Saturday, July 6, 2013

And the award for having no sense of Irony or Shame goes to.......

.....Rush Limbaugh, who on his radio show this week said this

"Now, if the president can decide, "We got a law [Obamacare] here but, you know what, implementing it and enforcing it might not help me," so if he can just delay Obamacare, what else could be delayed that he doesn't like? Maybe all these new Border Patrol agents in the Hoeven-Corker amendment. Maybe they can be delayed, too, after the law has been signed into law. It can be enforced, delayed, or ignored on the whim of the presidency. What is the reason we go through the legislative process if, when it's all over, the president can pick and choose what he's going to allow and what he isn't going to allow, what he's going to permit and what he isn't gonna permit, what he's gonna implement and what he isn't gonna implement. Why even go through the legislative process? You know, we thought Egypt was a country in trouble. Obama just canceled the game. He didn't want Obamacare to play out, so he canceled it, for now. He'll play the game, we'll go back to it when he's got the Congress in his back pocket. Then he'll reschedule the game.

I mean, folks, this is the stuff of banana republics. Laws have no meaning. You remember when the president said the Congress was in recess when they weren't so he could appoint some people who otherwise couldn't make it? Remember when he rolled the bondholders of General Motors when he took over the car companies? The bondholders are due money; they're first in line to get paid. He called 'em "greedy." He told 'em to get the hell out, to eat it for the country.

Remember when he refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act? The regime just decided, "You know what? We don't like this bill, and we're not gonna defend it in federal court." Remember when he unilaterally granted amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Just snapped his fingers, just did it. And, of course, his campaign spent millions falsely calling Mitt Romney a tax felon and a murderer.

But laws come and go at the pleasure of a corrupt regime. The IRS serves as the president's goon squad. His cabinet secretaries buy off businesses and industries one by one. We don't yet know what the NSA is doing at his behest and I don't really know what degree of cooperation the Federal Reserve has with Obama. One thing we do know the Fed is doing is bailing out banks left and right.[...blah blah blah, rant careens off topic]"

Yep you read all of that right, Rush Limbaugh just went on a multi minute tear, absolutely furious that president Obama isnt going to actually enact Obamacare when he said he would.

And yes that is the same Obamacare Rush has been begging the president to repeal and/or refuse to implement for years now, because implementing it would be forcing it the american people.

So yes, the president basically just granted Rush's request.

So this should be a massive win for Rush.....BUT he honestly cant bring himself to agree with the president on anything.

So without the slightest hint of shame or irony, Rush just sold out everything he's been saying for the last 5 years.

See stopping Obamacare will no longer save the country. In fact stopping Obamacare is illegal. After all, only in a corrupt regime do laws "come and go". If Obama was actually an uncorrupt president he would have implemented Obamacare the day after it was signed.  So why the delay? well Duh, cause the presidents corrupt and never wants to do the right thing for the forcing socialized medicine on them.

And of course since Obama never wants to do the right thing for the country, he "just canceled the game". And because of that "Why even go through the legislative process?" if the President can just do what he wants anyways? Cause lets be honest, President Obama NEVER supported Obamacare.....the similarity in the two names is a random fluke.

And of course, this refusal to allow the American people to have their Obamacare is something we should have seen coming.....after all its as immoral as having the NSA spy on you, or giving your hard earned money to the evil banks that crashed the economy, or takes away your cars.......

I'm also on a personal level, kinda amused by the comparison to DOMA.

Again lets follow the logic train here. Ok so the president refused to defend DOMA, and his refusal to do so likely led to the downfall and overturning of the law.  Now according to Rush, thats the same thing Obama just did to Obamacare.

Which should mean Obama's refusal to do his duty with Obamacare should lead to the downfall and end of Obamacare. Which again was what what Rush had been asking for for least until the Obama disagreement reflex kicked in.

I'm telling you the dude really really cant help himself. Rush Limbaugh's rules of life seem to be as follows

1) Rush is right on all issues
2) Obama is never right on any issue
3) Rush and Obama can never have the same side on any issue
4) if Rush and Obama agree on any issue.......Change Rush's position to uphold the rules.

But you gotta at least admire a guy who can sell out pretty much everything he has said in half a decade in a 3 minute rant and not show even the slightly hint of shame or self recognition of the irony of what he's doing.

Lets be honest, that level of shameless obliviousness takes some real talent. And I'll even go as far to say that in that respect, Mr. Limbaugh is probably the single most talented individual the world has ever seen.

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