Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hillary 2016: Brought to you by your lying corrupt media

So, um quick question, who do you think most people would say won the Democratic debate this week?

Now if your not sure, lets see if I can help you out.

Heres the analysis from debate hosts CNN, declaring Hillary the unquestioned winner, which says "Hillary Clinton proved without a doubt Tuesday night why she is the Democratic Party's presidential front-runner."

They also had a second article claiming: It was a victorious comeback for Hillary Clinton, a front-runner who has been on the downswing.

The National Journal, was running a story called "Hillary Clinton Won" and says straight out "Hil­lary Clin­ton won. She won be­cause she’s a strong de­bater. She won be­cause Bernie Sanders is not. "

Or slate, running a piece called Worldly and Wise, which declares "Clinton had no peers on the stage." and that if Biden was thinking of entering the race "if Hillary Clinton collapsed, he must have seen for himself that she crushed it."

Bloomberg News ran with this headline "Grading the Democratic Debate: Hillary Clinton Schools Her Rivals"

New York Magazine ran this headline"The Hillary Clinton Panic May Have Just Ended" saying " Clinton demonstrated that she was, by far, the best presidential candidate onstage. Indeed, she may have been the only person onstage actually running for president."
Then Ryan Lissa over at the New Yorker tweeted this "Hillary Clinton won because all of her opponents are terrible"
Vox had a story with the subheading "Clinton is not facing first-rate competition" and explanation of

"Clinton's greatest achievement in the 2015 primary hasn't been anything she's done against the candidates running against her. It's been preventing other, more formidable politicians from running against her at all. These four guys simply aren't close to being the second, third, fourth, and fifth most serious alternatives to Clinton that the Democratic Party has to offer — and it showed." 

The New York Times did their look at the debate, and starting their story as follows: Bloggers, commentators and the Twitterati quickly weighed in on the first Democratic debate, scoring the winners and losers. Hillary Rodham Clinton was the clear victor, according to the opinion shapers in the political world (even conservative commentators).

Even Conservative blog Redstate ran the following headline "Hillary Clinton Wins Round 1 in a Knockout (I Think)"

So the obvious answer here is that most people think Hillary just flat out killed her competition right?

Actually no. In fact, as it turns out, the only article I linked to that is remotely defensible is the last one, the conservative one, over at RedState. Everyone else is pretty provable lying to you.

See, much like my blogs on the GOP debate, the RedState article is only suppose to represent the opinion of the writer, a point made clear repeatedly in the article itself (not to mention the wording of the headline). And he personally thinks Hillary won, which is a reasonable opinion t have, at least 1 person thinks every candidate won. No problem.

Now the rest of these posts however are trying to give you the "objective" analysis of the debate.....implicitly backed up by some data. Or at least thats how its supposed to work.

Except, heres the data:

Time did a poll which said 56% believed Bernie Sanders had 11% for Clinton
MSNBC was 69% to 12% in favor of Sanders
Liberal blog site Daily Kos had it 56% to 38&, for Sander
A FOX affiliate had 78% for Sander....15% for Clinton
Even the conservative bastion The Drudge Report had Sanders over Clinton 54% to 9%

Slate, which you will noticed I linked to their story proclaiming Clinton the winner with no peers on the stage, did their own poll.....which Declared Bernie Sanders the winner with 76% (to Clinton's 17%)

But perhaps most egregiously is CNN.....who hosted the debate, and was the first article I linked to, in which, like slate declared Hillary the winner and clear front runner.

Which is odd because their poll of their own viewers after the debate looks like this:

Or actually, I should say the poll LOOKED like that.

Now it doesnt look like anything, since CNN deleted it after people started pointing out their own poll didnt back up their analysis of what the poll told them.

Although, if you go look at their articles you likely wont be seeing any one pointing this out....cause CNN has been deleting those any that generally seem to support Sanders.

Now like I said, if you personally think Clinton won the debate, I have no problem with that. But even those who saw the debate and think she won really should be wondering what the fuck is going on here?

We know in 2008 the media believed Hillary to be the next president....and that kinda embarrassingly didnt work out for them. And since 2008 they have believed her to again be the next president.

However, unlike 2008, it seems this time around they are just flat out refusing to do their jobs and actually report on facts that contradict the fantasy they WANT to be true.

And to be fair, this isnt just a problem affecting the Democrats, lots of Republicans (most recently Rand Paul) have made the same claim on their side....that the media is clearly pulling for Trump to the point of not reporting on other candidates/not pressing Trump on issues and his recent drop in polls/catering the next debate rules to his personal preferences, because they know he is what gets them the best ratings.

So it seems, the Media has already decided the 2016 election will be Trump v Clinton....facts and legitimate journalism be damned.

Because hey, we Americans dont need to be able to make an informed and accurate decision about out government.....we only need to make the decision most profitable to our media overlords......

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