Friday, March 4, 2016

The 11th GOP debate highlights....RELEASE THE MEGYN KELLY.

So once again we are going to be trying something new this time around....because this debate was an even bigger trainwreck than the last one. Plus even if it wasnt, with only 4 candidates theres not much point in ranking them since there would be very little to separate out the good performances (kasich)  from the horrid ones (Trump)

So I thought maybe this time around, we could do a debate award show.....where we award some made up awards to the more memorable moments of the debate, and just for the hell of it we will be doing them in chronological order

For an example of how this will work we start with
"The Who wore it better" moment of the night:
Which would be awarded to this:

Now to be fair, I was hard pressed to pick a they both look like jackasses.

Now we start the official awards with:

The "faking it so hard it hurts" moment of the night, 

Which is awarded to Marco Rubio, trying to convince everybody he can play rough and be a bully the most awkward way possible:

BAIER: Senator Rubio, three weeks ago you said, quote: "I don't do the personal attacks, primarily because it's not who I am, because I think it's beneath the office that I'm seeking but also because I don't want to embarrass my kids."

But in the past week you've mocked Mr. Trump's tan. You've made fun of his spelling. You called him a con artist. You suggested he wet himself backstage at the last debate, along with other vulgar jokes and jabs. So what happened?

RUBIO: Yes, you know, Bret, let me say something. This campaign for the last year Donald Trump has basically mocked everybody with personal attacks. He has done so to people that are sitting on the stage today. He has done so about people that are disabled. He has done it about every candidate in this race.

So if there is anyone who has ever deserved to be attacked that way, it has been Donald Trump, for the way he has treated people in the campaign.

Now that said, I would much prefer to have a policy debate. I hope that's what we will have here tonight. Let's have a policy debate...

TRUMP: And we will.

RUBIO: ... let's talk about Donald Trump's strategy and my strategy and Ted's strategy and John Kasich's strategy when it comes to ISIS. And on health care and on the important issues facing this country.

But let's be honest too about all this. The media has given these personal attacks that Donald Trump has made an incredible amount of coverage. Let's start talking again about the issues that matter to this country. I'm ready to do that starting right here right now tonight.

See Marco Rubio can be tough and mean just like Donald hed really rather fact lets change the subject

Now this moment led right into our next award:

The "Dick Joke" moment of the night:Which we would award to Donald Trump for this line:

"Well, I also happened to call him a lightweight, OK? And I have said that. So I would like to take that back. He is really not that much of a lightweight. And as far as -- and I have to say this, I have to say this. He hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I have never heard of this. Look at those hands. Are they small hands?

And he referred to my hands, if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee".

In fairness to Donald Trump, I think we can all agree he's a huge dick.....

Speaking of Donald, he also wins the next award,

The Foreshadowing moment of the night:
This would be the moment of the debate in which is suddently became clear exactly what kind of night Donald Trump was going to be in for, when he got presses on a specific

WALLACE: But wait one second. Specifically and quickly on the question, will you promise that you will -- and how soon will you move your clothing collection, the clothes that are made in China and Mexico?

TRUMP: They devalue their currencies. I will do that. And by the way, I have been doing it more and more. But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing.

They devalue their currencies, and they make it impossible for clothing-makers in this country to do clothing in this country. And if you look at what's happened on Seventh Avenue, and you look at what's happened in New York with the garment industry, so much of the clothing now comes out from Vietnam, China, and other places. And it's all because of devaluation.

By the way, the Trans-Pacific, if you look at the TPP, a total disaster, which, by the way, Marco is in favor of, they need -- it is a disaster for our country. It's trying to be approved by various people, including President Obama. And I'll tell you something. The biggest problem with that is: They don't take into concurrence the devaluation. They're devaluing their currency.

WALLACE: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Trump. Senator Rubio?

TRUMP: And they're killing -- they're going to...


WALLACE: Wait, wait, Senator Rubio.

RUBIO: The answer is, he's not going to do it. And you know why? Because there are plenty of clothing makers in America.



RUBIO: If you go on my website,, everything we have on there is made in America. The reason why he makes it in China or Mexico is because he can make more money on it. That's why he's doing it.

And the second point, you see what happens, again, when you challenge him on a policy issue. You asked him about the economy, and the first thing he does is launch an attack about some little guy thing. Because he doesn't have answers.

TRUMP: No, no. I have very good answers.

