Ok so we dont have Aston Kucher, but we do have plenty of people who just got punk'd. For those unfamiliar with the concept Punk'd was a TV show where some poor sap had some horrible misfortune befall him and freaked out, only to have it revealed at the end that everything was actually an elaborate prank designed to fuck with his head.
As it turns out the Republican party has their own version of the show.
In this version how ever it turns out the victims are the ENTIRE republican party, and the pranksters are Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, both of whom are supposed to actually be republicans.
So heres what happened: For years now The republican party has been strongly against Obamacare, which is ironic, given it was their own idea from the 1990's.
But still they have decided to turn on their own idea, which in hindsight was probably the first sign of trouble.
Anyways, every time a funding bill comes up the Tea Party always threatens to derail the economy unless Obamacare is stopped. And every time they wind up caving. And they always cave the same way, their own leadership comes up with a face saving way to NOT defund obamacare but make it look like they are serious, then pledge to fight even harder next time.
Now it should be pointed out, the reason the Republican Leadership has to keep doing this is kinda their own fault anyways.
See the overwhelming majority of Obamacare is mandatory spending, which means its in the part of Spending that isnt included in Budget Bills or Continuing Resolutions, and still would be paid if we didnt raise the debt ceiling.
So none of the bills the Republicans keep threatening to refuse to pass to destroy Obamacare can actually do so. The problem is for the last 3 years or so, Republican Leadership lied about that to their own caucus and voters, all of whom now believe they actually can stop Obamacare this way.
Hence why the GOP leadership now has to trick them
Which is what was all set to happen this time on the Continuing Resolution. See the plan was this, House Republican leadership would hold a simultaneous pair of votes. The first would be on a clean Continuing Resolution that would as a result leave Obamacare fully funded. The second would be a separate bill defunding Obamacare.
The idea was that because the two votes would be held at once, all Republican members of the House would techically vote for a Continuing Resolution that defunded Obamacare. But since it was two separate bills, the Senate would just not take up the defund bill and would pass the clean Continuing Resolution, which would then go get signed by the President.
It almost worked too, until Ted Cruz came along. Cruz started pointing out that actually republicans didnt have to go the two vote method. In fact as he had an aide suggest at a bicameral committee meeting, the Republicans could stick the defund Obamacare provision and anything else they wanted directly into the CR, then if the Senate refused to pass it and the government shut down the House could actually vote to restore funding only to specific segments of the government such as "the troops and other core priorities." (note this was actually done in years prior when the Department of Defense was fully funded separately from the rest of the government in case of shutdown).
And according to Ted Cruz, Obama might even be willing to sign the bill repealing Obamacare.
So republicans decided they liked that idea. And they did just that, in addition to loading up the new CR with all kinds of other republican goodies, like an abortion ban and fully funding and building the Keystone XL pipeline.
And lets be honest, with senators now willing to fight in the Senate for that bill, AND hold their ground and only fund the republican favored parts of the government later, why shouldnt they pass it? I mean we are all aware at this point of the power of the Filibuster and other obstructionist tactics in the senate.
BUT then the prank was revealed and the Punking occurred. the day after that new CR passed the House Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Marco Rubio released a joint statement saying in part:
“Just a few weeks ago, this was deemed impossible. We commend House leadership and House Republicans for listening to the people and for taking decisive action to stop Obamacare, the biggest job-killer in America. Harry Reid will no doubt try to strip the defund language from the continuing resolution, and right now he likely has the votes to do so. At that point, House Republicans must stand firm, hold their ground, and continue to listen to the American people.”
Translation: "Nice job guys. Too bad the bill will die over here in the Senate, where we aint actually gonna do shit to help you out. But hey after you lose, keep trying."
And they were joined later by another possible GOP contender for president, Rand Paul is now siding with Ted Cruz saying "“We probably can’t defeat or get rid of Obamacare." even though Paul claims he will vote against it, he is basically unwilling to do anything else.
So that means 3 of the biggest names (Cruz, Paul, Rubio) being tossed around right now for the Republican nomination in 2016 are basically refusing to fight for what they all CLAIM can easily be done. I mean I guess the good news is, personally they are accepting the reality Obamacare is here to stay, even if they are still willing to lie about it to everyone else.
But yea, after being the one to SUGGEST the idea and got all the Republicans in the House to go along with it, then basically left them hanging and walked away from them.
