Sunday, November 16, 2014

And next on the republican's failed promised agenda......Keystone XL.

So maybe late last week you saw a headline about how the House of Representatives approved the building of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Well heres the thing: DOESNT MATTER.

Just like how my last blog pointed out that the GOP kinda overpromised on the whole Impeachment thing (and the whole Obamacare repeal thing). Well they kinda overpromised on the whole Keystone XL thing too. And now they are trying to cover their asses.

Although to be fair to the GOP this overpromise was a lot harder to see coming then the last one.

Ok so heres the deal, despite winning the election earlier this month, the new congress isnt actually sworn in until January. So this new "news making vote" is actually the 9th or so attempt to pass Keystone with this congress. It always passes the house and fails in the senate.

The thing is, the timing isnt an accident. Doing the vote right now is intentional. Because the problem is, this time around the bill just might pass. And for the Keystone XL supporters, that is actually looking like a bad thing

Ok so their are already 45 Republicans willing to vote yes, and the bill itself has 11 democratic cosponsors. So thats 56 yes votes. 3 more Democrat's have indicated they are willing to vote yes, which brings the total to vote short of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster.

And its also widely believed that President Obama supports and would sign this bill, so overcoming the filibuster is the LAST hurdle before the money for this thing is approved and it gets built (and to be honest, most of the southern part has already been built, its the northern half alone thats drawing all the controversy and attention)

Now normally, this would be a great thing for the Keystone XL supporters, but there's a problem.

Yea it seems the American Government kinda forgot about Canada. And turns out Canada may have already killed the Keystone XL pipeline.

Ok so this gets a little complicated but let me see if i can explain.

In 2010 the "original" Keystone pipeline (KP) opened. It runs from the same spot as the Keystone XL will, but it runs east for a while inside Canada, entering the united states basically parallel with the Mississippi river, then heads south to town of Steele City Nebraska before heading off to Illinois.

The already built and operating part of the XL pipeline runs from Steele City down south to Texas.

So wheres the problem? Well the planned northern part of the XL pipeline is supposed to replace the existing KP pipeline, but unlike KP the XL pipeline is supposed to run due south into the US, then Southeast to Steele City. Now this has the advantage (from the oil companies perspective) of running through American oil fields in Baker Montana.

Now the problem that has generated so much controversy in this country is that between Baker and Steele City is one of the worlds largest reservoirs of Fresh Water, that irrigates 25% of the countries farm land and provides drinking water for the populations of 8 states. Basically the last place you can risk an oil spill.

But the Republicans and our president seem willing to take that risk. However long before the XL gets to Baker it has to pass through 300+ miles of Canada, including a couple of major Canadian fresh water reservoirs.

And unlike our government the Canadian Government sees that as a dealbreaker.

So much so that a couple of weeks ago they approved something called the Energy East Pipeline,

Now that pipeline runs from the same spot as both the KP and XL, but runs east all the way across Canada to New Brunswick just north of the American Border with Maine.  

And the most important part is Energy East is owned by the same company, Transcanada, that proposed Keystone XL.

And therein lies the problem. See Transcanda now has everything they want. A pipeline running from the oil sands in Canada to Texas (the KP and southern half of XL) and a new pipeline to handle the higher amount of oil they think they can drill (Energy East) .

So they no longer have any real reason to fight for Keystone XL.  And there is the problem for the Keystone Supporters.

See even if the Keystone XL bill passes the senate, the company behind it no longer wants to build it. and if the government builds it, it stops 300+ miles short of anything. So its kinda useless. In fact it would be the literal definition of a waste of money and resources.

So yea to avoid looking like an absolute embarrassment this bill needs to fail, but is all set to pass.

Which is the secret of the timing. With the end of the congressional session fast approaching, the president has the rare chance for something called a pocket veto.

See normally after congress passes a law the president has 10 days (12 calendar days since Sundays dont count)  to veto a bill or it becomes a law even without his signature.  But if congress should happen to be adjourned during those 10 days, like say for the holidays like Thanksgiving, if the President refuses to sign the bill it's considered vetoed.

Which is the real win win for everyone.

The President doesnt actually HAVE to veto the bill, so he cant be attacked for killing it.

But Keystone XL doesnt actually get built, which means the embarrassing secret of its uselessness stays a secret and its supporters dont get caught.

And the supporters get to trump the largely ignored construction of the southern half as the "triumph" of the bill they are going to pass on Tuesday because most people have no idea the jobs that the Keystone project are supposed to bring have already come and gone for that part of the country.

So the supporters can claim they followed through on their promise to bring jobs, and no one notices the fact the bill is officially a joke, and no one takes the hit for killing the bill.

So yea, thats how the next part of the Republican's promised agenda is going to fail......and why they probably want it to.

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