And I dont just mean he quit his job, but as the first line of his public resignation letter states:
Yes, I have changed my political affiliation to the Democratic Party."
That's right, he just quit the whole freaking republican party and jumped ship.
Now why did he do that? well thats line 2
"It doesn’t take much to see the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today. I have wondered before about the seemingly harsh undertones about immigrants and others."
In short he quit because of the republican stand on immigration and how out of touch the republican party is on the issue. it should be noted the former director in question here is himself Latino
So that begs the question, how out of touch is the republican party? Well just take a look at one of the 23 amendments presented by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to the big immigration bill working its way through the senate. In the amendment Sen. Lee would exempt any illegal immigrants and their employers from e-verify checks or prosecution for employing illegal workers.....assuming of course the illegal immigrants worked in the following fields
"cooks, waiters, butlers, housekeepers, governessess, maids, valets, baby sitters, janitors, laundresses, furnacemen, care-takers, handymen, gardeners, footmen, grooms, and chauffeurs of automobiles for family use"
Now on a first read a couple of this positions might jump out at you, "Housekeepers" "Janitors" "Handymen" and "Gardeners" are stereo-typically Latino. So he's basically reinforcing the racist sterotypes of what Latino's do, and basically saying these are the jobs we will allow you to do if your breaking the law simply by being here.
So he's adding the assumption that anyone who does these jobs is illegal on top of the sterotypes and degrading the legal workers in these fields as a result.
But what actually struck me as much more interesting were some of the other job titles, titles that I admit sent me running the the dictionary or an encyclopedia to figure out what they were, because it turns out, most of those positions dont actually exist anymore.
Take Furnacemen for example. A Furnaceman is (as near as I can tell cause its not in the dictionary) a person who comes to your house to dump more coal in your Furnace. You do have a coal burning furnace in your home right? And if your one of the rare people who do, you clearly have better things to do then shovel coal into it right? I mean why no pay someone to do that for you?
Next up we look at laundresses. Like a Furanceman a laundresses is pretty self explanatory. Its the woman who does your laundry (no not your mother). Whats that you say, you use a washing machine to do your laundry? Well that would explain why all the google image results came up looking something like this:
Speaking of terms you dont know because modern technology has made them obsolete what about a "Footman"? what is a Footman you ask?
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Footmen. |
Thats right, Footmen are the guys who ride on the back of a carriage (or run along side it) and move any obstructions it encounters out of the way, so the carriage can proceed. Your family does own a carriage right? I hope so no self respecting modern family would ever be caught without one. And yes by the way, they are actually expected to dress that stupidly. You see "footmen were something of a luxury and therefore a status symbol even among the servant-employing classes. They performed a less essential role than the cook, maid or even butler, and were part only of the grandest households. Since a footman was for show as much as for use, a tall footman was more highly prized than a short one, and good looks, including well-turned legs, which were shown off by the traditional footman's dress of stockings worn below kneebreeches, were an advantage." (credit wikipedia).
Thats right, its tall young men with awesome legs being trotted around so rich people can so off status. Which of course is why all you peons out there dont have one.
Fair warning however, its possible your Footmen might clash with your "chauffeurs of automobiles for family use" and create an anachronistic tear in the space time continuum.
What your footman will match well with is your "Groom". And sorry ladies, they dont mean you can marry that hot latino hunk down the street even if he's not legal. They mean a Horsegroom.
Thats the guy who takes care of your horse and stables. You know, the Dancing Horse your sending to the Olympics
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Rafalca Romney....Mitt's dancing Horse. |
Wait you mean you dont own a horse and a person to look after it?
So you probably dont have a governesses either....unless your name is Von Trap
Just saying. These days schools, public or private are kinda readily available.........
Yea in case you havnt noticed, theirs a bit of a pattern here. Every position there are servants of rich people. Most of them exclusively so (Butler, Footman, governesses, chauffeur, ect)
Basically what Senator Lee's amendment comes down to is if your a brown folk and you want to serve rich white folk we can wave the rules for you. Otherwise get the fuck out and stay out.
In fact with a pitch and occupation list like that, I cant see at all why people think the republican party is behind the times, out of touch with the middle class and why latino's are evacuating the party in droves.
Seriously can you guys just admit the whole "Latino Outreach" thing was an April fools joke you let drag on way too long?
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