RUBIO: And he's asking us to make him the president of the United States of America.

Note the initial Word Salad defense.....quickly broken down by Marco Rubio, leaving Trump with one option the dreaded "I am so great" irrelevant retort. And like the award suggests, it doesnt get any better from there.

Which leads us right into the next award:

The live on air moderator fact check of the night:
awarded to Chris Wallace for this moment:

WALLACE: Mr. Trump, your proposed tax cut would add $10 trillion to the nation's debt over 10 years, even if the economy grows the way that you say it will. You insist that you could make up for a good deal of that, you say, by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse.

TRUMP: Correct.

WALLACE: Like what? And please be specific.
TRUMP: Department of Education. We're cutting Common Core. We're getting rid of Common Core. We're bringing education locally. Department of Environmental Protection. We are going to get rid are of it in almost every form. We're going to have little tidbits left but we're going to take a tremendous amount out.

We have various other things. If you look at the IRS, if you look at every single agency, we can cut it down, and I mean really cut it down and save. The waste, fraud, and abuse is massive.

Larry Kudlow, great guy, everybody respects him, said my plan for taxes and tax cutting is the best by far of everybody.

WALLACE: But, Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, your numbers don't add up. Please put up full screen number four. The Education Department, you talk about cutting, the total budget for the education department is $78 billion.

And that includes Pell grants for low-income students and aid to states for special education. I assume you wouldn't cut those things. The entire budget for the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, $8 billion.


WALLACE: The deficit this year is $544 billion. That's more than a half trillion dollars. Your numbers don't add up, sir.

TRUMP: Let me explain something. Because of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies -- because of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are not mandated to bid properly, they have hundreds of billions of dollars in waste.

We don't bid properly. We don't have proper bidding procedures. The reason we don't is because they take care of all of the senators, all of the congressman, and they don't bid. They don't go out to bid. WALLACE: Mr. Trump...

TRUMP: Take a look -- excuse me. You are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars...

WALLACE: No, you are not.

TRUMP: ... if we went out to the proper bid. Of course you are.

For those keeping track at home, thats actually two different fact checks on two different pieces of Trumpist propaganda.

But the best was yet to come with the

"We kinda knew you were going to say that so came prepared to call your bullshit" moment of the night 
which also happens to be awarded to Chris Wallace, and comes directly after the previous award:

WALLACE: No, you're not, sir. Let's put up full screen number 2.

You say that Medicare could save $300 billion a year negotiating lower drug prices. But Medicare total only spends $78 billion a year on drugs. Sir, that's the facts. You are talking about saving more money on Medicare prescription drugs...

TRUMP: I'm saying saving through negotiation throughout the economy, you will save $300 billion a year.

WALLACE: But that doesn't really cut the federal deficit.

TRUMP: And that's a huge -- of course it is. We are going to buy things for less money. Of course it is. That works out...

WALLACE: That's the only money that we buy -- the only drugs that we pay for is through Medicare.

TRUMP: I'm not only talking about drugs, I'm talking about other things. We will save $300 billion a year if we properly negotiate. We don't do that. We don't negotiate. We don't negotiate anything.

Now I'm not saying Trump is a predictable empty suit or anything, but apparently Fox News had a slide prepared in advanced specifically to call him out on his bullshit.

Also note by the way how after Trump tries to obfuscate his way out of it, Wallace catches him again with yet another live on air fact check.  This making the total score of this exchange to Wallace 4, Trump 0.

Really the only good news here for Trump is that, had this been a boxing match Trump would have actually won......mostly because Wallace would have been disqualified for continuing to attack his opponent after Trump was unconscious on the mat.

Now actually our next award has a special presenter...Inigo Montoya:

This award is giving to Donald Trump who apparently doesnt really understand what "off the record" means as evidenced by this exchange

KELLY: Back in January, you gave an off-the-record interview to the New York Times. It was apparently audiotaped. Now, a recent report in Buzzfeed citing sources at the Times reports that in that interview you expressed flexibility when it comes to your immigration policy, specifically with respect to your promise to deport the 11 million people who are now living here illegally. You have suggested that you may have expressed some flexibility when it comes to the size of the wall that you want to build. But did you tell them, specifically, that you are flexible when it comes to your deportation plan?

TRUMP: I don't know exactly what -- when you talk about off the record. First of all, Buzzfeed? They were the ones that said under no circumstances will I run for president. And were they wrong. But a lot of people said that.

