I just never expected that party to be the American Nazi Party.......
Yet, if the Republicans are to be believed, they actually think the Nazi's had the right idea.....and they have for some time now. And no its not just a group of fringe wackjobs, its a good chuck of their president field.
Ok so I mentioned a while back about how radio talk show host Jan Mickelson wants to enslave brown people. And Ted Cruz wants to retroactively strip them of their citizenship. Trump Wants to censor the media, and Chris Christie wants to force all immigrants to this country (including legal ones) to wear some kind of tracking device....a move straight out of the playbook of the third reich.
What I didnt know at the time, is we barely scratched the surface. Turns out the Nazi's are back and even stronger than I realized.
Now Rep Dale is not shockingly a huge proponent of gun rights.....except apparently to members of a specific religious or enthic group. If this sounds familiar, its because it is. The Nazi's loosened gun restrictions for all German's....with the exception of the Jews.
And of course, the Nazi's also feared Jews moving around...hence the ghettos and camps.
By the way it should be noted, Dale's Governor, Gregg Abbott did say his state wont accept any Syrian Refugees based on these grounds:
"[The federal government] do not have the capability to distinguish between those refugees who can pose as terrorist, and those who may be innocent, and until the United States develops that capability it is essential that we do first things first, and that is and that is to keep the people of the state of Texas safe,"
Abbotts not alone in this, 30 other governors (all but 1 republican) have said similar things for similar reasons. Now while its true none of them have any legal power to do anything about it, this is still suggesting that members of a specific ethnicity be considered inherently dangerous and contained until "proven" otherwise. Again this should sound familiar.....Sieg Heil.
Oh and its not just Texas either. Rhode Island state Sen. Elaine Morgan (R) has said:
"[t]he Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone is a non Muslim.
If the U.S. does "take these people in, "we should set up refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous [sic]. We have veterans in the streets starving, alcoholics, drug addicts. I can see taking [Syrian refugees] in, but keeping them all centralized – it sounds a little barbaric, but we need to centralize them and keep them in one central area.”
Yes, it is barbaric...points for honesty. In fact its so barbaric that this is exactly the same idea and justification used to set up the first concentration camps (not yet death camaps) in Nazi Germany.......Sieg Heil.
Now again, this probably all seems bush league at this point...so lets kick it into high gear.
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich recently floated an idea that we needed a "new agency that has a clear mandate to promote the core Judeo-Christian values that we and our friends and allies share"
Sounds an awful lot like a Ministry of Propaganda....propaganda that apparently is based on religion...except 1, which is "threatening". Why does this sound familiar?
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Joseph Goebbels. Minister of Propaganda. |
Oh yea.....thats it. Sieg Heil.
Actually to be fair to Kasich, he did walk this idea back the next day...so maybe I misjudged him?
Probably not actually, since hes one of those 31 governors who wants to block Syrians from entering his state. Or as he put it:
Oh by the way, speaking of members of those 31 governors running for president: we are back to the originator of using the Nazi's as a policy blueprint, Gov Chris Christie:
Chrisite was on right wing talk show host Hugh Hewitt's radio show Monday and was asked about taking in a specific group of Syrian Refugees....orphans under 5. His anwser?:
You know, Hugh, we can come up with 18 different scenarios. The fact is that we need appropriate vetting, and I don’t think orphans under five are being, you know, should be admitted into the United States at this point. But you know, they have no family here. How are we going to care for these folks? The fact is you can come up with a number of different scenarios, Hugh. But in the end, I don’t trust this administration to effectively vet the people that they’re asking us to take in. We need to put the safety and security of the American people first."
So Syrian's are born inherently evil and dangerous, hence why we cant even take in the children? Goebbels would be proud.
Christie and Kasich arnt along in this by the way. Carly Fiorina agrees as well :
"Secondly: of course we are a compassionate people, but the vast majority of refugees leaving Syria are able bodied young men. And our own government has told us that we cannot properly vet these people, so of course we can not be letting them in.”
