy, to love our neighbor. This is what's made our nation so special.
And you should hope that our next president is someone that is influence by their faith. Because if your faith causes you to care for the less fortunate, it is something you want to see in your public figures. And when I'm president, I can tell you this, my faith will not just influence the way I'll govern as president, it will influence the way I live my life.
Because in the end, my goal is not simply to live on this earth for 80 years, but to live an eternity with my creator. And I will always allow my faith to influence everything I do.
And yes, I notice the answer has nothing to do with the question....and its historically wrong. But hey none of that matters when you need to desperately suck off the evangelicals to win an election
Oh and the 80 years thing, Not just a number pulled out of his ass. Here's Psalm 90:10
"The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."
The key fact here is that a score of years is twenty years. So this verse literally says you can only assume God will let you live to 70 or 80. Admittedly not many Christians take this part literally, but the right ones (the religious wack jobs) do.
So yea, apparently hes willing to do the whole Rimjob while hes down there trying pleasuring the evangelical vote.
And finally, his closing statement:
"The bible commands us to let our light shine on the world. For over 200 years, America's light has been shining on the world and the world has never been the same again. But now, that light is dimming a little, after seven years of Barack Obama. And that's why Monday night, what will happen here in Iowa is so important.
I'm asking you for your vote. Caucus for me on Monday night because if I am your nominee, I will unite this party and I will defeat Hillary Clinton and when I'm president, America's light will shine again and the 21 century will be a new American century."
Vote for me, cause you know bible....
5) John Kasich (7/4)
You know it seems almost unfair that someone has to place only one spot higher than that, cause the gulf of how bad the performance was between Marco Rubio and the person above him was is tremendous. But since I cant just leave a blank in my ranking, I guess someone has to take the spot about him.
See the thing is, Kasich actually had a decent showing, he did a good job (as always) pointing out his strenghts and even made himself look like a washington outsider.
The problem was this one exchange:
"KASICH: Chris...
... there was a question about foreign policy, by the way, and experience. And I -- I thought, if I didn't jump in, I might not be able to tell everybody this. I think they'd want to hear it.
Look, I served on...
WALLACE: Well...
WALLACE: ... we'll be talking about foreign policy a little bit later. We're going to talk...
KELLY: We have a lot -- we have a lot to cover. But we want to -- we want to turn the page to domestic...
KASICH: ... but wait a minute...
KELLY: No, no. No.
KASICH: ...the only reason is -- look...
KELLY: No no no, because we want to turn the page to domestic terror, and let me tell you why: we're partnering with Google on this debate, and they're telling us...
KELLY: ... that their search results have gone through the roof on -- on people...
KASICH: I've always listened to you, Megyn. Go ahead.
KELLY: ... you're a good man, Governor Kasich.
KASICH: Yes -- thank you."
That was basically Kasich being told to shit down and shut the fuck up so they could move on to more important candidates....and the fact he eventually meekly agreed to it didnt really help his perception at all.
Also didnt help that when the moderators finally came back to him with a question about should the cell phone companies put back doors into cell phones to allow the FBI to spy on american's at all times without their knowledge his answer was
"KASICH: Well, look the Joint Terrorism Task Force needs resources and tools. And those are made up of the FBI, state and local law enforcement. And Megyn, it's best not to talk anymore about back doors and encryption, it will get solved, but it needs to be solved in the situation of the White House with the technology folks.
MEGYN: But this is public testimony.
KASICH: But I just have to tell you that it's best with some of these things not be said. Now I want to go back something. See, I was there when Reagan rebuilt the military. I was there in '89 when the wall came tumbling down because we were strong."
Pretty sure that translates not only to a yes, but that the fact we are spying on Americans should be done without the knowledge of any Americans.
Kasich has been the candidate I'd vote for if I was a republican, and the one I've figured republicans should vote for (if they want to win and if they want a reasonable candidate).......and yet with that one answer.....yea, never I got to find another one of these candidates to be the choice for reasonable republicans.
4) Rand Paul (8/3)
Rand Paul's back. And returned basically to form. By which I mean, as usual Paul is the divider between those who had a bad debate performance, and those who had a good one, while having a solid but utter forgettable performance himself in which he said everything youd expect him to say and exactly what he said in the other 5 debates that he was in, so nothing new or exciting at all, but at the same time nothing dumb or shocking.