Then, I did have a meeting with the editorial board of the New York Times, a very nice meeting. Many of those things were off the record, I think at their suggestion and my suggestion. And I think being off the record is a very important thing. I think it's a very, very powerful thing.

And I will say this. These three gentlemen have gone off the record many times with reporters. And I think they want to honor it, and I would always honor that.

Right....see heres the thing "off the record" isnt there to protect journalists, in fact its probably a word they rarely like to here. It actually exists to protect the interviewee, as Marco Rubio tried to explain to Trump

"RUBIO: Well, first of all, let me say that on the issue of the off-the-record, that's not up to the New York Times. That's up to you, Donald. If tonight you tell the New York Times to release the audio, they will do it, and we can exactly see what your true views are on immigration"

Trump for his part still didnt get it.

"KELLY: Will you release the tapes?

TRUMP: No. I never do that. I would not do that. I don't think -- I have too much respect -- if I deal with you off the record, if I deal with Bret or Chris off the record, I have too much respect for that process to say, just release everything. I would not do that."

Except of course there is no process here to respect....nor does any journalist feel respected by your refusing to let them publish something. Not letting them publish is for YOUR protection not theres

 Of course this isnt actually a surprising "misunderstanding" by the Donald, as his views on the media are pretty well known....they exist to report ONLY what wants and ONLY about what he wants.

Which is why, after they started  reporting on minorities being assaulted at his rallies, he tried t confine them to designated reporting zones......and well just a couple of days ago we found out what happens when you try to leave one:

Speaking of Trump imposing his will we have yet another special presenter for the

BAIER: Mr. Trump, just yesterday, almost 100 foreign policy experts signed on to an open letter refusing to support you, saying your embracing expansive use of torture is inexcusable. General Michael Hayden, former CIA director, NSA director, and other experts have said that when you asked the U.S. military to carry out some of your campaign promises, specifically targeting terrorists' families, and also the use of interrogation methods more extreme than waterboarding, the military will refuse because they've been trained to turn down and refuse illegal orders.

So what would you do, as commander-in-chief, if the U.S. military refused to carry out those orders?

TRUMP: They won't refuse. They're not going to refuse me. Believe me.

BAIER: But they're illegal.

TRUMP: Let me just tell you, you look at the Middle East. They're chopping off heads. They're chopping off the heads of Christians and anybody else that happens to be in the way. They're drowning people in steel cages. And he -- now we're talking about waterboarding.

This really started with Ted, a question was asked of Ted last -- two debates ago about waterboarding. And Ted was, you know, having a hard time with that question, to be totally honest with you. They then came to me, what do you think of waterboarding? I said it's fine. And if we want to go stronger, I'd go stronger, too, because, frankly that's the way I feel. Can you imagine -- can you imagine these people,these animals over in the Middle East, that chop off heads, sitting around talking and seeing that we're having a hard problem with waterboarding? We should go for waterboarding and we should go tougher than waterboarding. That's my opinion.

BAIER: But targeting terrorists' families?


TRUMP: And -- and -- and -- I'm a leader. I'm a leader. I've always been a leader. I've never had any problem leading people. If I say do it, they're going to do it. That's what leadership is all about.

When The Trump says jump bitches best say "sir, how high, sir?" Cause thats what The Trump does.

Speaking of things Trump says we have the:

"About what you said" award

which goes to Megyn Kelly for asking Trump the kinds of hard questions that made Trump pee on himself last time she hosted a this case the question was "So when you said X did you mean it?"

KELLY: Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is they believe you tell it like it is. But time and time again in this campaign, you have actually told the voters one thing only to reverse yourself within weeks or even sometimes days. We've teed up just three examples in a videotape,similar to those we used with Senator Rubio and Senator Cruz in the last debate. The first is on whether the war in Afghanistan was a mistake. Watch.


CUOMO: What about in Afghanistan? Do you believe that American boots should stay on the ground in Afghanistan to stabilize the situation?

TRUMP: We've made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. That thing will collapse about two seconds after they leave. Just as I said that Iraq was going to collapse after we leave.

(UNKNOWN): About Afghanistan, you said we made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place.

TRUMP: We made a mistake going into Iraq. I've never said we made a mistake...

(UNKNOWN): Our question was about Afghanistan. That day on October...

TRUMP: Well, OK, I never said that.

(UNKNOWN): ... was on Afghanistan.