Truth of course is that most of the refugees (98% )arnt able bodies young men...but if it will keep the undesirable religon out by claiming they are not the victims but in fact the perpetrators....well of course it has to be said...thats Nazi 101
Now enter Ted Cruz....the son of a Refugee from an anti american country:
"It is nothing less than lunacy, It makes no sense whatsoever for us to be bringing in refugees who our intelligence cannot determine if they are terrorists here to kill us or not. Those who are fleeing persecution should be resettled in the Middle East in majority Muslim countries."
Cruz has also pledged to introduce a bill in the senate banning Syrians from entering the United States.
See Syrians are ALL muslims, Muslims are inherently dangerous, we should keep them all away.
Too bad Rand Paul beat him too it. See Paul introduced a bill making Syrians who do somehow make it into this country ineligible for any kind of help, be it housing, medical, ect. Keep in mind, Refugees are literally the people least likely to come here with any money or property of any kind. But you see according to Paul
"The biggest issue of the day is how we protect ourselves from terrorism. My amendment goes to the heart of the matter. Are we sufficiently vetting those who might come here and attack us from the Middle East? [...] my request is simple — an up or down vote on his Amendment to cut off welfare to new refugees. We should be pause the refugee program while we fix it and ensure national security is addressed. This vote is to send a message to President Obama to halt this program now.""
You see the thing is: "The two Boston bombers were here as refugees. They didn't take very kindly to what we gave them—education, food, clothing, and they chose to attack our country.”
Of course, this isnt true....the Boston Bombers were the sons of a man granted Asylum (a different legal definition and process) and not actually from the middle east, they were russians.
But a good nazi never lets facts stand in the way of blaming the people he wants to go after anyways.
Oh also as a even more evil twist, Paul's bill would also include people from 34 other countries seeking refugee status....including France. Because I assume since France was weak and attacked by Muslim's we dont want them here either.....they cant be trusted.
Now over to Jeb Bush...who at least wants some Syrians in.....
"But I do think there is a special important need to make sure that Christians from Syria are being protected because they are being slaughtered in the country and but for us who? Who would take care of the number of Christians that right now are completely displaced?"
You know, the ones who arnt Muslims.....because again Muslims are inherently undesirable.
As to those undesirable's "we should focus on creating safe havens for refugees in Syria rather than bringing them all the way across to the United States,"
We can help them....provided they stay in their special Muslim areas.....
Next up Doctor Ben Carson. He was asked about admitting Syrian's and gave the following analogy:
"“For instance, you know, if there is a rabid dog running around your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good about that dog, and you’re probably gonna put your children out of the way,"
Because it turns out, Muslims, because of their religion are subhuman and more akin to animals. This was the main tenant of the 3rd Reich's propaganda against the jews. Sieg Heil.
Now enter son of 2 refugees...Senator Marco Rubio who was recently interviewed about what he thinks we should do about attacks like what happened in Paris:
"The first thing we would want to know is, what are the cell phones records of these people? Let's say that, God forbid, what happened in Paris happened in Washington. We would want to know -- we would want access to these people's phone records, because it would give us clues as to who they were working with, who probably may be involved in plots themselves later on down the road.[...]
Listen, the background checks are required now. The problem is not the background checks. The problem is we can't background check them. You can't pick up the phone and call Syria.
And that's one of the reasons why I said we won't be able to take more refugees. It's not that we don't want to; it's that we can't because there's no way to background check someone that's coming from Syria.
Who do you call and do a background check on them?
The bottom line is that this is not just a threat coming from abroad. What we need to open up to and realize is that we have a threat here at home, homegrown violent extremists, individuals who perhaps have not even traveled abroad, who have been radicalized online. This has become a multi-faceted threat.