Almost as if the entire idea was a joke and he was just trying to see how stupid he could make them look before he revealed the truth.....it wasnt going to happen. Translation "you got PUNK'D"
Now understandably republicans are furious. As one republican house member (Sean Duffy) put it on twitter:
"House agrees to send #CR to Senate that defunds Obamacare. @SenTedCruz & @SenMikeLee refuse to fight. Wave white flag and surrender."
Or as another told a reporter:
"House "defunder" responds to Lee/Cruz/Rubio: They've been telling us for 7 wks how to do our job, now it's their turn to fight"
Or as an aide put it:
"[Cruz's comment] exposes how [Senate conservatives] have deliberately misled their constituents and the grassroots for eight weeks. This isn't leadership, it's hypocrisy."
Another put it this way:
“Nancy Pelosi is more well-liked around here [than Cruz is now]"
But most damning maybe is this quote attributed to a member of House Leadership:
"Cruz is the leader of a secret cabal of leftists that are seeking control of the conservative movement, Their aim is to force the party to take on suicidal missions to destroy the movement from within."
Actually to be honest, that last guy might be on to something. After all, this isnt the first time Ted Cruz has Punk'd the GOP. That would be when he got them to filibuster a cabinet nominee for the first time ever in history based on a claim he pulled out of his ass that was so transparently thin anyone with a working brain should have known it was fake. Especially since Cruz admitted later he had no evidence
And its not even the second time he's Punk'd the GOP. That would be after his name started to be mentioned for President and he decided for no apparent reason to release his Birth Certificate which showed he was born in Canada AND then decided he himself isnt sure he's eligible to be president but doesnt care since laws arnt his problem.
And its not even the Third time he's Punk'd the GOP. That would be after it was revealed he was born in Canada and therefore was a Canadian Citizen (as well as an American one) and said this about renouncing his Canadian Citizenship and why he actually hadnt known about it:
"Because I was a U.S. citizen at birth, because I left Calgary when I was 4 and have lived my entire life since then in the U.S., and because I have never taken affirmative steps to claim Canadian citizenship, I assumed that was the end of the matter,"
that also being almost word for word the excuse used by Dreamers....the same ones Ted Cruz believes should never be allowed to get citizenship AND should be deported.
So basically on every single issue Ted Cruz has gotten headlines for he manages to make Republicans look like fools, idiots and hypocrites by pretty much always throwing them under the bus. So its a bit hard to refute that unarmed member of leaderships claim about Cruz being a liberal plant.
In fact its looking like the truest statement Cruz has ever said is "I dont trust Republicans". Maybe after this they will stop trusting him?
So far looks like a no. In fact, in true Ted Cruz fashion he's about to punk them AGAIN.
See Ted Cruz is actually NOW, after all the criticism he received, willing to do something with that CR. he's going to Filibuster it.
That's right. Ted Cruz is about to Filibuster the bill HE asked the republicans to sent to the Senate and basically make sure it fails.
Why? well according to Ted Cruz, voting for the CR that defunds Obamacare is voting to fund Obamacare.
Which actually makes sense, as much as I hate to admit it.
See the only real functional difference between this bill and the original plan is what happens AFTER the defund legislation is stripped. in the original two bill plan, the actual CR would have been unchanged and therefore able to go right to the presidents desk.
Under the Ted Cruz suggested plan, after the Senate stripped the defund language (and other republican goodies) from the bill, the now changed CR would have to go to back to the House.
Which puts House Republicans RIGHT back in the very mess they originally wanted to avoid. Eventually the final bill will not have all the Republican goodies, and the Republicans will be forced to vote to pass it anyways, without any way to spin it to look like they tried to defund Obamacare (as they would have had in the original plan), making it quite clear to their base they sold them out.
The problem of course is this; The way Ted Cruz is explaining this, by claiming the version of the CR that the house passed actually funds Obamacare makes it seem as if House republicans were either too stupid to figure out how to correctly defund Obamacare or have already sold out their base, and that Ted Cruz (and any republicans who join him) are the only ones fighting to stop Obamacare and fighting for the Republican base.
So yea, thats the position House Republicans are now in. Because they listened to Ted Cruz, they will either be forced to sell out the base, or be perceived to have already sold out out the base, and Ted Cruz will be seen as the one and only person willing to take [what will eventually be a failed] stand to "protect" the base from Obamacare.
So no matter what happens, the Republican party will get punk'd for the 5th time by Ted Cruz as he throws them under the bus (again) in his quest for personal fame and popularity. Or thrown under the bus to complete his mission as the leader of the Leftist cabal to take down the republican party, your choice of what you choose to believe.