TRUMP: OK. Wouldn't matter. I never said it.


KELLY: Next, on whether we should accept...

TRUMP: Should I respond to that first?

KELLY: Two more, and then you'll have the floor. Next on whether we should accept the Syrian refugees...

TRUMP: You'll be here a long time.

KELLY: On whether we should accept the Syrian refugees.


O'REILLY: Do you object to migrants who are getting out of the Middle East and North Africa? Do you object to them coming to the USA?

TRUMP: I hate the concept of it, but on a humanitarian basis, with what's happening, you have to. It's living in Hell in Syria; there's no question about it. They're living in Hell.

HANNITY: Are you saying absolutely people from Syria, the Middle East, should we allow any of them into this country?

TRUMP: Look, from a humanitarian standpoint, I'd love to help, but we have our own problems. We have so many problems that we have to solve.


KELLY: Most recently, on whether President George W. Bush lied to get us into the Iraq war.


TRUMP: They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none.

I don't know if he lied or not. He could have lied. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. I guess you'd have to ask him.

(END VIDEO CLIP)KELLY: And there are many other examples. So how is any of this "telling it like it is"?

Now I'll spare you Trumps rather awkward attempts to work his way out of this, and instead move on to a much more entertaining attempt by him to unhang himself.

"Donald Trump is a Fraud" moment of the night
Believe it or not this one is actually going to Marco Rubio, for handing Trump a length of rope and watching him hang himself with it...

RUBIO: There's a difference between flexibility and telling people whatever you think you need to say to get them to do what you want them to do.


RUBIO: And, that's what Donald has done throughout his career.


RUBIO: Well, he did, and that's why Trump University...

TRUMP: ... That's not right...

RUBIO: ... Is so relevant here. I saw this video last week where he's sitting in front of a camera saying we're going to hire the best people, and I'm going to hand pick them. There are going to be hand picked and instructors, the best instructors in the world. One of them, but the way, was the manager at a Buffalo Wild Wing. And, that's who they hired to do this, and people borrowed money, and they signed up for this fake university.

And, these people owe all this money now, and they got nothing in return for it, but you are willing to say whatever you had to say...


RUBIO: ... To get them to give you their money...

KELLY: ... Go ahead, Mr. Trump...

TRUMP: ... We'll find out when we have the (INAUDIBLE)...

RUBIO: ... And, we're not going to do that to our country...

TRUMP: ... And, by the way, just so you understand...


TRUMP: ... This is a case I could have settled very easily, but I don't settle cases very easily when I'm right. Ninety-eight percent approval rating, we have an "A" from the Better Business Bureau...

RUBIO: ... That's false...

TRUMP: ... We have a 98 percent approval rating from the people who took the course. We have an "A" from the Better Business Bureau. And, people like it. Now, he's saying they didn't learn.

We have many, many people that will be witnesses. Again, I don't settle cases. I don't do it because that's why I don't get sued very often, because I don't settle, unlike a lot of other people.

We have a situation where we will win in court...

(BELL RINGING) TRUMP: But, many of the people that are witnesses did tremendously well, and made a lot of money...

RUBIO: ... That's false...

TRUMP: ... By taking the course.

KELLY: Go ahead, Senator.

TRUMP: You're going to see, you don't know...

RUBIO: ... The Better Business Bureau gave it a "D" minus.

TRUMP: You're going to see, you're going to see.

KELLY: ... It's Senator Rubio's turn...

TRUMP: ... No, no. Before they had the information...

RUBIO: ... Go on my website, Marco

TRUMP: ... Before they had the information...

KELLY: ... Senator Rubio, standby, let him finish his point, and then I'll give you the floor...

TRUMP: ... Before they had the information it got -- it is right now an "A", once they had the information...

RUBIO: ... (INAUDIBLE) this anymore.

TRUMP: ... The only reason that is was a "D" was because we didn't care -- we didn't give them the information...

RUBIO: ... A third of the people (INAUDIBLE)...

TRUMP: ... When they got the information it became an "A"...

Which leads directly into our
Accessory to Political Murder Award

which is awarded to Megyn Kelly as she kicked the Chair out from underneath the flailing Donald Trump

KELLY: ... With respect, we went back and looked at this...

TRUMP: ... Yes.

KELLY: The rating from the Better Business Bureau was a "D" minus...


KELLY: ... that's the last publicly available rating in 2010, and it was the result of a number of complaints they had...