In the case of what's happening in Europe, this is a swarm of refugees. And as I've said repeatedly over the last few months, you can have 1,000 people come in and 999 of them are just poor people fleeing oppression and violence but one of them is an ISIS fighter.
If that's the case, you have a problem and there is no way to vet that out. There is no background check system in the world that allows us to find that out because who do you call in Syria to background check them?
So by Marco Rubio's standards, it appears all new syrians should be banned from the country, even if only 1 in a thousand is a potential threat, and we need to start monitoring existing american Muslim's cell phones....you know just in case. Cause we cant trust Muslims here or anything.
Thats starting to sound an awfull lot like the Nuremberg Laws. Sieg Heil.
And Rubio didnt just stop there...heres a later comment from him on instituting an American Nuremberg Law:
"It’s not about closing down mosques. It’s about closing down any place — whether it’s a cafe, a diner, an internet site — any place where radicals are being inspired [...]So whatever facility is being used — it’s not just a mosque — any facility that’s being used to radicalize and inspire attacks against the United States, should be a place that we look at,”
So any place in the US that MIGHT be used by people who want to attack the US (as determined by Marco Ruibo if he's in charge) should be shut down by the government.....even its a private business (like say a cafe) and just happens to be serving customers who Rubio deems a threat....even if the cafe it self has nothing to do with them.
Yea....that was pretty much the impact of the original Nuremberg laws....although the German Nazi's were a bit more subtle about it.
Also comments like this, might explain why a bookstore in Colorado named ISIS (after the Egyptian goddess) had its windows smashed the other day....despite having nothing to do with any political faction at all. it seems maybe Kristallnacht is coming. Seig Heil.
By the way, I in no way want to imply Rubio is alone in this.....back to Doctor Carson:
"What I have said is that I would be in favor of monitoring a mosque or any church or any organization or any school or any press corps where there was a lot of radicalization and things that were anti-American,"
So Carson actually wants control over the schools and the press.....you know just in case Muslims are there. Cause you know, freedom of the press shouldnt really apply when Muslims might exist....Constitution be damned. Again if this sounds familiar is it. The Enabling acts passed in Germany allowed the Nazi to circumvent and remove constitutional protections....to you know, keep people safe from jews.
Actually to be fair to Carson, its not JUST Muslim's he wants the database on.
"Well, I think we should have a database on everybody who comes into this country,"
Which makes sense, I mean after all, we dont want any non aryans Americans polluting our Lebensraum.
Oh by the way, you remember Rand Paul's bill I mentioned earlier? turns out this is actually one of the things is asks for. DHS has to monitor all immigrants...and institute the Chris Christie endorsed tracking system.
Although actually, I need to be fair to Carson...he later added this
"Hopefully, we already have a database on every citizen who is already here. If not, we are doing a very poor job."
So yea we ALL need to be monitored and registered....for our protection of course. Sieg Heil.
Now so far I've hit 8 of the GOP presidential candidates..including 7 of the 8 candidates who made the last debate. But you may have noticed 1 big name is missing. Donald Trump the GOP FRONTRUNNER.
Unfortunately, he's not missing because he sees reason in this instance....he's missing because he's so much more extreme than the other candidates I havnt gotten to him yet. While the other candidate may be endorsing some Nazi policies, Trump is apparently not running for president....he's running for Fuhrer.
So not only does Trump agree on keeping out Syrians, monitoring all immigrants, a national database to track Muslims (he actually doesnt go as far as Carson on this one in that he doesnt want to apply it to natural born americans) but well he goes farther than any other candidate too.
See he doesnt just want Mosques "mointored" he wants them shut down:
"Nobody wants to say this and nobody wants to shut down religious institutions or anything, but you know, you understand it. A lot of people understand it. We’re going to have no choice,"
Remember the 1st amendment freedom of religion? yea looks like we are just going to have to "Enable" that right out of the Constitution too....cause Muslims.