So yea, I dont think I need to rehash it again for the 6th time. If you know what Rand Paul stands for, you can imagine his debate performance with almost 100% accuracy so moving on.....
3) Ted Cruz (2/1)
Cruz actually had the line of night, when asked about Donald Trump's absence
"let me say I'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. And Ben, you're a terrible surgeon. Now that we've gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way..."
Problem was, he kept going back to that well, it didnt work so well the other times
CRUZ: Chris, I would note that that the last four questions have been, "Rand, please attack Ted. Marco, please attack Ted. Chris, please attack Ted. Jeb, please attack Ted..."
CRUZ: Let me just say this...
WALLACE: ... It is a debate, sir.
CRUZ: ... Well, no, no. A debate actually is a policy issue, but I will say this. Gosh, if you guys ask one more mean question I may have to leave the stage.
in written form that comes across funnier than it was in real time. In real time it looked petty and I think a lot of people, myself included didnt quite catch the it made Cruz look prissy and smug.
Then there was the really awkward Reagan reference he made when he said he would "Tear down the EPA's blend wall which will enable ethanol to expand its market share by up to 60%, all without mandates." It sounded way to clunky and rehearsed to be the "natural inclination towards being Reagan" Cruz intended.
He also got tripped up pretty badly on his ever changing stance on immigration...but that was also true for EVERYONE else up there. mostly because Republicans are total prostitutes on this issue, as they dont really care about it....except that they know their base does so they will say whatever you ask them to, whenever you ask them too. So I cant hold it against him specifically.
All of that said, he actually did a really good job of sounding tough on ISIS and wanting a bigger military without reaching the depths of Marco Rubios mad ravings. And he did an amazing job turning a seeming negative into a positive when he was asked why none of his senate colleagues support him for president, by saying that just proved he was the ultimate anti establishment candidate.
And he didnt shy away from his position on ethanol (which Iowa cares about even if the rest of us dont), even after it drew criticism from Iowa's Republican Gov Terry Bransted, who was in the crowd at the debate.
As much as I hate to say it, Ted Cruz had yet another solid debate.
2) Jeb Bush (5/2)
Once again, I feel like I'm giving Jeb a spot he didnt earn.....but the difference is, this time he might have actually earned 1st.....I just cant give it too him because he only earned first when I actually reread the transcript to do this blog.
See watching the debate live, I thought Bush actually gave some really good and smart answers (even if I disagreed)....say particularly to the Immigrant on Youtube, on Puerto Rico, The Muslim Youtuber.
But what I didnt notice was that all his answers were actually solid....and he gave a lot of them. But thats also why i cant give him first, none of them stood out enough for me to hear as anything other than "Blah Blah Blah" until I went back to take a second look. And the fact is, most people arnt going to take a second look and first impressions count, and my first impression of Bush this time out was boring and dull but not nuts, so second he gets.
1) Chris Christie (6/5)
No, thats not a typo. Christie actually did pretty good this time out. He managed to sound strong and tough without crossing over the line to bully. He also usually sounded like he knew what he was talking about, and he didnt keep repeating the same phrases he used in the last debate. He also barely exploited 9/11 to make himself look tough (though he did have to squeeze it in at the end just cause)
Now admittedly objectively his desire to prosecute Hillary Clinton for crimes (of which all evidence suggests didnt actually happen) is well, insane, but unlike the other candidates he got the line out and moved on quickly as opposed to trying to draw it out and tripping over it.
And then there was the time he was asked if he would definitively answer if we would go to war with Libya if he was president....and he answered by talking about how Hillary Clinton wont anwser direct questions.
But on most points he was good....talking about the difference between profiling and law enforcement for example. Or his handling of Kim Davis, he found a middle ground in which I think most everyone on both sides would at least be ok with, even if they didnt like. Or even his answer on why compromise isnt a bad thing was pretty good.
There is however one major line I think he's going to regret saying "Sure, because there has been three different investigations and proven that I knew nothing."