TRUMP: ... But it was elevated to an "A"...


KELLY: ... That's never been publicly available.

TRUMP: ... I can give it to you. I can give it to you tomorrow..

KELLY: ... Let's just bring the viewers up to speed, let's just bring the viewers up to speed.

TRUMP: ... It was elevated to an "A".

KELLY: Let me just set the record, and then you guys can have at it. There was Trump University, which was a business that you started, and it was marketed...

TRUMP: ... Small business...

KELLY: ... to many people, and now there is a class-action of over 5,000 plaintiffs against you, Mr. Trump...

TRUMP: ... Right...

KELLY: ... And, it involves veterans, and it involves teachers, and it involves so-called little guys, working class, and lower- working class and middle class who say that they were fleeced, who say that it was as scam. The class has been certified, and in that case you counter-sued the lead plaintiff alleging that you were being defamed.

That case was thrown out against her...

TRUMP: ... The lead plaintiff is now getting out of the case because it's so bad for her...

KELLY: ... But, what happened was...

TRUMP: ... Excuse me, the lead plaintiff signed a letter saying how great it was, and it on tape saying how great it was.

KELLY: OK, no, but -- standby. But, what happened in that case was you counter-sued her. The court threw out your counter-suit, and made you pay almost $800,000 dollars in legal fees of hers, and you made the same argument about 98 percent of the people being happy with Trump University. And, that woman in particular signing a survey saying she liked it while someone was standing over her shoulder...

You got to give Megyn Kelly credit here, following the live on air fact check (the 5th such suffered by Trump) Trump tried his aforementioned "Cause Trump Said so" defense on the ranking...only to get caught off guard and slammed on the number of cases and people suing him..

By the way, we arnt done with this exchange yet...we are just adding yet another award to it this time the
"MALFUNCTION" moment of the night:
which goes to Donald Trump, for reasons that should be obvious in just a few lines:

TRUMP: ... She's trying to get out of the case. She's trying to get out of the case...

KELLY: ... And this is what -- standby, this is what the Court of Appeals found. They said that the plaintiffs against you are like the Madoff victims...

TRUMP: Oh, give me a break... 

KELLy: ... This is what the Court of Appeals said.

TRUMP: Give me a break.

KELLY: This is what the court of appeals said.

TRUMP: Give me a break.

KELLY: They found that victims of con artists often sing the praises of their victimizers until they realize they have been fleeced.

TRUMP: You know what, let's see what happens in court. This is a civil case. Very easy to have settled. Could settle it now. Very easy to have settled. Let's see what happens at the end of a couple years when this case is over, OK?

KELLY: It has been going for five years.

TRUMP: Yes, it has been going for a long time.

Either Trump just became the new spokesman for 1980's and 90's Kit Kat Commercials or his brain actually got reduced to sludge when he started repeating himself....

And he didnt exactly do himself any favors at the end he's been getting sued for 5 years now cause hes an untrustworthy lying fraud....and that lawsuit might last a few more know till after the election. But you can totally believe him right?

Now as should be clear to pretty much anyone, Trump is down and out at this point....which leads to our next award the
"Kick a man while he's down" Moment of the night
which goes to Marco Rubio for jumping on Trump right at this moment:
RUBIO: I spoke to one of the victims yesterday.

TRUMP: We'll win the case.

RUBIO: I spoke to one of the victims yesterday.

TRUMP: One, one of the victims.

RUBIO: No, there are several. Obviously there are so many, I can't talk to them every day. I spoke to one of them, he told me exactly what happened. They signed up for this course because they believed Mr. Trump was this fantastic businessman, that Donald is going to teach them the tricks of the trade.

They signed up. They paid $15,000 for this course. They were asked for additional money for this course. If they really wanted the real secrets of success, they had to pay even more money, and so they did.

And you know what they got in these courses? Stuff you can pull off of Zillow. When they finally realized what a scam it was, they asked for their money back.

And you refused to give them their money back. Why don't you tonight...

TRUMP: I gave many people their money back. 

RUBIO: Then why don't you tonight say you're going to give the money back to everybody who wants...

TRUMP: Let me just...


KELLY: OK. Senator Rubio, let him answer.


KELLY: Let him answer.

Go ahead, Mr. Trump.

TRUMP: We will see who's right at the end of a few years. But all of the -- almost all of the people, many, many people signed what's called the report card at the end, did you like the course, how did you like it.

