Saturday, November 28, 2015

Donald Trump's Heilway to Hell

So I felt a bit bad for Dr. Carson after my last blog. See I slammed him pretty hard in part for his claim that he saw tapes of Muslims cheering on 9/11....but as I pointed out he was only agreeing with comments made by Herr Donald, whom I basically gave a pass to by not really mentioning any fall out for Trump. And unlike Carson, Trump says he say it live

No more.

For those who missed the original comments

There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down—as those buildings came down. And that tells you something. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don’t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good. 


"I watched in Jersey City, NJ where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down, Thousands of people were cheering, so something's going on we got to find out what it is."

This of course is the basis for Trump wanting special restrictions and nazi style tracking of Muslims in America

Unlike Carson, Herr Donald isnt backing down though.....he's trying to double down in the worst way possible.

First he cited an article the Washington Post published in 2001 to make his case.....problem is, the article doesnt actually agree with Trumps assertion.

Now to be fair it DOES say this:

"In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners' plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river."

Ok so clearly some people were celebrating....but how many? The article doesnt actually says in a different part that a total of 13 people were detained for some kind of connection (not necessarily cheering) but thats it...and thats a FAR FAR FAR cry from thousands.

And actually, it turns out, the NJ police did say in other places (notably ABCnews) how many people they detained for cheering when the towers came down....FIVE.

Oh and of those 5, exactly 0 of them where Muslim.....they were a group of Israeli students on vacation, who say they were just acting like jackasses who didnt realize what they were seeing was a terrorist attack and thought instead it was an accidental crash.

By the way, when this was all pointed out to Trump, backed up by the reporter in question....well responded like this:

And, of course as the video pointed out the reporter is disabled...specifically with arm movement. So yea by all appearances Trump mocked a disabled reporter for having the nerve to tell Der Fuhrer what he ACTUALLY said and not what Der Fuhrer wanted him to say.

Trump of course does what he does best....and claims hes not really a jackoff hes just made to look like one saying

“I would never mock a person that has a disability, I’m telling you, I would never do it." and claims he was just trying to appear confused....and that he didnt know the reporter was disabled. And then in typical Trump fashion, demanded the reporter apologize to HIM for assuming he was mocking

Which of course became a problem when published another article.....his history of reporting on, and attending events with Trump....that goes back 4 decades. And other journalists have backed him up on this....saying not only did Trump know him, they were on a first name basis.


This may explain why, in what appears to be sheer desperation, Trump turned to another source to try to back up his claims....right wing website known as InfoWars, as he tweeted out a link to their article entitled "I LIVE IN JERSEY AND TRUMP IS RIGHT: MUSLIMS DID CELEBRATE ON 9/11 IN NJ . . . WE SAW IT!"on his twitter.

Now for those unfamilar with InfoWars, they are a right wing site that specializes in conspiracy theories. Notably they believe the Sandy Hook massacre was a "false flag" operation carried out by the Obama administration to steal our guns, FEMA having Americans deported and executed at FEMA run Concentration Camps, Andrew Breitbart, the founder of, did not die of a heartattack as reported but was instead assassinated by Obama, presumably because he had proof of Obama's true parentage (it turns out Obama is actually the illegitimate son of Frank Marshall Davis, an american activist from the 80's and 70)...and of course they are Birthers (ironic given that if their conspiracy about Breitbart was right....both Obamas parents are american and he was born here).

They also believe the Oklahoma City bombings were done by Clinton, Osama Bin Laden was NOT killed during the Obama Administration (instead was killed on Bushes orders years ago, before 9/11), that the Boston Bombing and the Gabby Giffords shootings were both done by agents of the government, and they are the originators of the Jade Helm conspiracy (that being the American Army was going to occupy and annex Texas a couple months ago, and yes I checked Texas IS part of America, so maybe they got that one right? :P)

And notably in this case they are also 9/11 Truthers (basically they think the Bush Adminstration was behind 9/11 not Muslim Terrorists)

In otherwords, you gotta be pretty desperate to quote them as a source of ANYTHING.  Like if there website says its 430PM, I suggest checking your cell phone to verify it.

Also, ironically, despite what the headline of the article says......They DO NOT actually believe Donald Trump was right.

Quoting the article directly:

'I didn’t see thousands of Muslims celebrating but I absolutely saw a pocket, perhaps 100, jumping for joy at the sight of the smoke rising from where the Twin Towers used to be."

So yea, even a website that makes a name for itself "reporting" (read: making up) the craziest shit you can think of, doesnt agree with Trumps assessment of "Thousands"....apparently that's a step to far even for THEM...and they believe that the government massacring little kids for shits and giggles at Sandy Hook is reasonable (just for comparisons sake)

And finally, there is one OTHER source that contradicts Herr Donald on this one: Donald Trump.

See trump wrote the intro to a book called "where were you on 9/11?" which came out in 2002. Per trump's own writings

"I was in my apartment in the Trump Tower [on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001]. I knew what was happening because I can see downtown to the Financial district.”
Thing is there is no way Donald Trump could have been BOTH in Trump Tower and in Jersey City at the same time (unless that thing on his head that pretends to be hair is actually alive (which to be fair I give a least a 50/50 chance it is) and they split up that day),

 Which probibly explains why Trump is trying to the same way he normally attacking ANOTHER minority group. And in this case it served a double purpose, as it allowed him to both try to deflect his Muslim comments and defend his comments about how a black man who was assaulted at his rally had it coming, as in the middle of both of these controversies trump tweeted this:

Now if this seems a bit suspicious to is.

For starters last I checked, its still how exactly do we already have crime stats for the year if the years not over? (unless we have just totally done away with December, in which case I owe a massive apology to those who've been claiming a war on Christmas)
 Also probably worth noting, there is no such thing as the Crime Statistics Bureau of San it shouldnt shock you to know that all those numbers are totally made up. (the number of whites killed by whites for example was 82% in 2014...not 16%)

So where did this come from? Well as far as anyone can tell, it was originally put up on twitter by a different user.

And yes, that is a NeoNazi swastika for the users profile pic. By the way, its worth noting that second image was taken from a blog called littlegreenfootballs who captured the second image just in case it got taken down. And it did......but not from Trump's twitter...just from the Nazi's

Cause something even NeoNazi's wont stand by.....thats more than good enough for the American Fuhrer. And yes I know its highly unlikely that Trump didnt know the tweet originated with the Nazi......he just looked at something that openly suggested, almost all killers (82%) are black, despite them being only 10% or so of the population and went "Seems legit" and retweeted it without checking it....cause it matched up with what he'd LIKE to believe.

Now there is one piece of good news we can end on. In the week since Donald Trump went full on Fourth Reich down the Heilway to hell, his support has freaking tanked. The most recent poll has him dropping 12% in the last week news that, I assume, has republicans in Jersey City and elsewhere openly celebrating (careful, lest you get seem by Trump, he might think your a Muslim and want you tagged and tracked).

Now of course, even a 12% drop leave him in first place with 31% support....which is still more than twice that of his closest competition, Dr Dumbass, who is at 14%. So actually, given that listing of the top two....maybe this still isnt much comfort to republicans bad.  

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