And not shockingly that includes immigration, I am totally in favor of the dream act, and think they entire system, including legal immigration needs to be reformed, it shouldn't take years or decades to get here legally. I'm also in favor of leaving any illegal immigrants who are already here and not a threat alone.
But there is one area in which I am totally on the republican side, and if you read the above paragraph carefully you probably already caught it, and thats on the issue of the word "illegal immigrant"
Since Immigration reform seems to be the big issue in Washington, what with President Obama touring the country to promote his plan, and since the GOP was basically obliterated in terms of the Hispanic vote (getting about 20%) in the last election, its kinda become a hot button issue. And not shockingly the GOP has decided they need to do major Hispanic outreach for the next election.
Now memos seem to be surfacing everywhere, and plenty of republicans are also saying publicly the GOP needs to drop a whole lot of their "anti Latino" rhetoric, specifically their use of the terms anchor baby and illegal immigrants.
Now the anchor baby one is a good idea, in part because, like death panels, sharia law being used in the US and in person voter fraud, its not real, doesn't happen and is used a made up boogeyman to try to scare people. . Pregnant women are not crossing the border en masse just in time to have babies here. Yes they have children, but usually after they have been here for a while and are settled, they arnt having the kids to avoid deportation, according to pretty much every study..
Illegal Immigrant however is a different story. That's 100% accurate. One of the "rights: of a county or nation is to decide who gets to be a member of that country or nation. Think of it like a club membership, if you want in you gotta follow the clubs membership process. If you dont follow that process and therefore dont get real membership, arnt supposed to be allowed in, but if you do and pass yourself off as a member, its only because you cheated and lied to get in.
Its the same for countries, except that unlike a club our "membership rules" have the weight of law. So if you dont follow them, your breaking the law, which makes your actions illegal. Specifically your immigration actions. Therefore because you immigrated illegally (got in without permission) your an illegal immigrant.
Its the most accurate and descriptive term of who these people are and why their being here is problematic.
And lets be honest, the two usual liberal retorts to the label are bullshit.
1) "no human being is illegal" Your right, but the thing is, no one is saying they are. Stop being a lazy shit and actually read far enough to get to the second word "immigrant" thats the problem, this person,. who we all agree is legally a person, did not immigrant legally, therefore they are an illegal immigrant.
2) "Being Illegal is no a crime". Actually yea it is. In fact being a crime is the definition of illegal. Now to be fair its only a misdemeanor, so its not a major crime. Its right up there with prostitution, public drunkenness, bad driving, and smoking a joint (in most states). And generally speaking its about as dangerous as any of those (and much less dangerous then bad driving). But a crime is a crime, so its still illegal.
Its not even close to being equivalent to rape, murder, arson, assault, or all the other felony crimes. And that for the record is the real republican problem.
Its not that they call it, accurately, illegal immigration, its that they treat it as a national epidemic that is going to destroy the country, then excuse rapes as not being "legitimate" or "forced". Thats the issue. its treating the minor crime like a major problem, and the major crime like it doesnt really happen that's really the problem.
Or at least part of it. The rest of it is assuming, acting and basically claiming all illegals look like this:
GOP US Senator Marco Rubio. FYI he was born here. |
Because they dont. Sure the majority of illegals likely are some variant of Latino, but Asians make up a pretty big chuck of illegals too. And last I checked their is no huge Asian population in Mexico, so that Fence anit gonna do shit.
Thats the other thing, a fair number of illegals actually enter this country from Canada, which makes if you can do it. I mean it is the longest border in the world, and mostly patrolled. you can literally cross it in many places just by walking across the street. Hell we even have 1 bar in Minnesota and a house in New York (and likely a couple other places I dont know of) that are bisected by the border. So enter from one end, leave from the other, and you just became an illegal immigrant, easy as that.
But no one talks about putting a fence up on that border, or tightening the border patrol or putting drones up there. You know why? Well it could be that most Canadians look something like this:
Thats the other thing, a fair number of illegals actually enter this country from Canada, which makes if you can do it. I mean it is the longest border in the world, and mostly patrolled. you can literally cross it in many places just by walking across the street. Hell we even have 1 bar in Minnesota and a house in New York (and likely a couple other places I dont know of) that are bisected by the border. So enter from one end, leave from the other, and you just became an illegal immigrant, easy as that.
But no one talks about putting a fence up on that border, or tightening the border patrol or putting drones up there. You know why? Well it could be that most Canadians look something like this:
Boldly going where no Canadian has gone before |
By the way, historically speaking, you know who the largest group of illegal immigrants are dont ya? white people. Back in the day we used to have pretty tight quotas on how many people of a specific country we would let in, especially on eastern European counties and Ireland. Yet both of those groups came here in far larger numbers then the quotas allowed....because they did so as illegal immigrants.
And heres the real kicker, while the numbers are not as high, white people still come to this country illegally all the time.
And again thats the real GOP problem. Its not that they are accurately using the term illegal Immigrant. Its that they use the term in such a way as to apply to only a specific group of people, brown skinned people from Latin America, and operate on the assumption that all illegals come from their and all brown skinned people might be illegal and all "yellow" and white skinned people cant be illegal and are all supposed to be here.
And they can use whatever term you want, "Illegal immigrant" "Undocumented immigrant" "border jumper" "darth vader" ect, until they fix THAT problem, it doesnt matter, and they wont make inroads with latinos, or anyone else for that matter.
So how about we keep the one actually fair, accurate and fully descriptive terms left in politics ("illegal immigrants") and actually fix the underlying problems in the GOP outreach to Latinos?
And heres the real kicker, while the numbers are not as high, white people still come to this country illegally all the time.
And again thats the real GOP problem. Its not that they are accurately using the term illegal Immigrant. Its that they use the term in such a way as to apply to only a specific group of people, brown skinned people from Latin America, and operate on the assumption that all illegals come from their and all brown skinned people might be illegal and all "yellow" and white skinned people cant be illegal and are all supposed to be here.
And they can use whatever term you want, "Illegal immigrant" "Undocumented immigrant" "border jumper" "darth vader" ect, until they fix THAT problem, it doesnt matter, and they wont make inroads with latinos, or anyone else for that matter.
So how about we keep the one actually fair, accurate and fully descriptive terms left in politics ("illegal immigrants") and actually fix the underlying problems in the GOP outreach to Latinos?