Almost all of them said it was terrific, OK? With letters, with this. Some of them are on tape saying it was terrific. Let's see what happens at the end of three years.

First, got to admire the cheap shot there at the beginning when Trump tried to interupt about how Rubio only had one victim.

Also it has to be asked, if Trump didnt rip these people off, why is he returning the money?

Also did anyone else notice the length of time needed to finish this case just jumped from two up to three years? Im just saying, we might be into Trumps second term before he can prove his not a lying fraud, so great is the amount of people suing him....

Now given how many times Trump has basically hit himself in the face here, our next award is named the

"Mercy Rule" Moment of the night.
for those unfamiliar with the concept of a Mercy rule, its when one side is winning so badly the other team is allowed to give up rather than suffer more embarassment by finishing the game.

And Trump actually got one here, as Megyn Kelly delivered one final kick before backing off...kinda.

KELLY: With respect, Mr. Trump, one-third of the plaintiffs in that case demanded refunds. So it's not the case that 98 percent were...

TRUMP: I gave some refunds to people because if they asked for the refunds in a certain period of time, and we gave refunds to people.


TRUMP: But let's see what happens at the end of three years. Let's see who's right.

KELLY: Still a pending litigation.

Next up the
"Self inflicted Gun Shot Wound to the head" award

The problem here is that Trump is an idiot. Just a couple of minutes later he attacks Rubio for being an absentee senator, and honestly is doing a pretty good job...until he slips up tries to use the word "fraud" against Rubio

TRUMP: Let me tell you the real con artist. Excuse me. Excuse me. The real con artist is Senator Marco Rubio who was elected in Florida and who has the worst voting record in the United States Senate.

He doesn't go to vote. He's absent. He doesn't go. Now, the people of Florida can't stand him. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher. The people of Florida -- the people of Florida -- and by the way, I know he's going to spend $25 million on ads. Without that he wouldn't have a chance. He's 20 points south.

The people in Florida wouldn't elect him dogcatcher. He couldn't get any -- he's right now 21 points down to me. And, you know...


TRUMP: ... again, there will be a lot of advertising. It's the only thing that might save him. But I doubt it.

RUBIO: Notice that's not an answer.

KELLY: I'm coming to you next. But go ahead.


TRUMP: He scammed the people of Florida. He scammed people. He doesn't vote. He doesn't show up for the U.S. Senate. He doesn't vote. He scammed the people. He defrauded the people of Florida.

KELLY: With respect, you've made that point.

Go ahead.

RUBIO: There's no -- as you can see in his answer, it's always the same thing.

TRUMP: You defrauded the people of Florida, little Marco.

RUBIO: He has defrauding people out of things, and not just -- and not just, by the way, on the issue of Trump University. He had another development in Mexico that he had nothing to do with except his name on the building. People put money into that building.

TRUMP: That was licensing.

RUBIO: They lost their money. Yes, licensing, but you told them you owned the building. So they gave him his money. They lost their money. Time and again...

When you JUST FINISHED getting your ass handed to you for fraud, the last word out of your mouth should be Fraud or any version of it. Its actually AMAZING trump didnt see this coming.

Also, note the "little Marco" line...cause hey why not reference your dick joke from like an hour ago....

Now you may have noticed that one of the 3 major candidates names hasnt really come up yet. Which is why I have to award my 

"Late to the party" award 
to Ted Cruz. But Cruz at least did at least manage to prove that just cause your late, doesnt mean you miss all the he causes Donald Trump to once again win a second MALFUNCTION AWARD as he again is reduced to a brain melted mess

CRUZ: Megyn, let me ask the voters at home, is this the debate you want playing out in the general election? The stakes in this election are too high. For seven years, millions of Americans, we've been struggling, wages have been stagnating, people are hurting, our constitutional rights are under assault.

And if we nominate Donald, we're going to spend the spring, the fall, and the summer with the Republican nominee facing a fraud trial...

TRUMP: Oh, stop it.

CRUZ: ... with Hillary Clinton saying...

TRUMP: It's just a minor case. It's a minor case.

CRUZ: ... why did you give my campaign and my foundation $100,000?

TRUMP: It's a minor civil case.

CRUZ: And with Hillary Clinton...

TRUMP: Give me a break.

CRUZ: ... pointing out that he supported her four times in her presidential race.