In context this is in reference to bridgegate, but even so it doesnt really sound good, cause his excuse is basically "Shit, like I was paying attention to details". And out of context....well expect to see that in every superpac ad by everyone should christie ever gain any political momentum in this race or any other.
Now as I said, in hind sight I feel like I should reverse his and Bushes standings, but like I said, you dont get a replay in the actual debate.
So yea, Chris Christie did the best in the debate....I cant call him the winner though, but thats we all know the real winner was Megyn Kelly because she made Trump go poopie in his pants.
Also, if you actually like any of these candidates now might be a good time to say good bye. While there will be another freaking week......that is after voting starts so some of these people may not be around (Hi Rand, Hi Kasich Hi Doc Carson). Which hopefully also means I can do a lot less writing next time....this things are timesinks.
He also got tripped up pretty badly on his ever changing stance on immigration...but that was also true for EVERYONE else up there. mostly because Republicans are total prostitutes on this issue, as they dont really care about it....except that they know their base does so they will say whatever you ask them to, whenever you ask them too. So I cant hold it against him specifically.
All of that said, he actually did a really good job of sounding tough on ISIS and wanting a bigger military without reaching the depths of Marco Rubios mad ravings. And he did an amazing job turning a seeming negative into a positive when he was asked why none of his senate colleagues support him for president, by saying that just proved he was the ultimate anti establishment candidate.
And he didnt shy away from his position on ethanol (which Iowa cares about even if the rest of us dont), even after it drew criticism from Iowa's Republican Gov Terry Bransted, who was in the crowd at the debate.
As much as I hate to say it, Ted Cruz had yet another solid debate.
2) Jeb Bush (5/2)
Once again, I feel like I'm giving Jeb a spot he didnt earn.....but the difference is, this time he might have actually earned 1st.....I just cant give it too him because he only earned first when I actually reread the transcript to do this blog.
See watching the debate live, I thought Bush actually gave some really good and smart answers (even if I disagreed)....say particularly to the Immigrant on Youtube, on Puerto Rico, The Muslim Youtuber.
But what I didnt notice was that all his answers were actually solid....and he gave a lot of them. But thats also why i cant give him first, none of them stood out enough for me to hear as anything other than "Blah Blah Blah" until I went back to take a second look. And the fact is, most people arnt going to take a second look and first impressions count, and my first impression of Bush this time out was boring and dull but not nuts, so second he gets.
1) Chris Christie (6/5)
No, thats not a typo. Christie actually did pretty good this time out. He managed to sound strong and tough without crossing over the line to bully. He also usually sounded like he knew what he was talking about, and he didnt keep repeating the same phrases he used in the last debate. He also barely exploited 9/11 to make himself look tough (though he did have to squeeze it in at the end just cause)
Now admittedly objectively his desire to prosecute Hillary Clinton for crimes (of which all evidence suggests didnt actually happen) is well, insane, but unlike the other candidates he got the line out and moved on quickly as opposed to trying to draw it out and tripping over it.
And then there was the time he was asked if he would definitively answer if we would go to war with Libya if he was president....and he answered by talking about how Hillary Clinton wont anwser direct questions.
But on most points he was good....talking about the difference between profiling and law enforcement for example. Or his handling of Kim Davis, he found a middle ground in which I think most everyone on both sides would at least be ok with, even if they didnt like. Or even his answer on why compromise isnt a bad thing was pretty good.
There is however one major line I think he's going to regret saying "Sure, because there has been three different investigations and proven that I knew nothing."
In context this is in reference to bridgegate, but even so it doesnt really sound good, cause his excuse is basically "Shit, like I was paying attention to details". And out of context....well expect to see that in every superpac ad by everyone should christie ever gain any political momentum in this race or any other.
Now as I said, in hind sight I feel like I should reverse his and Bushes standings, but like I said, you dont get a replay in the actual debate.
So yea, Chris Christie did the best in the debate....I cant call him the winner though, but thats we all know the real winner was Megyn Kelly because she made Trump go poopie in his pants.
Also, if you actually like any of these candidates now might be a good time to say good bye. While there will be another freaking week......that is after voting starts so some of these people may not be around (Hi Rand, Hi Kasich Hi Doc Carson). Which hopefully also means I can do a lot less writing next time....this things are timesinks.