And thats not the only protection Der Fuhrer would like to remove. When asked directly if he favored Warrant-less searches for Muslims and other groups (which would be a direct violation of the 4th amendment) Trump said
'“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule, And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”
Ah so we will have no right....except those Der Fuhrer gives us...but we will be safe right? so its totally worth it. Sieg Heil.
Oh and back to the Muslim database....when asked if registration would be mandatory trump said "[it would] have to be." but not to worry Muslims would be signed up at "different places' and its actually easy to do since ""It's all about management."
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Muslim registration Manager. |
"Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out."
Presumably, this Identification would be a Green Triangle in keeping with tradition:
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Nazi Identification Badges. |
Now to be fair to Trump he didnt out right say Muslims should wear ID badges....he apparently just didnt rule it out, and it is the logical conclusion of his other policies.
By the way, when asked directly "Why would Muslim databases not be the same thing as requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany? What would be the difference? Is there a difference between the two?” Trumps reply was:
Which isnt surprising all things considered. In the past couple of weeks their have been separate reports of a latino woman and a black man being attacked and assaulted durring trump rallies. Trump for his part, didnt even stop speaking during the first attack on the woman Its worth noting that when the woman was assaulted it was met with chants of USA from the crowd. I supposed though in fairness its possible Der Fuhrer actually didnt know. (this all coming after Trump had a latino reporter escorted out of an earlier press conference by police for daring to ask a question)
But the assault on the black man? thats where it gets a bit tricky. See Trump did actually stop speaking for that one....apprentice to figure out what the disruption was. At which point he said "'Get him the hell out of here.'"...probably because the black man was wearing a t-shirt protesting trump and yelled once or twice.
Trump by the way, was asked about this on FOX News. His response:
“Maybe he should have been roughed up, It was disgusting what he was doing."
By the way, when asked directly "Why would Muslim databases not be the same thing as requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany? What would be the difference? Is there a difference between the two?” Trumps reply was:
"You tell me”
Thats right, Trump's response to how his policy is different than that of the Nazis was basically "dont know, dont care".Which isnt surprising all things considered. In the past couple of weeks their have been separate reports of a latino woman and a black man being attacked and assaulted durring trump rallies. Trump for his part, didnt even stop speaking during the first attack on the woman Its worth noting that when the woman was assaulted it was met with chants of USA from the crowd. I supposed though in fairness its possible Der Fuhrer actually didnt know. (this all coming after Trump had a latino reporter escorted out of an earlier press conference by police for daring to ask a question)
But the assault on the black man? thats where it gets a bit tricky. See Trump did actually stop speaking for that one....apprentice to figure out what the disruption was. At which point he said "'Get him the hell out of here.'"...probably because the black man was wearing a t-shirt protesting trump and yelled once or twice.
Trump by the way, was asked about this on FOX News. His response:
“Maybe he should have been roughed up, It was disgusting what he was doing."
That being, disagreeing with Der Fuhrer. SIEG HEIL!
He also compared his reaction to that of Bernie Sanders, who was once interrupted by Protesters....so had them come on stage and gave his microphone so they could speak to the crowd.
You see, [Sanders] was politically correct, Two young women came up to the podium. They took over his microphone. I promise you, that's not going to happen with me. I promise you. Never going to happen. Not going to happen. Can't let that stuff happen."
Trump DOES have a solution though...his campaign has started setting up media containment zones...which they call "the pen" to keep the media out of the crowd. See that way, the media cant see or report on these assaults (as they got video of the two I already mentioned). Because apparently, in the mind of the Frontrunner of the American Nazi Party, the problem is not that these assaults are happening....the problem is that people who may not agree with him are hearing about it....thats the problem that needed to be fixed. Not the beatings.....and certainly not the campaign platform directly copied from the Nazi playbook.
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This is a real tweet put out by Trump a few months ago. The soldiers are wearing Nazi Uniforms.At the time Trump claimed it was a mistake. Doesnt look that way anymore. |
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