TRUMP: It's a minor civil case.

CRUZ: Donald, learn not to interrupt. It's not complicated.

TRUMP: There are many, many civil cases.

CRUZ: Count to 10, Donald. Count to 10.

TRUMP: Give me a break.

CRUZ: Count to 10. The stakes are too high and if you are one of the 65 to 70 percent of Republicans who recognize that nominating Donald would be a disaster, then I ask you to come join us. If you're supporting other candidates, come join us.

We welcome you to our team because we've demonstrated not once, not twice, not three times, but five separate times we have beat Donald. And if you don't want him to be the nominee, then I ask you to stand with us as a broad coalition of people who believe in the Constitution, believe in freedom, and want to turn this country around.

Bonus points to Cruz for being a dick with the "Count to 10" line....that was actually pretty funny. Problem is, Cruz tried to go back to it later in the night, when Trump was actually (rightly) attacking him for flip flopping on supporting John Roberts. But some good came out of this second attempt as it lead to by far the

"Funniest line of the night" award
which actually, somewhat surprisingly goes to Marco Rubio even though he wasnt involved in the original exchange

TRUMP: Not what you say in the op-ed.

CRUZ: ... if Donald actually cared about...

TRUMP: That is not what you said in the op-ed.

CRUZ: But, Donald, please, I know it's hard not to interrupt. But try.

TRUMP: Yeah, I know it is. But it's not what you said in the op-ed.

CRUZ: Breathe, breathe, breathe.

TRUMP: Lyin' Ted.

CRUZ: You can do it. You can breathe. I know it's hard. I know it's hard. But just...

RUBIO: When they're done with the yoga, can I answer a question?

Now I actually have a good transition here, so we are going to move on to the next and final award

"Most awkward dodge of the night"

oddly this wasnt picked up by Donald Trump, it actually goes to John Kasich for this exchange:

WALLACE: Governor Kasich, I want to move back to the debate that we heard earlier about Vladimir Putin. In December, after Vladimir Putin had some nice thing to say about Donald Trump, calling him bright and talented, your campaign ran a video suggesting that Trump might name the Russian president as his running mate. Here's a clip.

KASICH: I'll have to see this.

(disclaimer they actually only showed the last few seconds of the ad at the debate, they just dont discribe it in the transcripts and I cant find just the piece shown)


WALLACE: That was your campaign video, sir.

KASICH: That was a pretty good one.


KASICH: No, I...


WALLACE: If I may -- sir, if I may ask my question...

KASICH: Of course.

WALLACE: I think you were kidding...

WALLACE: But it was your video and the serious question is, because the suggestion is, do you think that Donald Trump is naive about the threat that Vladimir Putin represents?

KASICH: I'm not biting. Let me take you around the world, OK? Let me -- look, I'm going to take you very quickly.

In Russia, we need to tell them we're going to arm the Ukrainians with defensive lethal weapons. And we're going to tell Putin if you attack anybody in Eastern Europe in NATO, you attack Finland and Sweden, which is not in NATO, consider it an attack on us. And he will understand that.

Secondly, I would tell the Chinese you don't own the South China Sea. Stop hacking us. And we're going to beef up our cyber command. And we're going to be in a position to be able to take out your systems if you continue to do this.

Now let's move over into the Middle East. The Egyptians, they know they're on their last legs there because of the attack from ISIS. The Jordanians are -- really have been our friends. They know that they are at risk. So do the Saudis. So do the Gulf states.

They are our allies, really, or have similar aims, we need to bring them closer to us. Turkey a critical avenue to the Middle East. We have to bring them towards the West, and not towards the East.

WALLACE: Governor...

KASICH: And we have a joint, good human intelligence. That is called a semi-trip around the world. And if you gave me more time, I'd finish the trip.

WALLACE: Governor, thank you.

So Kasich has a funny if mean ad, and gets asked about if he meant it, and his reply is basically "Durr did I do that?" and then just talks for a while about other shit....and its almost embarrassingly blatant  that thats what hes doing.

So yea there you have it folks, everything you need to know about the 11th GOP debate, and I assume by now you see why I couldnt exactly rank this the clear winners here were the moderators, and in all honesty the Democratic Party. Where as the losers where basically Donald Trump and the GOP whos likely going to get stuck with him as a candidate.

On the upside though, if the last two debates are any indication the presidential debates this year are going to absofuckinglutley hilarious to watch.

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